招生专业070601-气象学070620-地球流体力学070701-物理海洋学招生方向海气相互作用天气、气候可预报性; 集合预报,资料同化和目标观测教育背景2000-09--2003-07 中科院大气物理研究所 (气象学)研究生/博士学位1997-09--2000-07 昆明理工大学 (应用数学专业)研究生/硕士1991-09--1995-07 山西大学 (基础数学)本科/学士工作经历2019-08~2019-08,Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, 高访2017-07~2017-08,University of Northern British Columnbia, Prince Geoger, Canada, 高级访问学者2016-01~现在, 中国科学院, 特聘研究员2015-01~现在, 中国科学院大学, 岗位教授2014-03~2014-04,澳大利亚CSRIO, 高级访问学者2010-01~现在, 中科院大气物理研究所, 研究员2006-11~2010-01,中科院大气物理研究所, 副研究员2003-07~2006-11,中科院大气物理研究所, 助理研究员 教授课程地球流体动力学非线性大气和海洋动力学奖励与任职获奖与荣誉(1)2020年获“国务院政府特殊津贴”;(2)2019年获中科院朱李月华优秀教师奖;(3)2016年获得中科院青年创新促进会优秀会员;(4)2015年被评为中科院大气物理研究所“2015年度先进工作者”;(5)2015年获得“国家杰出青年科学基金”;(6)2011年入选“中国科学院青年人才创新促进会”会员;(7)2009年获“中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖”;(8)2009年被评为中科院大气物理研究所“2009年度先进工作者”;(9)2006年获教育部、国务院学位委员会“全国优秀博士论文”奖;(10)2006年获中国气象学会“全国优秀青年气象科技工作者奖”;(11)2005年获“中国科学院优秀博士论文奖”,等等。 国际任职(1)2020.07-今,IAMAS中国委员会委员(2)2020.07-今,AIMS Geosciences杂志编委(3)2017.10-今,Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics编委(4)2016-今,第七届CNC-WCRP委员(5)2015.12-今,“10000个科学难题”海洋科学编辑委员会委员(6)2014-今,宁波大学非线性海气灾害系统协同创新中心学术委员会委员(7)2013.08-今,国际动力气象学委员会(IAMAS-ICDM)委员(8)2013-今,\研究领域
(1)Which features of the SST forcing error are most likely to disturb the simulation of tropical cyclone intensity? Adavnces in Atmospheric Sciences, 2020. 通讯作者(2)Forecast uncertainty of rapid intensification of typhoon Dujuan (201521) induced by uncertainty in the boundary layer. Atmosphere, 2020. 通讯作者(3)Model forecast error correction based on the Local Dynamical Analog method: an1example application to the ENSO forecast by an Intermediate Coupled Model. Geophysical Research Letters. 2020.(4)Predictable patterns of wintertime surface air temperature in Northern Hemisphere and their predictability sources in SEAS5, Journal of Climate, 2020(5)Improving forecasts of El Niño diversity: a nonlinear forcing singular vector approach. Climate Dynamics, 2020. 通讯作者(6)On the use of near-neutral backward Lyapunov vectors to get reliable ensemble forecasts in coupled ocean-atmosphere systems. Climate Dynamics, 2020(7) Sensitivity on tendency perturbations of tropical cyclone short-range intensity forecasts generated by WRF. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2020(8)Errors in current velocity in the low-latitude north Pacific: results from the regional ocean modeling system. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2019.通讯作者(9)近海台风立体协同观测科学试验。地球科学进展,2019。(10)Exploring sensitive area in the tropical Indian Ocean for the El Nino predictions: an implication for targeted observation. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2019. 通讯作者(11)Using a nonlinear forcing singular vector approach to reduce model error effects in ENSO forecasting. Weather and Forecasting, 2019. 通讯作者(12)始扰动振幅和集合样本数对CNOPs集合预报的影响。大气科学,2019,已接收。通讯作者(13)Season-dependent predictability barrier for two types of El Niño-Southern Oscillation events revealed by an approach to data analysis for predictability. Climate Dynamics, 2019. 通讯作者(14)数值天气预报、气候预测的集合预报方法:思考与展望。气候与环境研究,2019。第一作者(15)Indian Ocean Dipole-related predictability barriers induced by initial errors in the tropical Indian Ocean in a CGCM. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2019. 通讯作者(16)Season-dependent predictability and error growth dynamics for La Niña predictions. Climate Dynamics, 2019. 通讯作者(17)The Initial Condition Errors Occurring in the Indian Ocean Temperature That Cause “Spring Predictability Barrier” for El Niño in the Pacific Ocean. JGR-Ocean, 2019. 通讯作者(18)Ensemble forecasts of tropical cyclone track with orthogonal conditional nonlinear optimal perturbations. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2019. 通讯作者(19)The role of initial signals in the tropical Pacific Ocean in predictions of negative Indian Ocean Dipole events. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. 2018. 通讯作者(20) Progress in ENSO prediction and predictability study. National Science Review. 2018.(21)Asymmetry of the predictability limit of the warm ENSO phase. Geophysical Research Letters. 2018.(22)The application of the orthogonal conditional nonlinear optimal perturbations method to typhoon track ensemble forecasts. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. 2018. 通讯作者(23)Impact of SST anomaly events over the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension on the \2020-07-01-今,IAMAS中国委员会, 委员2020-06-30-今,AIMS Geosciences杂志, 编委2017-09-29-今,Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 编委2015-12-29-今,第七届CNC-WCRP, 委员2015-12-01-今,“10000个科学难题”海洋科学编辑委员会, 委员2014-01-01-今,宁波大学非线性海气灾害系统协同创新中心学术委员会, 委员2013-07-29-今,国际动力气象学委员会(IAMAS-ICDM), 委员2011-07-31-今,Advances in Meteorology” 杂志, Guest editor2010-12-31-今,中国气象学会动力气象学委员会, 委员2009-12-31-今,\"Advance in Atmospheric Sciences\"杂志, 编委2009-12-31-今,《大气科学》杂志常务编委, 常务编委2008-12-29-今,国务院学位委员会第六、七届大气科学学科评议组秘书, 学术秘书 相关热点
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