2023-05-17 11:45
  • 侯湖平
  • 侯湖平 - 副教授 硕士生导师-中国矿业大学-环境与测绘学院-个人资料




出生年月: 1975年10月
1. 中国矿业大学基本学科前沿研究专项,2017XKQY071, 生态脆弱矿区植被群落恢复力及其评价模型,2017-2019,20万。
2. 地下封存CO2泄漏胁迫下地表植被光谱特征的识别研究,江苏省煤基CO2捕集与地质储存重点实验室基金,2012KF01,3万元,2013.01 - 2015.12。
3. 基于“3S”的矿区生态演替过程动态监测研究,江苏省重点实验室基金,JS200903,3万元, 2011.03 -2013.03。
4. 丰县城区地价监测项目,丰县国土资源局,84万元, 2010-2017。
5. 泗县乡镇土地定级与基准地价更新项目,泗县国土资源局,80万元,2011-2014。
6. 泗县城区土地定级与基准地价更新项目,25万元,2010-2012。
1. 矿区土地生态恢复力基础研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,82万元,2015-2018,51474214。
2.山西大同南郊区采煤沉陷地综合治理, 259万元,2015-2016。
3. “863”计划子课题:基于碳卫星的碳核查遥感技术体系研究之典型城市碳核查遥感方法研究,2013AA122003,2013.01-2015.12,28万元,结题,参加。
4. 胜利油田CO2驱油示范区植被生态监测研究,“十二五”科技支撑计划子课题,50万元,2012-2015,2011BAH27F02-03。
5. 煤炭开采碳效应研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,51074154,38万元,2011-2013。
7. 基于RS\\GIS\\C-cyce Modes的矿山扰动及其恢复评价的理论与技术研究,教育部新世纪优秀人才项目,50万元,2008-2011,NECT-07-0805。
邱文玮,硕士论文:矿区生态服务功能价值的评估模型及其应用研究 ——以徐州九里矿区为例,2014
2011煤炭工业协会科技进步奖(Ⅰ, R11)




HouHu-ping,Zhang Shao-liang,DingZhong-yi,Ma Chang-zhong.Thinking and practice of bilingual teaching materialconstruction of real estate appraisal[J].Education Mordenization,2017,17(4):76-79.
Hou Hu-ping,Zhang Shao-liang,Ding Zhong-yi,Wang Ying-hong,GongYun-long,Zhou Tian-jiang.Research on the project-based flipped classroomteaching model–A case study of real estate appraisal[J].Education TeachingForum,2017.10.
Zhang Shao-liang,Zhang Li-ming,Hou Hu-ping,Chen Fu,Ma Jing,(2017).Research overview on natural restoration of ecosystem.Journalof Arid Land Resources and Environment.Vol31(1):160-166.
Hou Hu-ping,Zhang Shao-liang,Ding Zhong-yi,Wang Yun-jia Wang,Yang Yong-jun,Guo Shanchuan.(2016).Temporalvariation of near-surface CO2 concentrations over different land uses in Suzhoucity.Environment Earth Science,75:1197.
Hou Hu-ping,Zhang Shao-liang.2016.Study on ecological restoration strategy of coal mining subsidence inLoess Plateau.XVI International Congress for Mine Surveying(ISM2016)Congress,Australia.
GUO Shan-chuan,HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Shao-liang,XU Ya-qing,YANG Yong-jun,(2016).Surface deformationmonitoring of the mining area in Loess Plateau based on D-In SAR.Science of Surveying and Mapping,Vol(06):1-11.
XU Ya-qing,ZHANG Shao-liang,HOUHu-ping,ZHANG Yuan-yuan,CHEN Fu,LIU Xin,YANG Yong-jun.,(2016).Influenceof CO2 leakage from oil-producing wellson crop growth based on improved CASA model.International Journal of Remote Sensing,Vol37(2):290-308.
ZHANG Shao-liang,YANG Yong-jun,HOU Hu-ping,(2016).Overview of novel ecosystems theory and itscritiques.ActaEcologicaSinca,Vol36(17):1-8.In Chinese.
Chen Fu,Yang Yong-jun,Ma Yan-jun,Hou Huping,Zhang Shao-liang,Ma Jing.2016.Effects of CO2leakage onsoil bacterial communities from simulated CO2-EOR areas.Environmental ScienceProcesses&Impacts,18,547.
