2023-05-16 13:29
  • 田扬超
  • 田扬超 - 研究员 博导-中国科学技术大学-核科学技术学院-个人资料




田扬超,博士,研究员,博士生导师。1963年1月出生,1992年10月在中国科学技术大学获得博士学位。1992年7月-1995年6月,中国科学技术大学国家同步辐射实验室助理研究员。1995年6月- 2000年1月, 中国科学技术大学国家同步辐射实验室副研究员,2000 年1月-现在,中国科学技术大学国家同步辐射实验室研究员。




1) Lattice-Boltzmann modeling of gas transport in Ni-Yttria-stabilized zirconia anodes during thermal cycling based on X-ray computed tomography - Electrochimica Acta - 2014年1 - 121,386-393(2014)
2) Quantitative analysis of micro structural and conductivity evolution of Ni-YSZ anodes during thermal cycling based on nano-computed tomography - J.Power Source - - 196,10601-10605(2011)
3) Analysis of the three-dimensional microstructure of a solid-oxide fuel cell anode using nano X-ray tomography - J Power Source - 2011 - 196:1915-1919
4) Auxiliary drying to prevent pattern collapse in high aspect ratio nanostructures - Nanotechnology - - 2011
5) The study of there constructed three-dimensional structure of a solid-oxide fuel-cell cathode by X-ray nanotomography. - J of Synchrotron Radiatio - 2010 - 17,p782
6) 3D visualization of subcellular structures of Schizosaccharomyces pombe by hard X-ray tomography - J. of Microscopy - 2010 - 240, p14
7) Schizosaccharomyces pombe, by full-field transmission X-ray microscopy at 5.4 keV - Anal Bioanal Chem - 2010 - 397,p2117
8) Quantitative study of interior nanostructure in hollow zinc oxide particles on the basis of nondestructive x-ray nanotomography - Appl. Phys. Leet - 2009 - 95, p053180
9) Three-dimensional imaging of a complex concaved cuboctahedron copper sulfide crytal by x-ray nanotomography - Appl. Phys. Lett. - 2008 - 92, p233104
10) High resolution hard x-ray microscope on a second generation synchrotron source. Review Scientific Instruments - Review Scientific Instruments - 2008 - 79,p103708
11) A method of gap control based on the principle of equal thickness interference for HARNS fabrication - Microsyst. Technol. - 2011 - 17:101–107
12) Study of the demoldingprocess—implications for thermal stress, adhesion and friction control - J. Micromech. Microeng. - 2007年 - 17, pp9-19
13) The comparison of hair from gastric cancer patients and from healthy persons studied by infrared microspectroscopy and imaging using synchrotronr radiation - Caner Epidemiology - 2010 - 34, p435
14) Study of Hot Embossing Using Nickel and Ni-PTFE LIGA Mold Inserts - J. MEMS. - 2007年 - 16,pp411-415
15) Analysis of the demolding forces during hot embossing, Microsystem - Microsystem Technologies - 2007年 - 2007年第13期
16) An Innovative Microelectrode Fabrication Using Photoliography for Measuring Dissolved Oxygen Distributions in Aerobic Granules. - Environ. Scie Technol. - 2007年 - 2007年第41期
17) Investigation on overplating high-aspect-ration microstructure - SPIE - 2006 - 2006
18) Fabrication of 3D Photonic Crystal by deep x-ray lithography - SPIE - 2006 - 2006
19) Fabrication of X-ray imaging zone plates by e-beam and X-ray lithography - Microsyst. Technol. - 2010 - 16,p1315
20) Simultaneous Determination of Nitrate and Dissolved Oxygen under Neutral Conditions Using a Novel Silver-Deposited Gold Microelectrode - Eviron. Sci. Technol. - 2008 - 42,pp8465-8470
21) The properties of demoulding of Ni and Ni-PTFE moulding inserts - Sensors and Actuators A - 200502 - 2005年第2期
22) The compere of Lifetime of Ni and Ni-PTFE moulding inserts with high aspect-ratio structure - Microsystem Technologies - 2005 - 2005年第4/5期
23) Simulation of deep Uv-lithegrugphy iwth su-8 resist by using 365 light source - Microsystem Technologies - 2005 - 2005年第4/5期

