2023-05-16 13:09
  • 符传孩
  • 符传孩 - 教授-中国科学技术大学-合肥微尺度物质科学国家研究中心-个人资料




1997-2001 中国科学技术大学、生物科学、学士
1999-2001 中国科学技术大学、计算机科学和技术、学士
2001-2006 中国科学技术大学、细胞生物学、博士
2006-2011 美国宾夕法尼亚大学、博士后
2011-2015 香港大学、助理教授
2016-至今 中国科学技术大学、教授




1. Zheng F, Jia B, Dong F, Liu L, Rasul F, He J, Fu C*. 2019. Glucose starvation induces mitochondrial fragmentation depending on the dynamin GTPase Dnm1/Drp1 in fission yeast. J Biol Chem. 294(47):17725-17734 (*通讯作者)
  2. Liu W, Zheng F, Wang Y, Fu C*. 2019. Alp7-Mto1 and Alp14 synergize to promote interphase microtubule regrowth from the nuclear envelope. J Mol Cell Biol. 11(11):944-955 (*通讯作者)
  3. Niu X, Zheng F*, Fu C*. 2019. The concerted actions of Tip1/CLIP-170, Klp5/Kinesin-8, and Alp14/XMAP215 regulate microtubule catastrophe at the cell end. J Mol Cell Biol. 11(11):956-966 (*通讯作者)
  4. Shen J, Li T, Niu X, Liu W, Zheng S, Wang J, Wang F, Cao X, Yao X, Zheng F*, Fu C*. 2019. The J-domain cochaperone Rsp1 interacts with Mto1 to organize noncentrosomal microtubule assembly. Mol Biol Cell. 30(2):256-267 (*通讯作者)
  5. Zheng S, Dong F, Rasul F, Yao X, Jin QW, Zheng F*, Fu C*. 2018. Septins regulate the equatorial dynamics of the separation initiation network kinase Sid2p and glucan synthases to ensure proper cytokinesis. FEBS J. 285(13):2468-2480 (*通讯作者)
  6. Zhu Q, Zheng F, Liu AP, Qian J, Fu C*, Lin Y*. 2016. Shape Transformation of the Nuclear Envelope during Closed Mitosis. Biophys J. 111(10):2309-2316 (*通讯作者)
  7. Zheng F, Li T, Jin D, Syrovatkina V, Scheffler K, Tran PT*, Fu C*. 2014. Csi1p recruits alp7p/TACC to the SPB for bipolar spindle formation. Mol Biol Cell. 25(18):2750-60. (*通讯作者)
  8. Zheng F, Li T, Cheung M, Syrovatkina V, Fu C*. 2014. Mcp1p tracks microtubule plus ends to destabilize microtubules at cell tips. FEBS Lett. 2014 Mar 18;588(6):859-65 (*通讯作者) (cover story)
  9. Syrovatkina V#, Fu C#, Tran PT. 2013. Antagonistic spindle motors and MAPs regulate metaphase spindle length and chromosome segregation. Curr Biol. 23: 2423-9 (#共同第一作者)
  10. Fu C*, Jain D, Costa J, Velve-Casquillas G, Tran PT*. 2011. Mmb1p binds mitochondria to dynamic microtubules. Curr Biol. 21:1431-39 (*通讯作者)
  11. Fu C, Ward JJ, Loiodice I, Velve-Casquillas G, Nedelec FJ, Tran PT. 2009. Phospho-regulated interaction between kinesin-6 Klp9p and microtubule bundler Ase1p promotes spindle elongation. Dev Cell 17: 257-67
  12. Fu C, Yan F, Wu F, Wu Q, Whittaker J, Hu H, Hu R, Yao X. 2007. Mitotic phosphorylation of PRC1 at Thr470 is required for PRC1 oligomerization and proper central spindle organization. Cell Res 17: 449-57
  13. Fu C, Ahmed K, Ding H, Ding X, Lan J, Yang Z, Miao Y, Zhu Y, Shi Y, Zhu J, Huang H, Yao X. 2005. Stabilization of PML nuclear localization by conjugation and oligomerization of SUMO-3. Oncogene 24: 5401-13