Ma Jing,Zhang Wang-yuan,Chen Yi,Zhang Shao-liang,Feng Qi-yan,Hou,Hu-ping,Chen Fu.2016.Spatialvariability of PAHs and Microbial Community Structure in surrounding surficialsoil of coal-fired power plants in Xuzhou,China,International journal ofenvironmental research and public health,13,878
ZHANG Shao-liang,YANG Yong-jun,HOU Hu-ping,(2016).Overview of novel ecosystems theory and itscritiques.ActaEcologicaSinca,Vol36(17):1-8.In Chinese.
HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Shao-liang,DINGZhong-yi,HUANG An-ping,TIAN Yang-feng,(2015).Spatiotemporal dynamics of carbonstorage in terrestrial ecosystem vegetation in the Xuzhou coal mining area,China.Environmental Earth Sciences,Vol74(2):1657-1669.
HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Shao-liang,DING Zhong-yi,Yang Yong-jun.Evaluation of Ecological Resilience Based on Vegetation CarbonStorage in Coal Mining Areas.6th World Conference on Ecological RestorationManchester Metropolitan–University,2015.08.23 2015.08.27.
HOU Hu-ping,HUANG An-ping,ZHANG Shao-liang,ZHU Li-jun,,AN Yan-ling,WANG Zhen-shan,(2015).Analysis on Anastomosis of Mineral Resource Developing Area and EcologicalFragile Region——Taking Guizhou Province as an Example.MINING R&D,2015(01):103-108.
HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Shao-liang,DING Zhong-yi,MOU Shou-guo,ZHOU Tian-jian,(2015).Comparative with combining teaching with research in land reclamation,Chinese Geological Education,Issue2:87-91.In Chinese.
ZHANG Yan,CHEN Fu,YANG Yong-jun,ZHANG Shao-liang,HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Jian,ZHANGYuan-yuan,(2015).Methodology of spatial info-spectrum for ecologicalmonitoring in CO2-EOR region.Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection,Vol41(5):55-56+48.In Chinese.
ZHANG Jin-hui,ZHANG Shao-liang,JIA Rong,ZHAO Jin-mei,HOU Hu-ping,(2015).Quantitativeevaluation on the difference of canopy coverof town parcels.Ecological Science,Vol34(6):148-156.In Chinese.
ZHANG Li-ming,ZHANG Shao-liang,Hou Hu-ping,Zhang Yi,Xu Bang-gui,(2015).Evaluation model andempirical study of carbon emission reduction effect from mining landreclamation.China Mining Magazine,Vol24(11):65-70.In Chinese.
YANG Yong-jun,ZHANG Shao-liang,HOU Hu-ping,LI Xiao-shun,(2015).The ecological impacts of coal mining and the regional differentiation,China Land Sciences,Vol29(1):55-62.In Chinese.
WANG Zhen-shan,ZHANG Shao-liang,CHEN Fu,HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Jin-hui,ZHAO Jin-mei,(2015).The coordinationdegree of urban land intensive and ecological utilization in China——taking 31 provincial cities as anexample.Urban Problems,Issue11:38-44.In Chinese.
HOU Hu-ping,XU Zhan-jun,ZHANG Shao-liang,YU Jian,ZHANG Jian,(2014).Effectevaluation on vegetation carbon pool of region agro-ecosystem by coal mining inmining area.Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering,Vol30(5):1-9.In Chinese.
ZHANG Shao-liang,ZHU Li-jun,HOUHu-ping,AN Yan-ling,(2014).Mine ecological restoration from theperspective of“five in one”.Environmental Protection,Vol42(2-3):72-74.InChinese.
LIU Xin,ZHANG Shao-liang,HOUHu-ping,(2014).Design and development of GHG inventory system based onWebGIS.Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology.Vol4(5):406-411.InChinese.
XU Zhan-jun,ZHANG Shao-liang,HOU Hu-ping,YU Jian,ZHANG Jian,(2014).Post evaluation of sustainabilityin the mining land reclamation project in Jiuli Xuzhou based on complex systemstheory.Journal of Shanxi Auricular University(Natural Science Edition),Vol34(1):28-33.In Chinese.
