2023-05-16 15:12
  • 侯宏伟
  • 侯宏伟 - 博士 博士研究生导师-中国科学院大学-现代农业科学学院-个人资料




1999-09--2004-06 北京大学 博士学位
1985-09--1989-06 河南师范大学 本科/理学学士




1. Li G, Hu S, Yang J, Zhao X, Schultz E, Kimura S, Hou H*. Establishment of an Agrobacterium mediated transformation protocol for the detection of cytokinin in the heterophyllous plant Hygrophila difformis (Acanthaceae). Plant Cell Reports. 2020. 39(3).

2. Wu Z, Xu X, Zhang J, Wiegleb G, Hou H*. Influence of environmental factors on the genetic variation of the aquatic macrophyte Ranunculus subrigidus on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, BMC Evolutionary Biology. 2019. 19: 228

3. Li G, Hu S, Hou H, Kimura S*. Heterophylly: phenotypic plasticity of leaf shape in aquatic and amphibious. Plants. 2019. 8(10): 420.

4. Wu Z, Xiong W,Hou H*. Biodiversity pattern and conservation of aquatic vascular plants in the Yangtze River Basin, China. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica. 2019. 43(2): 1000-3207(2019)01-0001-15.

5. Khan S, Duan P, Yao L*,Hou H*. Shiftwork-mediated disruptions of circadian rhythms and sleep homeostasis cause serious health problems. International Journal of Genomics. 2018. 2018: 8576890.

6. Khan S, Siddique R, Nabi G, Li Q, Hou H*, Ali I* Investigation of sewage and drinking water in major healthcare centres for bacterial and viral pathogens. Hydrology: Current Research. 2017. 8:2.1000272

7. Khan S, Nabi G, Yao L*, Siddique R, Sajjad W, Kumar S, Duan P, Hou H*. Health risks associated with genetic alterations in internal clock system by external factors. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2018. 14 (7): 791–798.

8. Yang J, Li G, Hu S, Bishopp A, Heenatigala PPM, Kumara S, Duan P, Yao L, Hou H*. A protocol for efficient callus induction and stable transformation of Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleiden using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Aquatic Botany. 2018. 151: 80-86.

9. Heenatigala PPM, Yang J, Bishopp A, Sun Z, Li G, Kumar S, Hu S, Wu Z, Lin W, Yao L, Duan P, Hou H*. Development of efficient protocols for stable and transient gene transformation for Wolffia globosa using Agrobacterium. Frontiers in Chemistry. 2018. 6:227.

10. Yang J, Li G, Bishopp A, Heenatigala PPM, Hu S, Chen Y, Hou H*. A comparison of growth on mercuric chloride for three Lemnaceae species reveals differences in growth dynamics that effect their suitability for use in either monitoring or remediating ecosystems contaminated with mercury. Frontiers in Chemistry. 2018. 6(112): 1-12.

11. Li G, Hu S, Yang J, Schultz E, Clarke K, Hou H. Water-Wisteria as an ideal plant for heterophylly study in higher aquatic plants. Plant Cell Reports. 2017. 36: 1225–1236.

12. Hu S, Li G, Yang J, Hou H. 2017. Aquatic plant genomics: advances, applications, and prospects. International Journal of Genomics. 2017: 1-9.

13. Mariyamma N, Clarke K, Yu H, Hou H, Wilton E, Dyk J, Schultz E. Members of the Arabidopsis FORKED1-LIKE gene family act to localize PIN1 in developing veins. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2018. 69(20): 4773–4790.

14. Wu Z, Wu J, Wang Y, Hou H. Development of EST-derived microsatellite markers in the aquatic macrophyte Ranunculus bungei (Ranunculaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences. 2017. 5: 1700022.

15. Mariyamma N, Hou H, Carland F, Nelson T, Schultz E. Localization of Arabidopsis FORKED1 to a RABA positive compartment suggests a role in secretion. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2017. 68: 3375–3390.

16. Shen S, Hou H, Ding C, Bing D, Lu Z. Protein content correlates with starch morphology, composition and physicochemical properties in field peas. Canadian Journal of Plant Sciences. 2016. 96: 404–412.

17. *Held M, *Hou H, *Miri M, Huynh C, Ross L, Hossain S, Sato S, Tabata S, Perry J, Wang T, Szczyglowski K. Lotus japonicus cytokinin receptors work partially redundantly to mediate nodule formation. The Plant Cell. 2014. 26: 678-694 (*co-first author).

18. Yoon H, Shakhawat H, Held M, Hou H, Kehl M, Tromas A, Sato S, Tabata S, Stougaard J, Ross L, Szczyglowski K. Lotus japonicus SUNERGOS1 encodes a predicted subunit A of a DNA topoisomerase VI and is required for nodule differentiation and accommodation of rhizobial infection. The Plant Journal. 2014. 78: 811-821.

19. Hou H, Zhang Z, Zhao W. Generating DNA sequences encoding tandem peptide repeats suitable for expression and immunological application. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2012. 28: 2175-2180.

20. Garrett J, Meents M, Blackshaw M, Blackshaw L, Hou H, Styranko D, Kohalmi S, Schultz E. A novel, semi-dominant allele of MONOPTEROS provides insight into leaf initiation and vein pattern formation. Planta. 2012. 236: 297-312.

21. Hou H, Erickson J, Meservy J, Schultz E. FORKED1 encodes a PH domain protein that is required for PIN1 canalization in developing leaf veins. The Plant Journal. 2010. 63: 960–973.

