2023-05-16 13:12
  • 胡隆华
  • 胡隆华 - 研究员-中国科学技术大学-火灾科学国家重点实验室-个人资料




日本北海道大学日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员 (JSPS Fellow)(2012-2014)
入选“万人计划”青年拔尖人才 (2015)
入选教育部“长江学者奖励计划”青年学者, 2015
入选英国皇家学会牛顿高级学者(Newton Advanced Fellowship)(2015)
入选国际燃烧学会会士(CI Fellow)(2020)
国际燃烧学会会士(CI Fellow),2020
高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术) 自然科学二等奖(排名第1),2017
国际火灾安全科学学会 (International Association for Fire Safety Science, IAFSS) Judges Choice Outstanding Image Award,2017
教育部“长江学者奖励计划”青年学者, 2015
中组部“万人计划”青年拔尖人才, 2015
英国皇家学会牛顿高级学者(Newton Advanced Fellowship),2015
日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员(JSPS Fellow),2012




[1]  Longhua Hu*, Junjun Hu, Shuai Liu, Wei Tang, Xiaozheng Zhang, Evolution of heat feedback in medium pool fires with cross air flow and scaling of mass burning flux by a stagnant layer theory solution, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2014 (in press)
[2]  Longhua Hu*, Yangshu Zhang, Kosuke Yoshioka, Hirokazu Izumo, Osamu Fujita*, Flame spread over electric wire with high thermal conductivity metal core at different inclinations, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2014 (in press)
[3]  Kaihua Lu, Longhua Hu*, Michael Delichatsios, Fei Tang, Zengwei Qiu, Linghui He, Merging behavior of facade flames ejected from two windows of an under-ventilated compartment fire, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2014 (in press)
[4]  Longhua Hu*, Xiaochun Zhang, Xiaolei Zhang, Lizhong Yang, A re-examination of entrainment constant and an explicit model for flame heights of rectangular jet fires, Combustion and Flame 161 (1), 2014, 3000-3002.
[5]  Qiang Wang, Longhua Hu*, Mi Zhang, Fei Tang, Xiaochun Zhang, Shouxiang Lu, Lift-off of jet diffusion flame in sub-atmospheric pressures: an experimental investigation and interpretation based on laminar flame speed, Combustion and Flame 161 (2014) 1125-1130.
[6]  Longhua Hu*, Shuai Liu, Long Wu, Flame radiation feedback to fuel surface in medium ethanol and heptane pool fires with cross air flow, Combustion and Flame 160 (2013), 295-306
[7]  Longhua Hu*, Kiahua Lu, Michael Delichatsios, Linghui He, Fei Tang, An experimental investigation and statistical characterization of intermittent flame ejecting behavior of enclosure fires with an opening, Combustion and Flame 159 (2012) 1178-1184.
[8]  Longhua Hu*, Shuai Liu, Yong Xu, Dong Li, A wind tunnel experimental study on burning rate enhancement behavior of gasoline pool fires by cross air flow, Combustion and Flame 158 (2011) 586-591
[9]  Fei Tang, Longhua Hu*, Xiaochun Zhang, Xiaolei Zhang, Mansheng Dong, Burning rate and flame tilt characteristics of radiation-controlled rectangular hydrocarbon pool fires with cross air flows in a reduced pressure, Fuel 139 (1) (2015), 18-25.
[10]Xiaochun Zhang; Longhua Hu*; Wei Zhu, Ph.D.; Xiaolei Zhang; Lizhong Yang, Axial temperature profile in buoyant plume of rectangular source fuel jet fire in normal- and a sub-atmospheric pressure, Fuel 134 (2014) 455-459.
[11]Fei Tang, Longhua Hu*, Zengwei Qiu, Qiang Wang, A global model of plume axial temperature profile transition from axisymmetric to line-source pool fires in normal and reduced pressures, Fuel 130 (2014) 211–214.
[12]L.H. Hu*, Q. Wang, M.A. Delichatsios, S.X. Lu, F. Tang, Flame radiation fraction behaviors of sooty turbulent buoyant diffusive jet flames in reduced- and normal atmospheric pressures and a global correlation with Reynolds number, Fuel 116 (2014) 781-786.
