2023-05-17 11:03
  • 俞飚
  • 俞飚 - 研究员-中国科学院上海有机化学研究所-生命有机化学国家重点实验室-个人资料




教育经历 Education\r
1985年9月-1989年7月 \t北京大学技术物理系 学士学位Department of Technical Physics, Peking University, B.Sc.\r
1989年9月-1992年7月 \t中科院上海有机所 硕士学位SIOC, MS\r
1992年9月-1995年7月 \t中科院上海有机所 博士学位SIOC, Ph.D\r
工作经历 Professional Experience\r
1995年9月-1996年8月 \t美国纽约大学化学系 博士后Postdoc, New York University\r
1996年9月-1997年8月 \t中科院上海有机所 助理研究员Assistant Professor, SIOC\r
1997年9月-1999年11月 \t中科院上海有机所 副研究员Associate Professor, SIOC\r
1999年12月-至今 \t中科院上海有机所 研究员Professor, SIOC\r
主要学术兼职 Major Joint Positions\r
2002年-2005年 \t中国海洋大学 兼职教授Ocean University of China, Joint Professor\r
2004年-至今 \t中国科学技术大学 兼职博导University of Science and Technology of China, Joint Professor\r
2009年-至今 \t华东理工大学 特聘讲座教授East China University of Science and Technology, Honorary Professor\r
2010年-至今 \t上海高校E-化学生物学研究院 特聘研究员E-Institutes of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Joint Professor\r
2013年-至今 \t上海科技大学 教授ShanghaiTech University, Joint Professor\r
2004-current \tNational Representative, International Carbohydrate Organization\r
2009-current \tSteering Committee Member, Asian Communications of Glycobiology and Glycotechnology\r
2011 \tVice president, International Heterocyclic Chemistry Society\r
2005-current \tCarbohydrate Research, Editorial Board Member\r
2010-current \tJournal of Asian Natural Products Research, Editorial Board Member\r
2010-current \tNatural Products and Bioprospecting, Editorial Board Member\r
2011-current \tAsian Journal of Organic Chemistry, Editorial Board Member\r
2012-current \tChinese Chemical Letters, Editorial Board Member\r
2012-current \tActa Chimica Sinica, Editorial Board Member\r
2013-current \tOrganic Chemistry Frontiers, Editorial Board Member\r
2014-current \tAdvances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry, Board of Advisors\r
2017-current \tChinese Journal of Chemistry, Associate Editor \r
所获荣誉 Awards\r
1997年 \t中国科学院“发明二等奖” (免疫调节剂-牛膝多糖)\r
1998年 \t中国化学会“青年化学奖”\r
1998-1999年度 \t上海市科技系统“优秀青年科技工作者”\r
1999年 \t明治乳业生命科学奖\r
1999年; 2002年 \t上海市“科技启明星基金”\r
2000年 \t国家杰出青年基金\r
2000年 \t施维雅青年药物化学奖\r
2000年 \t中国科学院杰出青年(十人)\r
2004年 \t上海市优秀留学回国人才\r
2004年 \t政府特殊津贴 中华人民共和国国务院\r
2006年 \t上海市自然科学二等奖(具有重要生理活性的复杂糖缀合物的化学合成)\r
2007年 \t药明康德生命化学研究奖\r
2010年 \t国家自然科学奖二等奖(具有重要生理活性的复杂糖缀合物的化学合成)\r
2010年 \t庄长恭奖 上海市化学化工学会\r
2012年 \t礼来杰出科研奖 (Eli Lilly Scientific Excellence Award)\r
2012年 \t第九届上海市自然科学牡丹奖 上海市科学技术委员会\r
2013年 \t青年科技杰出贡献奖 上海市人民政府\r
2014年 \t中科院朱李月华优秀教师奖\r
2016年 \tFellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)


"""""具有重要生理活性的复杂寡糖、糖缀合物及其它天然产物,如:动物糖胺聚糖(如肝素)和特征肿瘤抗原、微生物抗生素、植物和海洋糖苷(如皂甙和黄酮甙)等的全合成、合成方法学和化学生物学. 其它研究内容还涉及:中药;天然产物的分离鉴定;糖基转移酶和糖苷水解酶抑制剂;兼亲分子的超分子化学等."


