生物统计。目前研究方向为基因统计,生物信息学,生存分析。 感兴趣的其它方向有离散数据分析,贝叶斯统计应用,多元分析,机器学习,经验过程的大样本理论等。""近期论文
[01] Anthony Y.C. Kuk, Jinfeng Xu and Yaning Yang (2010). A study of the efficiency of pooling in haplotype estimation. Bioinformatics, 26(20): 2556-2563.[02] Gao Wang, Yaning Yang and Jurg Ott (2010). Genome-wide conditional search for epistatic disease-predisposing variants in human association studies. Human Heredity, 70(1):34-41.[03] Xing Hua, Han Zhang, Hong Zhang, Yaning Yang, and Anthony Y.C. Kuk (2010). Testing multiple gene interactions by the ordered combinatorial partitioning method in case-control studies. Bioinformatics, 26(15):1871-1879.[04] Anthony Kuk, Han Zhang, and Yaning Yang (2009). Computationally feasible estimation of haplotype frequencies from pooled genotype data with and without assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Bioinformatics, 25(3): 379-386.[05] Detecting Essential and Removable Interactions in Genome-Wide Association Studies. Statistics and its Interface, 2(2): 161-170.[06] Cheng Wu, Zhanfeng Wang, Lijie Liu, Peng Zhao, Wenjing Wang, Dingkang Yao, Bing Shi, Junhhua Lu, Ping Liao, Yaning Yang, and LiangZhu, L. (2009). Surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization profiling: a new diagnostic method of HBV related hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 24 (1): 55-62.[07] Feng Yang, Weiping Ma, Zhanfeng Wang, Zhiliang Ying, and Yaning Yang (2009). Alignment of protein mass spectrometry data by integrated Markov chain shifting method. Statistics and its interface 2 (3), 329-340.[08] Gang Zheng, J. Joo, and Yaning Yang (2009). Pearsons test, trend test, and MAX are all trend tests with different types of scores. Annals of Human Genetics, 73:133-140.[09] Jan Freudenberg, Mingyi Wang, Yaning Yang, and Wentian Li (2009). Partial correlation indicate causal relation- ships for GC-content and recombination rate variation in the human genome. BMC Bioinformatics, 10(suppl 1): S66.[10] Min Yuan, Yaning Yang and Gang Zheng (2009). Two-stage genome-wide association studies with DNA pooling and genetic model selections, Statistica Sinica, 19 (4):1769-1786.[11] MinYuan, Tian, X., Gang Zheng, and Yaning Yang (2009). Adaptive transmission disequilibrium test for family trio design. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 8(1): Article 30.[12] Ting Yan, Bo Hou, and Yaning Yang (2009). Correcting for cryptic relatedness by a regression -based genomic control method. BMC Genetics, 10:Art. No. 78.[13] Wentian Li, and Yaning Yang (2009). Fractal characterizations of MAX statistical distribution in genetic association studies. Advances in Complex Systems, 12(4-5): 513-531.[14] Yaning Yang, C. He, Jurg Ott (2009). Testing interaction by partitioning chi-squares, Annals of Human Genetics. 73:109-117.[15] Gang Zheng, Mark Meyer, Wentian Li, Yaning Yang (2008). Comparison of two-phase analyses for case-control genetic association studies. Statistics in Medicine, 27 (24): 5054-5075.[16] Han Zhang, Hsin-Chou Yang, Yaning Yang (2008). PoooL: An efficient method for estimating haplotype frequencies from large DNA pool. Bioinformatics, 24 (17): 1942-1948.[17] Jinfeng Xu, Yaning Yang, Zhiliang Ying, Jurg Ott (2008). Testing linkage disequilibrium from pooled DNA: a contingency table perspective. Statistics in Medicine, 27: 5801-5815.[18] Wentian Li, Young Ju Suh, Yaning Yang (2008). Selecting More Powerful Tests in Case-Control Genetic Analysis Using Phase Diagrams. Computational Biology and Chemistry, 32(6):391-399.[19] Wenquan Cui, Kai Li, Yaning Yang, Yuehua Wu (2008). Random weighting method for Cox’s proportional hazards model. Science in China (A) , 51 (10): 1843-1854. 相关热点
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