2023-05-17 10:54
  • 于伟东
  • 于伟东 - 副研-中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所-中国科学院特种无机涂层重点实验室-个人资料




W. D. Yu, X. M. Li, and X. D. Gao,“Self-catalytic synthesis and photoluminescence of ZnO nanostructures on ZnO nanocrystal substrates”, Applied Physics Letters ,84(14),2658,(2004).
Weidong Yu, X M Li, X D Gao, Homogeneous-catalytic synthesis of tetrapodlike ZnO nanocrystals and their photoluminescence property, Chemical Physics Letters, 390, 296 (2004).
W.D. YU, X. M. LI, X. D. GAO, P. S. QIU, W. X. CHENG, and A. L. DING “Effect of source materials on the morphology and photoluminescence properties of the ZnO nanostructures”, APPL PHYS A-MATER, 79, 453(2004).
Weidong Yu, X M Li, X D Gao, Synthesis and structural characteristics of high-quality tetrapodlike ZnO nanocrystals on ZnO and NiO nanocrystal substrates. J CRYST GROWTH, , 270, 92-97(2004).
Weidong Yu, X M Li, X D Gao, “Catalytic Synthesis and Structural Characteristic of high-quality tetrapodllike ZnO nanocrystals by a Modified Vapor Transport process” Crystal Growth & Design, 5(1),151-155(2005).
W. D Yu, J. H Zhang, X. Wang, X. M. Li , X. D. Gao,“Characterization and field emission property of aligned porous carbon nanotubes film by hydrogen ions implantation” APPL PHYS A-MATER, 81,169-172(2005).
Weidong Yu, Xiaomin Li, Xiangdong Gao, and Feng Wu,“Large-Scale Synthesis and Microstructure of SnO2 Nanowires Coated with Quantum-Sized ZnO Nanocrystals on a Mesh Substrate” J. Phys. Chem. B, 109, 17078-17081 (2005).
Weidong Yu, Xiaomin Li, Xiangdong Gao, “Microstructure and photoluminescence properties of bulk-quantity SnO2 nanowires coated with ZnO nanocrystals”, Nanotechnology 16,2770-2774(2005).

