2023-05-16 13:14
  • 季杰
  • 季杰 - 教授-中国科学技术大学-工程科学学院-个人资料




1979.9-1984.8 同济大学(学士)热能动力机械
1984.9-1987.8 哈尔滨工业大学(硕士)建筑热能工程
1989.3-1992.3 哈尔滨工业大学(博士)建筑热能工程
1992.9-1994.8 中国科学技术大学 博士后 破格副教授
1995.9-1996.3 日本东京大学 博士后
1996.4-1998.8 中国科学技术大学 系副主任 教授
1998.9-2000.2 香港理工大学 访问学者
2000.3-2000.8 中国科学技术大学 系副主任 教授
2000.9-2001.2 香港大学 访问学者
2001.3-2006.2 中国科学技术大学 系主任 教授
2006.2-2006.5 英国谢菲尔德大学 访问学者
2006.5-2010.5 中国科学技术大学 系主任 教授
2010.5-2014.9 中国科学技术大学 工程科学学院副院长 教授




1. H.D. Fu, G. Pei, T. Zhang, H.J. Zhu, J. Ji*. Experimental study on a heat pipe PV/T system. IET Renew. Power Gener., 2012, accepted.
2. H.D. Fu, G. Pei*, J. Ji*, H. Long, T. Zhang, T.T. Chow. Experimental study of a photovoltaic solar assisted heat pump/heat pipe system. Applied thermal engineering, 2012, accepted.
3. Pei Gang, Li Guiqiang, Zhou Xi, Ji Jie*, Su Yuehong. Experimental study and exergetic analysis of a CPC-type solar water heater system using higher-temperature circulation in winter. Solar enegy, 2012 accepted.
4. Jing Li, Gang Pei, Yunzhu Li, Dongyue Wang, Jie Ji*. Energetic and exergetic investigation of an organic Rankine cycle at different heat source temperatures. Energy, 38 (2012) 85-95.
5. Pei Gang, Fu Huide, Zhu Huijuan, Ji Jie*. Performance Study and Parametric Analysis on a Novel Heat Pipe PV/T system. Energy, 37 (2012) 384-395.
6. Pei Gang, Fu Huide, Ji Jie*, Chow Tin-tai, Zhang Tao. Annual analysis of heat pipe PV/T systems for domestic hot water and electricity production. Energy Conversion and Management, 56 (2012) 8-21.
7. Jinwei Ma, Wei Sun, Jie Ji*, Yang Zhang, Aifeng Zhang, Wen Fan. Experimental and theoretical study of the efficiency of a dual-function solar collector. Applied Thermal Engineering. 31 (2011) 1751-1756.
8. Wei He, Yang Zhang, Jie Ji. Comparative experiment study on photovoltaic and thermal solar system under natural circulation of water. Applied Thermal Engineering.31(2011) 3369-3376.
9. Pei Gang, Li Jing, Li Yunzhu, Wang Dongyue, Ji Jie*, Construction And Dynamic Test Of A Small-Scale Organic Rankine Cycle, Energy, 36(2011) 3215-3223.
10.Pei Gang*, Fu Huide, Zhang Tao, Ji Jie*. A numerical and experimental study on a heat pipe PV/T system. Solar Energy. 85 (2011) 911–921.
11.Wei Sun, Jie Ji, Chenglong Luo, Wei He. Performance of PV-Trombe Wall in Winter Correlated with South Façade Design. Applied Energy.88(2011) 224-231.
12.G. Pei, Li Jing, Ji Jie*. Design and analysis of a novel low-temperature solar thermal electric system with two-stage collectors and heat storage units. Renewable Energy. 36(2011) 2324-2333.
13.G. Pei, Li Yunzhu, Ji Jie*. Performance evaluation of a micro turbo-expander for application in low-temperature solar electricity generation. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A. 12(2011) 207-213.
14.Jie Ji*, Chenglong Luo, Tin-Tai Chow, Wei Sun, Wei He. Modeling and validation of a building-integrated dual-function solar collector. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 225(2011) 259-269.
15.Jie Ji*, Chenglong Luo, Tin-Tai Chow, Wei Sun, Wei He. Thermal characteristics of a building-integrated dual-function solar collector in water heating mode with natural circulation. Energy, 36(2011) 566-574.
16.Pei Gang, Li Guiqiang, Ji Jie*. Comparative study of air-source heat pump water heater systems using the instantaneous heating and cyclic heating modes. Applied Thermal Engineering. 31(2011) 342-347.
17.Ji Jie*, Luo ChengLong, Sun Wei, He Wei & Jiang QingYang. Effect of a dual-function solar collector integrated with building on the cooling load of building in summer. Chinese Science Bulletin. 55(2010) 3626-3632.
18.Ji Jie*, Luo ChengLong, Sun Wei, He Wei, Pei Gang & Han ChongWei. A numerical and experimental study of a dual-function solar collector integrated with building in passive space heating mode. Chinese Sci Bull, 55(2010) 1568-1573.
19.Jie Ji*, Chenglong Luo, Wei Sun. Numerical study of a dual-function solar collector integrated with building in water heating mode with natural circulation. The International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, The International workshop on New Energy Techniques and Applications, (2010) 3998-4001.
20.Pei Gang, Li Jing, Ji Jie*. Analysis of low-temperature solar thermal electric generation using regenerative Organic Rankine Cycle. Applied Thermal Engineering.30(2010) 998-1004.

