2023-05-17 12:29
  • 龚元石
  • 龚元石 - 教授-中国农业大学-资源与环境学院-个人资料




1980.09-1984.07 南京大学 气候学 本科 理学学士
1984.09-1987.09 北京农业大学 土壤农业化学 农学硕士
1989.03-1993.02 德国霍恩海姆大学 土壤学 农学博士
1987.09-1989.03 北京农业大学 资源环境与遥感研究所 助教
1993.03-1994.12 北京农业大学 土壤学 博士后
1995.01-1999.12 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院 副教授
1997.01-1999.03 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院 副院长
1999.04-2002.05 中国农业大学 西区科研处 处长
2002.06-2010.05 中国农业大学 科学技术处 处长 科研院 常务副院长
2003.04-2012.06 中国农业大学 校长助理(兼任)
2004.02-2006.01 云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州人民政府 副州长(挂职)
2010.05-2012.06 中国农业大学 发展规划处 处长
2011.11-2012.05 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院 院长(兼任)
2012.06- 中国农业大学 副校长
1. 国家863计划课题“土壤参数时域反射仪(TDR)关键技术研究”(2006-2009)
2. 国家自然科学基金项目“饱和土壤热弥散及其与溶质机械弥散的关系”(2005-2007)
3. 北京市科委课题“绿色蔬菜根际控释肥料的开发研制”(2002-2004)
4. 国家863计划课题“高效农艺节水关键技术与新产品”(2001-2004)
5. 重点科技攻关计划专题“作物高产及高生产力条件下环境可承受的持续农业研究”(2000-2001)
6. 中德合作项目“小麦/玉米耕作制度下和蔬菜地的水分平衡与硝态氮淋洗”(1998-2001)
7. 国家自然科学基金项目“土壤与环境间能量传递过程的分形特征研究”(1995-1997)
8. 国家教委回国人员启动基金“华北平原农田灌溉需水量评估体系的研究”(1993-1994)
9. 博士后科学基金项目“华北平原气候条件下参考作物蒸发蒸腾的初步研究”(1993-1994)


1. 土壤物理
2. 作物水分利用与节水农业""