[13]L.H.Hu*, F. Tang, Q. Wang, Z.W. Qiu, Burning characteristics of conduction-controlled rectangular hydrocarbon pool fires in a reduced pressure atmosphere at high altitude in Tibet, Fuel 111 (2013) 298-304
[14]Longhua Hu*, Long Wu, Shuai Liu, Flame length elongation behavior of medium hydrocarbon pool fires in cross air flow, Fuel 111, 2013, 613-620
[15]Longhua Hu*, Qiang Wang, Michael Delichatsios, Fei Tang, Xiaochun Zhang, Shouxiang Lu, Flame height and lift-off of turbulent buoyant jet diffusion flames in a reduced pressure atmosphere, Fuel 109 (2013) 234-240
[16]Longhua Hu*, Shuai Liu, John L de Ris, Long Wu, A new mathematical quantification of wind-blown flame tilt angle of hydrocarbon pool fires with a new global correlation model, Fuel 106 (2013) 730–736
[17]LongHua Hu*, Qiang Wang, Fei Tang, XiaoChun Zhang, Axial temperature profile in vertical buoyant turbulent jet fires in a reduced pressure atmosphere, Fuel 106 (2013) 779-786
[18]K.H. Lu, L.H.Hu*, F.Tang, L.H.He, X.C.Zhang, Z.W.Qiu, Heat flux profile upon building facade with side wall constraint due to window ejected fire plume: an experimental investigation and global correlation, Fire Safety Journal 70(2014)14-22.
[19]L.F. Chen, L.H. Hu*, W. Tang, L. Yi, Studies on buoyancy driven two-directional smoke flow layering length with combination of point extraction and longitudinal ventilation in tunnel fires, Fire Safety Journal 59 (2013) 94-101
[20]D. Yang, L.H. Hu*, Y.Q. Jiang, R. Huo, S. Zhu, X.Y. Zhao, Comparison of FDS predictions by different combustion models with measured data for enclosure fires, Fire Safety Journal 45 (2010) 298–313.
[21]K.Y. Li, L.H. Hu?, R. Huo, Y.Z. Li, Z.B. Chen, X.Q. Sun, S.C. Li, A mathematical model on interaction of smoke layer with sprinkler spray, Fire Safety Journal 44(2009) 96-105
[22]L.H. Hu*, L.F. Chen, W. Tang, A global model on temperature profile of buoyant ceiling gas flow in a channel with combining mass and heat loss due to ceiling extraction and longitudinal forced air flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 79 (2014) 885–892.
[23]K.H.Lu, L.H.Hu*, F.Tang, L.H.He, X.C.Zhang, Experimental investigation on window ejected facade flame height with different constraint side wall length in building fire and global correlation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 78 (2014), 17-24.
[24]F. Tang, L.H. Hu*, Q. Wang, Z.J. Ding, Flame pulsation frequency of conduction-controlled rectangular hydrocarbon pool fires of different aspect ratios in a sub-atmospheric pressure, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 76 (2014), 447-451.
[25]L.H.Hu*, K.H.Lu, F.Tang, M. Delichatsios, L.H.He, A global non-dimensional factor characterizing side wall constraint effect on facade flame entrainment and flame height from opening of compartment fires, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 75 (2014) 122-129
[26]F. Tang, L.H. Hu*, Z.W. Qiu, X.C. Zhang, Longitudinal distributions of fire-induced buoyant smoke flow temperature and CO concentration along tunnel ceiling in a reduced pressure atmosphere with lower air entrainment at high altitude, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 75 (2014) 130-134
[27]L.H. Hu*, F. Tang, M.A. Delichatsios, Q. Wang, K.H. Lu, X.C. Zhang, Global behaviors of enclosure fire and facade flame heights in normal and reduced atmospheric pressures at two altitudes, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 56 (2013) 119-126.
[28]L.H. Hu*, F. Tang, M.A. Delichatsios, K.H. Lu, A mathematical model on lateral temperature profile of buoyant window spill plume from a compartment fire, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 56 (2013) 447-453.
[29]L.H. Hu*, X.Y. Zhao, W. Zhu, F. Tang, An experimental investigation and characterization on flame bifurcation and leaning transition behavior of a pool fire in near wake of a square cylinder, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55 (23-23) (2012) 7024-7035
[30]F. Tang, L.H. Hu*, Q. Wang, K.H. Lu, X.C. Zhang, L.Z. Yang, An experimental investigation on temperature profile of buoyant spill plume from under-ventilated compartment fires in a reduced pressure atmosphere at high altitude, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55 (21-22), 2012, 5642-5649.
