招生专业071006-神经生物学招生方向神经系统发育教育背景2005-09--2008-06 中科院动物研究所 博士2002-09--2005-06 东北师范大学 硕士1998-09--2002-06 长春师范大学 学士 工作简历2011-07--2014-04 美国威斯康星州大学麦迪逊分校 博士后2008-10--2011-06 美国墨西哥州大学 博士后 科研项目(1) 创新组专项,主持,专项级,2014-06--2018-06(2) 领域前沿,主持,其他级,2014-06--2018-06(3) ****,主持,院级级,2014-06--2018-06研究领域
(1) Inhibition of miR-15a Promotes BDNF Expression and Rescues Dendritic Maturation Deficits in MeCP2-Deficient Neurons,Stem Cells,2015,第3作者(2) Characterization of a unique cell population marked by transgene expression in the adult cochlea of nestin-CreER(T2) /tdTomato-reporter mice,J Comp Neurol,2015,第2作者(3) Fragile X Proteins FMRP and FXR2P Control Synaptic GluA1 Expression and Neuronal Maturation via Distinct Mechanisms,Cell Rep,2015,第1作者(4) Cell cycle-linked MeCP2 phosphorylation modulates adult neurogenesis involving the Notch signalling pathway.,Nat Commun,2014,第5作者(5) Isolation of multipotent neural stem/progenitor cells from both the dentate gyrus and subventricular zone of a single adult mouse. ,Nat. Protoc,2012,第1作者(6) Inhibition of GSK3β Improves Hippocampus-Dependent Learning and Rescues ,Hum. Mol. Genet.,2012,第1作者(7) RNA-binding protein FXR2 regulates adult hippocampal neurogenesis by reducing Noggin expression,Neuron,2011,第1作者(8) Ablation of Fmrp in adult neural stem cells disrupts hippocampus-dependent learning,Nat. Med,2011,第1作者(9) Fragile x mental retardation protein regulates proliferation and differentiation of adult neural stem/progenitor cells,PloS Genet,2010,第1作者 相关热点
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