Smith, Zachary
2023-05-16 13:28
  • Smith, Zachary
  • Smith, Zachary - 教授 博导-中国科学技术大学-工程科学学院-个人资料




2002 University of Rochester, B.S. in Optics (光学)\r
2009 University of Rochester, Ph.D in Optics (光学)\r
2015-now University of Science and Technology of China, 教授\r
2009-2012 University of California, Davis, 博士后\r
2012-2015 University of California, Davis, 项目科学家


""(1) 基于弹性散射光谱的便携式贫血诊断仪,(2)基于手机的便携式农作物疾病诊断仪(3)开发可用于人和动物的便携式血检仪 ,(4)用局域光谱分析方法来观察测量活细胞动态和细胞死亡的过程,(5)利用压缩传感光谱仪进行细胞分类和超光谱成像。""""


L Tong, J Kauer, S Wachsmann-Hogiu, K Chu, H Dou*, ZJ Smith*, A new red cell index and portable RBC analyzer for screening of iron deficiency and Thalassemia minor in a Chinese population, Scientific Reports, 7, 10510, 2017. \r
Y Ma, D Li, ZJ Smith, D Li*, K Chu*, Structured illumination microscopy with inter‐leaved reconstruction (SIMILR), Journal of Biophotonics, in press\r
D Xie, Y Xie, P Liu, L Tong, C Hu, P Shao, K Chu*, ZJ Smith*, Performance of a cost‐effective and automated blood counting system for resource‐limited settings operated by trained and untrained users, Journal of Biophotonics, in press\r
R Ferraz de Menezes, CM Harvey, ME Márquez de Martínez Gerbi, ZJ Smith, D Smith, JC Ivaldi, A Phillips, JW Chan, S Wachsmann‐Hogiu, Fs‐laser ablation of teeth is temperature limited and provides information about the ablated components, Journal of Biophotonics, in press\r
S Jiang, X Zhang, Y Zhang, C Hu, R Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Liao, ZJ Smith*, Z Dong*, JG Hou, Subnanometer-resolved chemical imaging via multivariate analysis of tip-enhanced Raman maps, Light: Science & Applications, in press, (一区,Top期刊)\r
RP Carney, S Hazari, M Colquhoun, D Tran, B Hwang, MS Mulligan, JD Bryers, E Girda, GS Leiserowitz, ZJ Smith, and KS Lam, Multispectral Optical Tweezers for Biochemical Fingerprinting of CD9-Positive Exosome Subpopulations, Analytical Chemistry, 89(10), 5357–5363, 2017 (一区,Top期刊)\r
NK Das, Y Dai, P Liu, C Hu, L Tong, X Chen, ZJ Smith*, Raman Plus X: Biomedical Applications of Multimodal Raman Spectroscopy, Sensors 17(7), 1592, 2017\r
EI Buzás#*, C Gardiner#*, C Lee#*, ZJ Smith#*, Single particle analysis: Methods for detection of platelet extracellular vesicles in suspension (excluding flow cytometry), Platelets 28(3), 249-255, 2017\r
ZJ Smith#*, C Lee, T Rojalin, S Wachsmann-Hogiu, Comment on “Label-Free Single Exosome Detection Using Frequency Locked Microtoroid Optical Resonators, ACS Photonics, 3(4), 716-717, 2016, (一区,Top期刊)\r
RK Gill#, ZJ Smith, C Lee, S Wachsmann‐Hogiu, The effects of laser repetition rate on femtosecond laser ablation of dry bone: a thermal and LIBS study, Journal of Biophotonics, 9(1-2), 171-180, 2016\r
ZJ Smith#, C Lee, T Rojalin, RP Carney, S Hazari, A Knudson, K Lam, H Saari, E Lazaro Ibañez, T Viitala, T Laaksonen, M Yliperttula, S Wachsmann-Hogiu, Single exosome study reveals subpopulations distributed among cell lines with variability related to membrane content, Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 4(1), 28533, 2015\r
RK Gill#, ZJ Smith#, RR Panchal, JW Bishop, R Gandour-Edwards, S Wachsmann-Hogiu, Preliminary fsLIBS study on bone tumors, Biomedical Optics Express, 6(12), 4850-4858, 2015

