张国斌,男,1967年出生。1990年本科毕业于中国科技大物理系,2001年中科大国家同步辐射实验室获得博士学位。1994年至今在中科大国家同步辐射实验室工作,2010年被聘为研究员。 主要从事凝聚态物理、同步辐射真空紫外谱学技术及其应用研究。研究方向:1,关联电子体系能带结构的实验研究;2,全息光栅优化设计及光栅单色器原理。研究领域
1) ARPES study of the effect of Cu substitution on the electronic structure of NaFeAs - Phys. Rev. B - 2013 - vol88, 245112 2) Evolution of the band structure of superconducting NaFeAs from optimally doped to heavily overdoped Co substitution using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy - Phys. Rev. B - 2012 - vol86,201103 3) Luminescence of Ce3+ and Pr3+ doped Sr2Mg(BO3)2 under VUV–UV and X-ray excitation - Journal of Luminescence - 2011 - 131(2),194–198 4) The luminescence of Eu3+ activated Ba2Mg(BO3)2 phosphors - Appl Phys A - 2011 - 105,143-147 5) Structure and Dielectric Properties of HfO2 Thin Films - JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS - 2011 - 25,p468 6) Synchrotron radiation assistant MOCVD deposition of ZnO films on Si substrate - Applied Surface science - 2009 - 255,7695-7699 7) Structures and magnetic properties of (Fe,Li)-codoped NiO thin films - APL - 2008 - 92(5),2008,p052508 8) Evidence of substitutional Co ion clusters in ZnCo0 dilute magnetic semiconductors - PRB - 2008 - 77(24),p245208 9) Structure and magnetic properties of Zn(1-x)Co(x)0 thin film - ACTA PHYSICA SINICA - 2008 - 57(7),4328-4333 10) Synchrotron Radiation Vacuum Ultraviolet Photoionization adn Photodissociation of Diethylzinc - ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA - 2008 - 24(10),1767-1772 11) Energy transfer in LaMgB5010:Pr3+Mn2+ under VUV excitation - J.LUMTINESCENCE - 2007 - 124(2):370-374 12) tHE ENERGY TRANSFER PROCESSES IN lAmGb5o10:pR3+,mN2+ - journal of physics and chemistry of solids, - 2007 - 68(9):1799-1784 13) High-flux beamline for ultraviolet and vacuum-ultraviolet circular dichroism at NSRL - Synchrotron Rad.Instru.,Pts1&2 - 2007 - 2007,p591-594 相关热点
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