1. Ju Liu, Haiqing Chen, Xinming Yang, Yuanshi Gong, Xunhua Zheng, Mingsheng Fan, Yakov Kuzyakov. 2017. Annual Methane uptake from different land uses in an agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 236(2017):67-77.
1. X.M. Yang, H.Q. Chen, Y.S. Gong, X.H. Zheng, M.S. Fan, Y. Kuzyakov,2015. Nitrous oxide emissions from an agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China depending on land uses。Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 213:241–251.
2. 苏志慧,吴兵,龚元石. 2015. 不同孔隙度土壤气体扩散系数测定. 农业工程学报. 31(15):108-113.
1. W. Han, Y.S. Gong, T.S. Ren, R. Horton. 2014. Accounting for Time-Variable Soil Porosity Improves the Accuracy of the Gradient Method for Estimating Soil Carbon Dioxide Production. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 78:1426-1433.
2. Q. Liang, H.Q. Chen, Y.S. Gong, H.F. Yang, M.S. Fan, Y. Kuzyakov. 2014. Effects of 15 years of manure and mineral fertilizers on enzyme activities in particle-size fractions in a North China Plain soil. European Journal of Soil Biology 60:112-119.
3. Meiju Liu, Weiling Liang, Hang Qu, Gengyin Zhi, Qiuxue Chen, Yuanshi Gong, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Shan Lin. 2014. Ground cover rice production systems are more adaptable in cold regions with high content of soil organic matter. Field Crops Research 164:74-81.
1. R.M Zheng, Z.Z Li, Y.S Gong. 2011. A Coated Helical Transmission Line Time Domain Transmission Sensor for Measuring Water Content in Saline Soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 75(2),397-407.
1. H. Wang, Z.Z. Li, Y.S. Gong, W.H. Zhang. 2010. Forage mass and water use response to irrigation time in North China. Agronomy Journal. 102:926-933.
1. H. Wang, Z.Z. Li., Y.S. Gong, Z.Y. Wang and D. Huang. 2009. Single Irrigation Can Achieve Relatively High Production and Water Use Efficiency of Siberian Wildrye Grass in the Semiarid Agropastoral Ecotone of North China. Agronomy Journal. 101(4):996-1002.
2. H.Q. Chen, R.X. Hou, Y.S.Gong. H.W.Li. M.S. Fan, Y.K. Kuzyakov. 2009. Effects of 11 years of conservation tillage on soil organic matter fractions in wheat monoculture in Loess Plateau of China. Soil & Tillage Research. 106:85-94.
3. X.R Lu, T.S. Ren, Y.S. Gong. 2009. Experimental Investigation of Thermal Dispersion in Saturated Soils with One Dimensional Water Flow. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 73(6):1912-1920.
4. Bai Y.H., He J., Li H.W., Wang Q.J., Chen H., Kuhn N.J., Hikel H., Chen F. Gong Y.S. 2009. Soil Structure and Crop Performance after 10 Years of Controlled Traffic and Traditonal Tillage Cropping in the Dryland Loess Plateau in China. Soil Sci. 174(2):113-119.
5. 郑茹梅, 李子忠, 龚元石. 2009. 运用时域传输技术测定不同类型土壤的含水率. 农业工程学报. 25(8):8-13.
1. S. Lu, T.S. Ren, Y.S. Gong, R. Horton. 2008. Evaluation of Three Models that Describe Soil Water Retention Curves from Saturation to Oven Dryness. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 72(6):1542-1546.
2. Bai Y.H., Chen F., Li H.W., Chen H., He J., Wang Q.J., J.N.Tullberg, Gong Y.S. 2008. Traffic and tillage effects in wheat production on the Loess Plateau of China: II. Soil physical properties. Australian Journal of Soil Research. 46:652-658.
3. Chen H., Bai Y.H., Wang Q.J., Chen F., Gao H.W., J.N.Tullberg, J.R.Murray, Li H.W., Gong Y.S. 2008. Traffic and tillage effects in wheat production on the Loess Plateau of China:I. Crop yield and SOM. Australian Journal of Soil Research. 46:645-651.
1. S. Lu,T.S. Ren. Y.S. Gong R. Horton. 2007. An Improved Model for Predicting Soil Thermal Conductivity from Water Content at Room Temperature. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 71:8-14.
2. 于红梅, 李子忠, 龚元石. 2007. 传统和优化水氮管理对蔬菜地土壤氮素损失与利用效率的影响. 农业工程学报. 23(2):54-59.
1. J. Y. Gao, T. S. Ren, and Y.S. Gong. 2006. Correcting Wall Flow Effect Improves the Heat Pulse Technique for Determining Water Flux in Saturated Soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:711-717.
2. Hong-mei Yu, Zi-zhong Li, Yuan-shi Gong, Ulrich Mack, Karl-Heinz Feger, and Karl Stahr. 2006. Water drainage and nitrate leaching under traditional and improved management of vegetable cropping systems in the North China Plain. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science.169, 47-51.
1. Tusheng Ren, Zhaoqiang Ju, Yuanshi Gong, and Robert Horton. 2005. Comparing Heat-Pulse and Time Domain Reflectometry Soil Water Contents from Thermo- Time Domain Reflectometry Probes. Vadose Zone Journal. 4:1080-1086.
2. Ulrich Dieter Mack, Karl-Heinz Feger, Yuanshi Gong, and Karl Stahr.2005. Soil water balance and nitrate leaching in winter wheat – summer maize double-cropping systems with different irrigation and N fertilization in the North China Plain. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science.168, 454-460.
3. 赵爱琴,李子忠,龚元石. 2005. 生物降解地膜对玉米生长的影响及其田间降解状况. 中国农业大学学报. 10(2), 74-78.
4. 白玉华,陈阜,龚元石. 2005. 红河国家农业科技园区发展模式与运行机制的探讨. 中国农业大学学报. 10(1), 72-75.
1. 于红梅,龚元石,李子忠,张小兰. 2004. 不同水氮管理对苋菜和菠菜的产量及硝态氮含量的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报. 10(3): 302-305.
2. 马军花, 任理, 龚元石, Karl Stahr. 2004. 冬小麦生长条件下土壤氮素运移动态的数值模拟. 水利学报, 3: 103-110.
1. Yuanshi Gong, Qiaohong Cao and Zongjia Sun. 2003. The effects of bulk density, clay content and temperature on soil water content measurement using time-domain reflectometry. Hydrological Processes. 17, 3601-3614.
2. 曹巧红, 龚元石. 2003. 应用Hydrus-1D模型模拟分析冬小麦农田水分氮素运移特征. 植物营养与肥料学报. 9(2):139-145.
3. 曹巧红, 龚元石. 2003. 降水影响冬小麦灌溉农田水分渗漏和氮淋失模拟分析. 中国农业大学学报. 8(1): 37-42.
1. 齐述华, 李子忠, 龚元石.2002.应用水量平衡原理计算三种蔬菜的需水量和作物系数. 中国农业大学学报, 7(1):71-76.
2. Gong Yuanshi and Cao Qiaohong. 2002. A Laboratory experiment of time domain reflectometry for soil water measurement including effects of bulk density and temperature. 17th WCSS commission I-04.
1. 李品芳, 侯振安, 龚元石.2001. NaCl胁迫下苜蓿和羊草苗期生长与养分吸收特性研究.植物营养与肥料学报.7(2):211-217.
2. 李子忠, 龚元石.2001. 不同采样尺度的田间土壤水分和混合电导率空间变异性及其套合结构模型. 植物营养与肥料学报. 7(3):255-261.
3. 曹巧红, 龚元石. 2001, 土壤电导率对时域反射仪测定土壤水分的影响.土壤学报.38(4):483-490.
1. 龚元石. 2000. 中国水资源及其可持续利用. 见: 张凤荣等编著, \
中国农业大学第五届校学术委员会委员(2015- )

