2023-05-17 10:42
  • 那海宁
  • 那海宁 - 研究员 博士生导师-中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所-材料技术研究所-个人资料




那海宁,博士,研究员,博士生导师。2009年6月在天津大学获得博士学位,期间主要从事电纺超细纤维与高性能功能纤维复合材料的研究。2009年7月-2010年8月,在华北理工大学(原河北理工大学、河北联合大学)材料学院担任讲师,主要研究超细纤维增强复合材料。2010年8月-2012年8月,在美国阿克伦大学(the University of Akron)做博士后,主要研究超细纤维仿生材料。2012年10月回国,以中科院材料所“春蕾人才”引进来所工作,担任高分子与复合材料事业部副研究员。2019年1月晋升为研究员。获2017甘肃省科技进步三等奖(个人排名第4),2017年入选中国科学院青年创新促会会员(即中科院青年创新人才)、2019年入选宁波市领军和拔尖人才(第二层次)。先后作为负责人承担国家自然科学基金面上项目(2项)、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金、山东省重点研发计划项目、中科院重点部署项目、宁波市自然科学基金(2项)及多项企业合作项目等17项,总经费2008万元。在Journal of Materials Chemistry A,ACS SustainableChemistry & Engineering,Langmuir,Polymer,Polymer Chemistry,Bioresource Technology,Composites Science and Technology等期刊上发表学术论文60篇;申请发明专利41项,其中PCT专利4项,并已获19项授权。主持撰写专著章节1部。




Xinyan Dai, Zhu Xiong, Haining Na*, Jin Zhu*. How does epoxide soybean oil affect the mechanical and thermal properties of microcrystalline cellulose filled acid composites. “Composites Science and Technology”, 2014, 90: 9-15.
Ting Wang, Yong Yang, Chuanzhi Zhang, Zhaobin Tang, Haining Na, Jin Zhu. Effect of 1,3,5-trialkyl-benzenetricarboxylamide on the crystallization of poly(lactic acid). “Journal of Applied Polymer Science”, 2013, 130(2): 1328-1336.
Jinping Ni, Hailiang Wang, Yinying Chen, Zhen She, Haining Na*, Jin Zhu*. A novel facile two-step method for producing glucose from cellulose. “Bioresource Technology”, 2013, 137: 106-110.
Cao Lijun, Liu Xiaoqing, Haining Na, Yonggang Wu, Wen-Ge Zheng, Jin Zhu. How a bio-based epoxy monomer enhanced the properties of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA)/grapheme composites. “Journal of Materials Chemistry A”, 2013, 1(16): 5081-5088.
Lisheng Zhang, Yanhua Jiang, Zhu Xiong, Xiaoqing Liu, Haining Na, Ruoyu Zhang, Jin Zhu. Highly recoverable rosin-based shape memory polyurethanes. “Journal of Materials Chemistry A”, 2013, 1(10): 3263-3267.
Haining Na, Pei Chen, Shing-Chung Wong. Adhesion energy of electrospun PVDF. “Procedia Materials Science”, 2012, (1): 13-18.
Haining Na, Pei Chen, Shing-Chung Wong, Shane Hague, Qian Li. Fabricate hollow PVDF/PVA microtubules by coaxial electrospinning. “Polymer”, 2012, 53(13): 2736-2743.
Haining Na, Pei Chen, Kai-Tak Wan, Shing-Chung Wong, Qian Li, Zhijun Ma. Measurement of adhesion work of electrospun polymer membrane by shaft-loaded blister test. “Langmuir”, 2012, 28(16): 6677-6683.
Weili Lu, Xiwang Liu, Shengling Zhao, Haining Na, Yunhui Zhao, Xiaoyan Yuan. Effect of benzyl triethylammonium chloride on microstructure of bicomponent polymeric fibers during electrospinning. “Polymer Engineering and Science”, 2012, 52(8): 1661-1671.
Haining Na, Yunhui Zhao, Xiwang Liu, Ci Zhao, Xiaoyan Yuan. Structure and properties of electrospun poly(vinylidene fluoride)/polycarbonate membranes after hot-press. “Journal of Applied Polymer Science”, 2011, 122(2): 774-781.
Zhenhong Liu, Jingjiang Wang, Haining Na, Xiaoyan Yuan. Effect of inorganic fillers on morphology and mechanical properties of PA66/POE-g-MAH/filler composites. “Journal of Macromolecular Science Part B: Physics”, 2011, 50(3): 484-492.
Guixiang Hou, Haining Na, Xiaoming Sang. Preparation and characteristic of PSMA/EG composite materials. “Advanced Materials Research”, 2011, 163-167: 1951-1954.
Haining Na, Xiwang Liu, Hua Sun, Yunhui Zhao, Ci Zhao, Xiaoyan Yuan. Electrospinning of ultrafine PVDF/PC fibers from its dispersed solutions. “Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics”, 2010, 48(3): 372-380.
Haining Na, Xiwang Liu, Jingqing Li, Yunhui Zhao, Ci Zhao, Xiaoyan Yuan. Formation of core/shell ultrafine fibers of PVDF/PC by electrospinning via introduction of PMMA or BTEAC. “Polymer”, 2009, 50(26): 6340-6349.
Haining Na, Qunying Li, Hua Sun, Ci Zhao, Xiaoyan Yuan. Anisotropic mechanical properties of hot-pressed PVDF membranes with higher fiber alignments via electrospinning, “Polymer Engineering and Science”, 2009, 49(7): 1291-1298.
Haining Na, Yuping Zhao, Chenguang Zhao, Ci Zhao, Xiaoyan Yuan. Effect of hot-press on electrospun poly(vinylidene fluoride) membranes, “Polymer Engineering and Science”, 2008, 48(5): 934-940.

受邀担任Polymer Bulletin、Composites Science and Technology、ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering、Cellulose、Advances in Materials Science and Engineering、Materials and Design、Polymer Engineering and Science、RSC Advances、Carbohydrate Polymers、Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry、Polymer Testing、Chinese Journal of Polymer Science、International Journal of Biological Macromolecules、Composites Part A、IET Nanobiotechnology、Polymer International、Polymer Chemistry、New Journal of Chemistry、Green chemistry、Polymer Composites、Bioresource Technology、Journal of Polymer Research等20多个国际知名期刊杂志审稿人。