Gold(I)-Catalyzed Glycosylation with Glycosyl o-Alkynylbenzoates as Donors. Biao Yu*, Acc. Chem. Res. 2018, 51, 507-516.\r
Amipurimycin: Total Synthesis of the Proposed Structures and Diastereoisomers. Shengyang Wang, Jiansong Sun, Qingju Zhang, Xin Cao, Yachen Zhao, Gongli Tang, Biao Yu*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 2884-2888.\r
Synthesis of Bradyrhizose Oligosaccharides Relevant to the Bradyrhizobium O-Antigen. Wei Li, Alba Silipo, Lotte Bettina Andersen Gersby, Mari-Anne Newman, Antonio Molinaro*, Biao Yu*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 2092-2096.\r
Synthesis of β-(1→2)-Linked 6-Deoxy-L-altropyranose Oligosaccharides via Gold(I)-Catalyzed Glycosylation of an ortho-Hexynylbenzoate Donor. Zhengnan Shen, Hani Mobarak, Wei Li, Goran Widmalm*,Biao Yu*, J. Org. Chem. 2017, 82, 3062-3071.\r
Stereoselective synthesis of β-rhamnopyranosides via gold(I)-catalyzed glycosylation with 2-alkynyl-4-nitro-benzoate donors. Yugen Zhu, Zhengnan Shen, Wei Li, Biao Yu*, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2016, 14, 1536-1539.\r
Microwave-assisted simultaneous O,N-sulfonation in the synthesis of heparin-like oligosaccharides. Peng Xu, Stephane Laval, Zheng Guo, Biao Yu*, Org. Chem. Front. 2016, 3, 103-109.\r
An unexpected rearrangement of pent-4-enofuranosides to cyclopentanones upon hydrogenolysis of the anomeric benzyl group. Shenyou Nie, Xiaoping Chen, Yuyong Ma, Wei Li*, Biao Yu*, Carbohydr. Res. 2016, 432, 36-40.\r
Bio- and chemical syntheses of mangiferin and congeners. Teddy Stephen Ehianeta, Stephane Laval, Biao Yu*, Biofactors 2016, 42, 445-458.\r
Synthesis of Landomycin D: Studies on the Saccharide Assembly. Xiaoyu Yang*, Biao Yu*, Synthesis 2016, 48, 1693-1699.\r
Synthesis of Ocotillol-Type Ginsenosides. Renzeng Shen, Xin Cao, Stephane Laval, Jiansong Sun, Biao Yu*, J. Org. Chem. 2016, 81, 10279-10294.\r
Gold(I)-catalyzed C-glycosylation of glycosyl ortho-alkynylbenzoates: the role of the moisture sequestered by molecular sieves. Xiaoping Chen, Qiaoling Wang, Biao Yu*, Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 12183-12186.\r
Targeted delivery and sustained antitumor activity of triptolide through glucose conjugation. Qing-Li He, Il Minn, Qiaoling Wang, Peng Xu, Sarah A. Head, Emmanuel Datan, Biao Yu, Martin G. Pomper*, Jun O. Liu*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 12035-12039.\r
Blockade of the interaction between Bcr-Abl and PTB1B by small molecule SBF-1 to overcome imatinib-resistance of chronic myeloid leukemia cells. Ahmed Elgehama,Wei Chen, Juan Pang, Shanwei Mi, Jiahuang Li,Wenjie Guo, XingqiWang, Jian Gao, Biao Yu, Yan Shen*, Qiang Xu*, Cancer Lett. 2016, 372, 82-88.\r
Efficient synthesis of rottlerin and its two subunits. Yangfeng Li, Biao Yu, Renxiao Wang*, Tetrahedron Lett. 2016, 57, 1856-1859.\r
Total synthesis of periploside A, a unique pregnane hexasaccharide with potent immunosuppressive effects. Xiaheng Zhang, Yu Zhou, Jianping Zuo, Biao Yu, Nat. Commun. 2015, 6, 5879.\r
Thioglycosides in Carbohydrate Research. Gaoyan Lian, Xiaheng Zhang, Biao Yu, Carbohydr. Res. 2015, 403, 13-22.\r
Synthesis of bradyrhizose, a unique inositol-fused monosaccharide relevant to a Nod-factor independent nitrogen fixation. Wei Li, Alba Silipo, Antonio Molinaro, Biao Yu, Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 6964-6967.\r
Highly Stereoselective β-Mannopyranosylation via the 1-α-Glycosyloxy-isochromenylium-4-gold(I) Intermediates. Yugen Zhu, Biao Yu, Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 8771–8780.\r
A Modular Approach to the Total Synthesis of Tunicamycins. Jiakun Li, Biao Yu, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 6618–6621.\r
Au(I) π-bis(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)acetylene triphenylphosphine complex, an effective pre-catalyst for Au(I)-catalyzed reactions. Dapeng Zhu, Xin Cao, Biao Yu, Org. Chem. Front. 2015, 2, 360-365.\r
Naturally Occurring Polyphenolic Glucosidase Inhibitors. You Yang, Gaoyan Lian, Biao Yu, Isr. J. Chem. 2015, 55, 268-284.\r
Effective Synthesis of α-D-GlcN-(1→4)-D-GlcA/l-IdoA Glycosidic Linkage under Gold(I) Catalysis. Jiakun Li, Yuanwei Dai, Wei Li, Stephane Laval, Peng Xu, Biao Yu, Asian J. Org. Chem. 2015, 4, 756-762.

