2023-05-17 10:56
  • 陈玲玲
  • 陈玲玲 - 研究员--陈玲玲-个人资料




2009年毕业于美国康涅狄格大学医学院获生物医学博士学位,同时获商学院工商管理学硕士学位。同年5月作为独立PI获得Connecticut Stem Cell Seed Award研究经费资助,受聘于康涅狄格大学干细胞学院从事博士后研究,并于2010年5月任助理教授。2011年1月任上海生化与细胞所研究员。目前担任国际期刊Trends in genetics、Genome biology、Journal of Biological Chemistry编委。2017年入选为霍华·德休斯医学院研究所(HHMI)国际研究员、入选国家杰出青年科学基金,获谈家桢生命科学创新奖;2016年入选全球华人生物学家协会CBIS杰出青年研究员奖、中国青年女科学家奖等荣誉。


人类基因组测序计划发现多于98%的转录基因组序列为非编码RNA(ncRNA)。这些ncRNA包括人们所熟知的housekeepingncRNA(如tRNAs, rRNAs和snRNAs等)、小RNA(如miRNAs和piRNAs等),以及上万条长非编码RNA(lncRNA,>200nt)。最近几年来的研究表明lncRNAs广泛参与一系列细胞的重要功能调控,包括细胞核亚结构的形成、基因表达的遗传与表观遗传调控等。


Liu CX#, Li X#, Nan F#, Jiang S#, Gao X, Guo SK, Xue W, Cui YG, Dong KG, Ding HH, Qu B, Shen N*, Yang L*, Chen LL*. 2019. Structure and degradation of circular RNAs regulate PKR activation in innate immunity. Cell, 177:865-880. (preview by Jeremy E. Wilusz, Cell, 2019, 177:797-799; research highlights by Science New, Nat Rev Immunol, Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol and Cell Biosci; recommendation in F1000 Prime)
Yao RW, Wang Y and Chen LL*. 2019. Cellular functions of long noncoding RNAs. Nat Cell Biol, 21:542-551. (Editorial by Nat Cell Biol, 2019, 21: 535.)
Wang Y#, Hu SB#, Wang MR#, Yao RW, Wu D, Yang L and Chen LL*. 2018. Genome-wide screening of NEAT1 regulators reveals cross-regulation between paraspeckles and mitochondria.Nat Cell Biol, 20:1145-1158. (Editorial by Fox AH. Nat Cell Biol, 2018, 20: 1108-1109.)
Li X, Yang L* and Chen LL*. 2018. The biogenesis, functions and challenges of circular RNAs.Mol Cell, 71:428-442.
Xiang JF#, Yang Q#, Liu CX#, Wu M, Chen LL* and Yang L*. 2018. N6-methyladenosines modulate A-to-I RNA editing. Mol Cell, 69:126-135.
Yang L* and Chen LL*. 2017. Enhancing the RNA engineering tool kit. Science, 358: 996-997.
Li X#, Liu CX#, Xue W#, Zhang Y, Jiang S, Yin QF, Wei J, Yao RW, Yang L* and Chen LL*. 2017. Coordinated circRNA biogenesis and function with NF90/NF110 in viral infection. Mol Cell, 67: 214-222. (Free featured article; highlighted by Editor’s Note and Meet the Author; preview by Cadena CY and Hur S. Mol Cell, 2017, 67:163-164.)
Wu H, Yang L*, Chen LL*. 2017. The diversity of long noncoding RNAs and their generation. Trends Genet, 33:540-552.
Xing YH#, Yao RW#, Zhang Y#, Guo CJ, Jiang S, Xu G, Dong R, Yang L, Chen LL*. 2017. SLERT regulates DDX21-rings associated with Pol I transcription. Cell, 169: 664-678. (Research highlights by Bull Chin Acad Sci, 2017, 31:152-155.)
Dong R#, Ma XK#, Chen LL* and Yang L*. 2017. Increased complexity of circRNA expression during species evolution. RNA Biol, 14:1064-1074.
Chen LL* and Yang L*. 2017. AlUternative regulation for gene expression. Trends Cell Biol, 27:480-490.
Wu H#, Yin QF#, Luo Z#, Yao RW, Zheng CC, Zhang J, Xiang JF, Yang L and Chen LL*. 2016. Unusual processing generates SPA lncRNAs that sequester multiple RNA binding proteins. Mol Cell, 64:435-437. (Cover story and Issue highlights; preview by Li Y and Fox AH. Mol Cell, 2016, 64:435-437.)
Xing YH#, Bai ZQ#, Liu CX, Hu SB, Ruan MH and Chen LL*. 2016. Research progress of long noncoding RNA in China. IUBMB Life, 68:887-893.
Hu SB, Yao RW and Chen LL*. 2016. Shedding light on paraspeckle structure by super-resolution microscopy. J Cell Biol, 214:789-791.
Chen LL*. 2016. Linking long noncoding RNA localization and function. Trends Biochem Sci, 41:761-772. (Series: Fresh Perspectives from Emerging Experts)
Zhang XO#, Dong R#, Zhang Y#, Zhang JL, Luo Z, Zhang J, Chen LL*and Yang L*. 2016. Diverse alternative back-splicing and alternative splicing landscape of circular RNAs. Genome Res, 26: 1277-1287.
Zhang Y#, Xue W#, Li X, Zhang J, Zhang JL, Yang L* and Chen LL*. 2016. The biogenesis of nascent circular RNAs. Cell Rep, 15:611-624.
Chen LL*. 2016. The biogenesis and emerging roles of circular RNAs. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol, 17:205-211. (Cover story)
Zhang Y, Yang L and Chen LL*. 2016. Characterization of circular RNAs. Methods Mol Biol, 1402:215-27.
Xiang JF, Yang L and Chen LL*. 2015. The long noncoding RNA regulation at the MYC locus. Curr Opin Genet Dev, 33:41-48.