YANG Yong-jun,ZHANG Shao-liang,HOU Hu-ping,(2014).The research on the estimation of fugitivegreenhouse gas emissions from coal mining.China Coal,Vol40(1):114-117.InChinese.
XU Zhan-jun,ZHANG Shao-liang,HOUHu-ping,(2014).Research on the effect of coal mining on carbon reserves offarmland soil:taking the typical coal mining subsidence basin as a case.Modern Mining,Issue7:128-131.In Chinese.
ZHANG Shao-liang,WANG Zhen-shan,HOU Hu-ping,(2014).Discussion on the intensive use of constructionland and ecological coordination.China Land,29-30.In Chinese.
HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Shao-liang,DING Zhong-yi,MA Chang-zhong,HUANG An-ping,(2013).Impact on vegetation carbon storage in ecosystem from land use change incoal mine area:a case study at Checheng mine in Xuzhou mining area.Journal ofChina Coal Society,Vol38(10):1850-1855.In Chinese.
QIU Wen-wei,HOU Hu-ping,(2013).Research on carbon disturbance of mine ecological damage:A Case Study in XuzhouJiuli mine.China Ming Magazine,Vol(02):49-52.
QIU Wen-wei,HOU Hu-ping,(2013).Study on Surface Temperature Variation Caused byEcological Disturbance in the Mining Area Based on RS.Mining R&D,Vol(02):68-71+83.
LIU Xin,ZHANG Shao-liang,YANAi-hua,HOU Hu-ping,(2013).Design on early warning system of CO2 sequestrationleakage based on web GIS and WSN.Communications in Computer andInformation Science,Vol399 PART II:407-413.
XU Zhan-jun,LIU Ying,ZHANG Shao-liang,HOUHu-ping,(2013).Questionnaire investigation and policy recommendations on allocate-ionand compensation criteria in process of evaluation of the requisition of thehouses of Shenzhen.Guangdong Land Science,Vol12(5):6-10.In Chinese.
HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Shao-liang,DING Zhong-yi,GONG Yun-long,MA Chang-zhong.(2012).Study on the measurement of ecological loss based on the net primaryproductivity in coal mines.JOURNAL OF CHINA COAL SOCIETY.37(3):445-451.InChinese.
Hou,Huping,Zhang Shaoliang,Ma Changzhong,Ding Zhongyi.Study on the change of thevegetation carbon storagebased onclimate change and mining activities in coal mining[C],Japan-ChinaInternational workshop on land improvement and Agriculture SustainableDevelopment.
Hou Hu-ping,Zhang Shao-liang.The impact on vegetationcarbon of ecosystem from land use change in Coal mining area---by the exampleof chacheng mining in Xuzhou[C],Joint International Workshop on Mine Surveyingin China.
HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Shao-liang,MA Chang-zhong,DING Zhong-yi,LIAN Hui-min,LIUYan-jun,(2012).Discussion on the Teaching System of the Course of Real Estate.ChineseGeologicalEducation,2012,(04):111-115.
XU Zhan-jun,HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Shao-liang.Study on the measure of ecologicalloss based on the net primary productivity in coal mining[J].Transactions ofthe Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering,2012,28(5):232-240.
XU Zhan-jun,HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Shao-liang,DING Zhong-yi.(2012).Effects of mining activity and climaticchange on ecological losses in coal mining areas.Transactions of the ChineseSociety of Agricultural Engineering.28(5):232-240.In Chinese.
LIN Yinan,HOU Hu-ping,MA Changzhong,QIU Zilu,(2010).New idea for System of Compensated Use ofland:Five-year Rent System.Land and RealEstate,Vol(03):75-78.
ZHANG Shao liang,HOU Hu ping,GONG Yun long,Li Jingjing,(2011).Re-forming a New PriceSupervision System for Land Market.China Land Science,24(08):8-14.
WU Gang,ZHANGShao-liang,HOU Hu-ping.(2011).Designof Mining Ecologic Disturbance Monitoring System Based on the3S.Geomatics&Spatial Information Technology.34(2):133-135.In Chinese.
LUO Xi,ZHANGShao-liang,HOU Hu-ping.(2011).Comparativeanalysis of rural land transfer in mid-east China.Journal of Yangzhou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition).15(1):44-48.In Chinese.