[31]L.H. Hu*, M.A. Delichatsios, J. Li, X.L. Zhang, S.F. Wang, R. Huo, Experimental study on diffusive solid combustion behavior during transition from normal- to reduced-gravity, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer , 55 (2012) 2035-2043
[32]F. Tang, L.H. Hu*, M.A. Delichatsios, K.H. Lu, W. Zhu, Experimental study on flame height and temperature profile of window spill thermal plume for compartment fires, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55 (1-3), (2012), 93-101.
[33]X.Q. Sun, L.H. Hu*, W.K. Chow, Y. Xu, F. Li, A theoretical model to predict plume rise in shaft generated by growing compartment fire, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 54 (2011) 910–920
[34]L.H.Hu*, F. Tang, D.Yang, S. Liu, R. Huo, Longitudinal distributions of CO concentration and difference with temperature field in a tunnel fire smoke flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 53 (2010) 2844–2855
[35]L.H. Hu?, Y. Xu, W. Zhu, L. Wu, F. Tang, K.H. Lu, Large eddy simulation of pollutant gas dispersion with buoyancy ejected from building into an urban street canyon, Journal of Hazardous Materials 192(3) (2011) 940-948.
[36]L.H.Hu, S. Liu, W. Peng, R. Huo, Experimental study on burning rates of square/rectangular gasoline and methanol pool fires under longitudinal air flow in a wind tunnel, Journal of Hazardous Materials 169(1-3) (2009) 972–979
[37]L.H. Hu, R. Huo, D. Yang, Large eddy simulation of fire-induced buoyancy driven plume dispersion in an urban street canyon under perpendicular wind flow, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 166(1) (2009), pp. 394-406
[38]L.H. Hu, J.W. Zhou, R. Huo, W. Peng, H.B. Wang, Confinement of fire-induced smoke and carbon monoxide transportation by air curtain in channels, Journal of Hazardous Materials August 2008, Vol 156/1-3, P. 327-334.
[39]L.H. Hu, W. Peng, R. Huo, Critical wind velocity for arresting upwind gas and smoke dispersion induced by near wall fire in a road tunnel, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, Vol.150 (1), P. 68–75
[40]Xiaochun Zhang, Longhua Hu*, Wei Zhu, Xiaolei Zhang,Lizhong Yang, Flame extension length and temperature profile in thermal impinging flow of buoyant round jet upon a horizontal plate, Applied Thermal Engineering Volume 73, Issue 1, 5 December 2014, Pages 13–20.
[41]Na Meng, Longhua Hu*, Shi Zhu, Lizhong Yang, Effect of smoke screen height on smoke flow temperature profile beneath platform ceiling of subway station: an experimental investigation and scaling correlation, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology Volume 43, July 2014, Pages 204–212.
[42]X.C. Zhang, L.H. Hu*, X.L. Zhang, L.Z. Yang, S.F. Wang, Non-dimensional correlations on flame height and axial temperature profile of a buoyant turbulent line-source jet fire plume, Journal of Fire Sciences Vol. 32, No. 5 (2014), 406 - 416
[43]Na Meng, Longhua Hu*, Long Wu, Lizhong Yang, Shi Zhu, Longfei Chen, Wei Tang, Numerical study on the optimization of smoke ventilation mode at the conjunction area between tunnel track and platform in emergency of a train fire at subway station, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 40 (2014) 151-159.
[44]Longhua Hu*, Long Wu, Kaihua Lu, Xiaochun Zhang, Shuai Liu, Zengwei Qiu, Optimization of emergency ventilation mode for a train on fire stopping beside platform of a metro station, Building Simulation: An International Journal. 2014, 7 (2) 137-146
[45]Jinhua Sun*, Longhua Hu*, and Ying Zhang, A review on research of fire dynamics in high-rise buildings, THEORETICAL & APPLIED MECHANICS LETTERS 3, 042001 (2013).
[46]Xiaochun Zhang, Longhua Hu*, Wei Zhu, Xiaolei Zhang,Lizhong Yang, Flame extension length and temperature profile in thermal impinging flow of buoyant round jet upon a horizontal plate, Applied Thermal Engineering 73 (1) 2014, 13-20.
[47]W. Tang, L.H. Hu*, L.F. Chen, Effect of blockage-fire distance on buoyancy driven back-layering length and critical velocity in a tunnel: an experimental investigation and global models, Applied Thermal Engineering 60 (2013) 7-14
[48]L.H. Hu*, W. Tang, L.F. Chen, L. Yi, A non-dimensional global correlation of maximum gas temperature beneath ceiling with different blockage-fire distance in a longitudinal ventilated tunnel, Applied Thermal Engineering 56 (2013) 77-82.
