2023-05-17 10:44
  • 许高杰
  • 许高杰 - 研究员 博士生导师-中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所-材料技术研究所-个人资料




1997年6月获中国科技大学凝聚态物理专业博士学位。1997-1999年为中科大化学专业博士后。1999年5月被聘为中国科技大学副教授。 2001赴日本(JSPS)进行合作研究工作。2005年加盟中科院宁波材料研究所。目前任先进纳米材料与器件实验室主任,宁波市无机微纳功能材料及应用重点实验室主任。承担科技部“973”项目子课题、中科院方向性项目子课题、院地合作项目、浙江省重大自然科学基金、宁波市工业科技攻关和企业合作项目等。




1.Yuchuan Cheng, Xuehui Liu, Jianjun Guo, Fenghua liu, Zhixiang Li, Gaojie Xu, Ping Cui, Fabrication of uniform core-shell structural calcium and titanium precipitation (CTP) particles and enhanced electrorheological activities, Nanotechnology, 2009, 20(5), 055604.
2.Yuchuan Cheng, Jianjun Guo, Gaojie Xu, Ping Cui, Xuehui Liu, Fenghua Li, Jinghua Wu, Electrorheological property and microstructure of acetamide- modified TiO2 nanoparticles, Colloid and Polymer Science, 2008, 286(13), 1493-1497.
3.Jianjun Guo, Xuehui Liu, Yuchan Cheng, Yong Li, Gaojie Xu, Ping Cui Size-controllable synthesis of monodispersed colloidal silica nanoparticles via hydrolysis of elemental silicon, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2008, 326(1), 138-142.
4.Gaojie Xu, Ryoji Funahashi, Masahiro Shikano, Ichiro Matsubara and Yuqin Zhou, Thermoelectric properties of Bi and Na substituted Ca3Co4O9 system, Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 3760 (2002).
5.G.J. Xu, Q.R. Pu, B. Liu, R.H. Tao, G.S. Wang, Z.J. Ding, J.-C. Grivel, N. H. Andersen,Transport Properties and Spin Correlations of La1.85-xSr0.15+xCu1-xFexO4,Phys. Rev. B 69, 104506 (2004)
6.Xu Gaojie, Pu Qirong, Ding Zejun, Yang Li and Zhang Yuheng, Microstructure, localized Cu2+ spins and transport properties in Bi2Sr2Ca1-xYxCu2Oy, Phys. Rev. B 62, 9172 (2000).
7.Gaojie, Mao Zhiqiang, Jin Hao, Yan Hongjie, Wang Bin, and Zhang Yuheng, Transport properties of La1.85-xSr0.15+xCu1-xMxOy (M=Co, Ga), Phys. Rev. B 59, 12090 (1999).
8.Gaojie Xu, Ryoji Funahashi, Masahiro Shikano, Ichiro Matsubara and Yuqin Zhou, Thermoelectric properties of Bi2.2-xPbxSr2Co2Oy system, J. Appl. Phys. 91, 4344 (2002)
9.Xu Gaojie, Pu Qirong, Ding Zejun and Zhang Yuheng, Different effects of Fe and Ga doping on Tc between Bi2201 system and La214 system, Phys.: Condensed Matter 12, 8231 (2000)
10.Xu Gaojie, Mao Zhiqiang, Jin Hao, Yan Hongjie, Zhang Yuheng, Study of the transport properties of La1.85-xSr0.15+xCu1-xMxOy (M=Fe, Ga), Phys. Letter A 249, 153 (1999).
11.G.J. Xu, R. Pinholt, J. Bilde-Sørensen, J.-C. Grivel, A.B. Abrahamsen and N.H. Andersen, Effect of starting composition and annealing temperature on irreversibility field and critical current density in MgxB2 , Physica C 434, 67 (2006)
12.Gaojie Xu , Ryoji Funahashi and Masahiro Shikano, Qirong Pu and Biao Liu, High temperature transport properties of Ca3-xNaxCo4O9 system, Solid State conmmunications124, 72 (2002)
13.Gaojie Xu, Ryoji Funahashi, Qirong Pu, Biao Liu, Ruhua Tao, Guan Wang and Zejun Ding, High-temperature transport properties of Nb and Ta substituted CaMnO3 system, Solid State Ionics 171, 147 (2004).
14.Xu Gaojie, Mao Zhiqiang, Yan Hongjie and Zhang Yuheng, Thermoelectric power of Bi2Sr2-xCuOy system, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 10, 8843 (1998).
15.Gaojie Xu, Ryoji Funahashi, Ichiro Matsubara and Masahiro Shikano and Yuqin Zhou, High temperature thermoelectric power of Ca1-xBixMnO3 system, J. Mater. Res. 17, 1092(2002).
16.Gaojie Xu , Ryoji Funahashi and Masahiro Shikano, Qirong Pu and Biao Liu, High temperature transport properties of Ca3-xNaxCo4O9 system, Solid State conmmunications124, 72 (2002)
17.Xu Gaojie, Pu Qirong, Ding Zejun and Zhang Yuheng, Different effects of Fe and Ga doping on Tc between Bi2201 system and La214 system, J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 12, 8231 (2000)
18.Mao Zhiqiang, Xu Gaojie, Yan Hongjie, Wang Bin, Qiu Xueyin, and Zhang Yuheng, Transport mechanism in La1.85Sr0.15Cu1-xNixO4+δ(0≤x≤1), Phys. Rev. B 58, 15116 (1998).
19.G.-J. Xu, Z. Mao, H. Yan, X. Liu, C. Xu and Y. Zhang, Effect of extra oxygen intercalation on modulation structure and electronic structure of Bi2201 system, Supercond. Sci. & Technol. 11, 474 (1998).
20.Mao Zhiqiang, Xu Gaojie, Wang Ruiping, Wang Keqing , Tian Mingling and Zhang Yuheng, Normal State Spin gap of Bi-based Superconductors ,Phys. Rev. B 55, 14581 (1997)