ZHANG Lan-lan,ZHANG Shao-liang,HOUHu-ping,YANG Xiang-fei,SA Ren-na.(2011).Research on the rural land circulationefficiency based on DEA——a case study of Shengzhou City,Zhejiang province.GuangdongLand Science,10(1):10-15.In Chinese.
HU Lu,ZHANGShao-liang,HOU Hu-ping,DENGXiao-ling,LUO Xi,ZHANG Wei-wei.(2011).Rural land circulation land stockcooperation mode—take Zhejiang province Shengzhou city as example.39(3):583-585.In Chinese.
XU Zhan-jun,ZHANG Shao-liang,HOUHu-ping,(2011).Carbon effects of coal mining on mine land disturbance.Chinese&Foreign Entrepreneurs,(9):56-57.In Chinese.
HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Shao-liang,YAN Yan,GUO Shi-yong,DUN De-guang,JIN Yu-jie.(2010).RS and GIS basedecological landscape restoration in Xuzhou northern coal mining area.Journalof China University of Mining&Technology.39(4):504-510.InChinese.
HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Shao-liang,Sa Ren-na.The analysis onthe change degree of eco-environmental factors in mining disturbancearea[C]//XIV International congress of the ISM.South Africa,2010:477-488.
HOU Hu-ping,DING Zhon-gyi,ZHANG Shao-liang,WANG Ying-hong,MA Chang-zhong.(2010).Researchof land resource management professional practice teaching reform.ChinaElectric Power Education,(30):126-128.In Chinese.
HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Shao-liang,DING Zhong-yi,Sa Ren-na.(2010).Item teaching method in the real estate appraisal teaching.World Education.(03):41-44.In Chinese.
XU Zhan-jun,ZHANG Shao-liang,WANG Jing,LIU Ai-xia,HOU Hu-ping.(2010).Land consolidation technology of damagedfarmland in Wenchuan seismic disastrous area.Transactions of the ChineseSociety of Agricultural Engineering,26(7):307-311.In Chinese.
ZHANG Wei-wei,ZHANG Shao-liang,HOU Hu-ping,LUO Xi,DENG Xiao-ling,HU Lu.(2010).Agricultural land transfer driving forcesystem analysis.Rural Economy,(8):25-29.In Chinese.
HU Lu,ZHANG Shao-liang,HOUHuping,DENG Xiaoling,LUO Xi,ZHANG Weiwei.(2010).Game analysis of collective construction landtransfer——take Wuhu city and Zibo city as examples.Guangdong Land Science,9(4):15-19.In Chinese.
DENG Xiao-ling,ZHANG Shao-liang,HOU Hu-ping,YANG Xiang-fei,ZHANG Lan-lan,HU Lu.(2010).Analysis on the problems of agricultural landtransfer market and its countermeasures study——based on empirical analysis ofShengzhoucity in Zhejiang province.Forestry Economics,(10):60-64.InChinese.
DENG Xiao-ling,ZHANG Shao-liang,HOU Hu-ping,YANG Xiang-fei,ZHANG Lan-lan,HU Lu.(2010).Resourceindustrial economy.(11):23-26.In Chinese.
HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Shao-liang,YAN Yan,GUO Shi-yong,DUN De-guang,Jin Yu-jie.(2009).Study on ecologicallandscape restoration in mining areas based on RS and GIS:a case of Xuzhou northerncoal mining area.China Land Science,23(8):62-67.In Chinese.
HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Shao-liang,WANG Jing,LIU Ai-xia,WANG Xue-song,WANGLi.(2009).Study on the consolidation methodsof building ruins on the post-earthquake.Journal of ShanxiAgricultural University(Natural Science Edition),29(6):505-508.InChinese.
HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Shao-liang,LI Ming-ming,YAN Yan.(2008).Changes of land use and landscape patternin Lu’an coal mining area based on remote sensing.Ecological Economy,2:337-339.In Chinese.
HOU Hu-ping,DING Zhong-yi,LIU Yan-jun,JIN Bo et al,(2008).Study onSustainable Appraisal for Land-Use in Luan Mining Area Based on the Method ofEcological Footprint.Journal of Anhui Agri,21:9192-9193+9096.
ZHANG Shao-liang,HOU Hu-ping,ZHAO Yu-juan,ZHAO Hong.(2008).Study onthe classification management of urban land price.UrbanProblems,(2):73-77.In Chinese.