[49]L.H. Hu*, X.C. Zhang, W. Zhu, Z. Ning, A global relation of fire smoke re-circulation behavior in urban street canyons, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management (in press)
[50]L.H. Hu*, L.F. Chen, L. Wu, Y.F. Li, J.Y. Zhang, N. Meng, An experimental investigation and correlation on buoyant gas temperature below ceiling in a slopping tunnel fire, Applied Thermal Engineering, 51 (1-2), March 2103, 246-254.
[51]N. Meng, L.H. Hu*, S. Liu, L. Wu, L.F. Chen, B.H. Liu, Full Scale Experimental Study on Fire Suppression Performance of a Designed Water Mist System for Rescue Station of Long Railway Tunnel, Journal of Fire Sciences 30 (2) March 2012, 137 - 156
[52]L.H. Hu*, S. Zhu, W.K. Chow, R. Huo, Z.B. Chen, and F. Tang, Vertical temperature profile of a buoyant plume in an atrium, Experimental Heat Transfer 1521-0480, Volume 24, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 15 – 33
[53]D. Yang, L.H. Hu*, R. Huo, Y.Q. Jiang, S. Liu, F. Tang, Experimental study on buoyant flow stratification induced by a fire in a horizontal channel, Applied Thermal Engineering, 30 (2010) 872–878
[54]L.H. Hu, R. Huo, W.K. Chow, Studies on buoyancy-driven back-layering in tunnel fires, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1468-1483.
[1]  L.H. Hu, R. Huo, R.X. Yang, W.H. He, H.B. Wang and Y.Z. Li, Full scale experiments on studying smoke spread in a road tunnel, Fire Safety Science–Proceedings of The Eighth International Symposium, Sep., 2005, Beijing, China, P. 1437-1448.
[2]  S.C. Li, D. Yang, R. Huo*, L.H. Hu*, Y.Z. Li, K.Y. Li ,H.B. Wang, Studies of Cooling Effects of Sprinkler Spray on Smoke Layer, Fire Safety Science–Proceedings of The Ninth International Symposium, Karlsruhe, Germany, Sep. 21-26, 2008, 861-872
[3]  D. Yang, R. Huo*, L.H. Hu*, S.C. Li, Y.Z. Li, A Fire Zone Model Including Cooling effects of sprinkler spray on smoke layer, Fire Safety Science–Proceedings of The Ninth International Symposium, Karlsruhe, Germany, Sep. 21-26, 2008, 919-930
[4]  K.H.Lu, L.H.Hu*, F.Tang, M. Delichatsios, X.C.Zhang, L.H.He, Facade Flame Heights from Enclosure Fires with Side Walls at the Opening, The 9th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology, Oct. 18-22, 2012
[5]  F. Tang, L.H. Hu* , Q. Wang, X.C. Zhang, K.H. Lu, An experimental study on buoyant spilled thermal plume temperature profile from over-ventilated enclosure fires in a reduced air pressure, The 9th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology, Oct. 18-22, 2012.
[6]  Q. Wang, L.H. Hu*, F. Tang, X.C. Zhang, Characterization and Comparison of Flame Fluctuation Magnitude of a Turbulent Buoyant Jet Diffusion Flame under Reduced- and Normal Pressure Atmosphere, The 9th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology, Oct. 18-22, 2012.
X.C.Zhang, L.H.Hu*, F.Tang, Q. Wang, Large eddy simulation of fire smoke dispersion re-circulation in urban street canyons of different aspect ratios, The 9th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology, Oct. 18-22, 2012.
Colloquium Co-Chair (Fire Research)(火灾论坛共同主席), 38th International Symposium on Combustion (第38届国际燃烧会议), 2020
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology副主编(2020.7-)、
Fire Safety Journal编委(2019.9-至今)
Fire Technology 编委(2014至今)
Fire Technology-Special issue on fire safety of high-rise buildings (高层建筑火灾安全专刊),Guest Editor (客座编辑)(2015)
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology隧道与地下空间火灾安全专刊(Special Issue on Fire Safety of Tunnel and Underground Space)Guest Editor (2020.1)
2015年中国工程热物理燃烧学年会 火灾科学与技术分会 主席
2014年中国工程热物理燃烧学年会 火灾科学与技术分会 主席

