1.非编码RNA基因调控膀胱癌化疗耐受性的机制研究2.受DNA甲基化调控的基因调控食管鳞癌细胞放疗敏感性的机制研究"目前正在承担的科研项目(仅限于主要负责人)项目名称、来源、经费指标卡号 总经费(万元) 起止日期DNA甲基化调控的miR-193a基因转录调控机制与膀胱癌化疗耐受、国自然青年基金、81602230 财政拨款17万医院配套17万 2017.1-2019.12"近期论文
1.Lv, L., et al. (2014). The DNA methylation-regulated miR-193a-3p dictates the multi-chemoresistance of bladder cancer via repression of SRSF2/PLAU/HIC2 expression. Cell Death Dis5: e1402. (first author)2.Lv, L., et al. (2015). MiR-193a-3p promotes the multi-chemoresistance of bladder cancer by targeting the HOXC9 gene. Cancer Lett357(1): 105-113. (first author)3.Deng, H., et al. (2014). miR-193a-3p regulates the multi-drug resistance of bladder cancer by targeting the LOXL4 gene and the oxidative stress pathway. Mol Cancer13: 234. (co-first author)4.Deng, H., et al. (2015). The miR-193a-3p regulated PSEN1 gene suppresses the multi-chemoresistance of blad-der cancer. Biochim Biophys Acta1852(3): 520-528. (co-first author)5.Li, Y., et al. (2015). The miR-193a-3p-regulated ING5 gene activates the DNA damage response pathway and inhibits multi-chemoresistance in bladder cancer. Oncotarget6(12): 10195-10206. (co-first author) 相关热点
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