DING Zhong-yi,HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Shao-liang.(2008).Trialof research-type teaching method in science of land planning.ChineseGeological Education,(1):86-88,112.In Chinese.
HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Fu-gang,DU Hui,(2007).An Analysis of Land Use in NationalAgricultural Science and Technology Park——A case study of thirty-six national agricultural science andtechnology parks in China.Scientific and Technological Management of Land andResources,2007,01:29-33+28.
SONG Hong-mei,HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Shao-liang,DING Zhong-yi,HUANG Ji-hui.(2007).Research on evaluation of urban land intensiveutilization——a case study in Xuzhou City.Resource Development&Market,23(2):116-118,180.In Chinese.
HUANG Ji-hui,ZHANG Shao-liang,HOU Hu-ping,LEI Shao-gang,DU Xiao-yan.(2007).Analysis on the policy about dynamicequilibrium of total cultivated land in China.Resources&Industries,9(1):40-43.In Chinese.
HUANG Ji-hui,ZHANG Shao-liang,HOU Hu-ping.(2007).An analysis on the driving force system of urban land intensive use.GuangdongLand Science,6(1):21-24.In Chinese.
LI,Ming-ming,HOU Hu-ping,LU Ya-ling.Application of farmland gradation and appraisal to balance of farmland[J].Scientific and Technological Management of Land and Resources,2007,24(6):97-100.
ZHAO Jian,ZHANG Shao-liang,HOUHu-ping,SHI Li-jun.(2006).Application of price models in datum price appraisalof agricultural land——a case study of Yongqiao district in Suzhou city.ResourceDevelopment&Market,22(2):105-108.In Chinese.
HUANG Ji-hui,ZHANG Shao-liang,HOU Hu-ping,ZHOU Xian-jun.(2006).Concepts of urban land economical use ofintensive use.Land&Resources Herald,3(6):17-19.In Chinese.
ZHU Xin-hua,JIA Yan,HOUHu-ping,(2006).Effects of Land Use Change on Values of Ecosystem Services.Scientific and Technological Management of Land and Resources,2006,02:97-99.
DING Zhong-yi,HAO Jin-min,IULing-an,HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Fu-gang,(2006).Analysis of the RelationshipBetween Soil Organic atter Content Changes and Grain Production Behaviors n CountyRegion.Journal of China University of Mining&Technology,2006,03:397-402.
ZHU Xin-hua,HOU Hu-ping,ZHANG Yang,MAOZhi-fang,(2005).Factors Affecting Changes of Farmland-use Type Conversion——Taking Xuzhou as An Example ResourceDevelopment&Market,Vol21(05):407-409.
LIU Bin-tao,HOU Hu-ping,TIAN Zhi-ming,LIYan,(2005).A Research Into Land Use change and driving Factors.Scientific andTechnological Management of Land and Resources,2005,22(06):45-48.
DINGZhong-yi,HAO Jin-min,LI Xin-bo,ZHANG Fu-gang,HOU Hu-ping,(2005).Land Use atterns in Agricultural StructuralAdjustment and its influence on Crop Yield:A Case Study in Qu-Zhou County ofHebei Province.Resources Science,24(04):95-99.
PU Ling-yuan,LI Gang,GAO Xiao-ying,HOU Hu-ping,(2005).The Considerationon Land Rearrangement in Xuzhou City.Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin,Vol21(11):368-371.
DING Zhong-yi,HAOJin-min,LI Tao,HOU Hu-ping,ZHANGFu-gang,BAI Wei,(2005).Connection and Its Application of Regional Land UseIntensity.China Land Science,Vol19(05):19-24.
HOUHu-ping,LV Liang-qing,JIA Shang-sheng,(2004).Studyon assessments of sustainable land use in Taigu Country.Territory&Natural Resources Study,2004,01:31-32.
HOU Hu-Ping,DING Zhong-yi,LV Liang-qing,(2004).The Appraisal IndicatorSystem of the Sustainable Land Use in Regional Level.Journal of ShanxiAgricultural University,2003,01:42-44.
HOU Hu-Ping.Study on Assessments of Susta1nab1e Land Use at Regional Level[D].ShanxiAgricultural University,2003.

