2023-05-16 13:07
  • 段强领
  • 段强领 - 副教授-中国科学技术大学-火灾科学国家重点实验室-个人资料




中国科学技术大学博士后 (2016-2018)
中国科学技术大学特任副研究员 (2018-2020)
中国科学技术大学副教授 (2020至今)
中国公路学会科学技术奖 一等奖(2018)
中国消防协会科技创新奖 一等奖(2018)


[1] 段强领,曾倩,李萍,孙金华;一种高压可燃性实验气体的安全输运装置及其供气方法,ZL201920160887.9,2020.01.03.
[2] 王青松,段强领,伍科,邵光正,李勇琦,孙金华,陈满;一种锂系电池储能单元消防系统,ZL201410217016.8,2017.03.01.
[3] 孙金华,段强领,肖华华,沈晓波,彭忠璟;一种高压可燃性气体泄漏自燃及激波诱导点火的试验装置,ZL201310404843.3,2015.04.08.
[4] 孙金华,肖华华,段强领,沈晓波,彭忠璟;一种可燃气与空气预混气体爆炸过程中火焰传播及抑制的试验装置,ZL201310435470.6,2016.09.07."


[1] Cao H, Duan Q*, Chai H, Li X, Sun J*. Experimental study of the effect of typical halides on pyrolysis of ammonium nitrate using model reconstruction. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020; 384: 121297.
[2] Gong L, Li Z, Jin K, Gao Y, Duan Q*, Zhang Y, Sun J*. Numerical study on the mechanism of spontaneous ignition of high-pressure hydrogen during its sudden release into a tube. Safety Science, 2020, 129: 104807.
[3] Chai H, Duan Q*, Cao H, Li M, Sun J*. Effects of nitrogen content on pyrolysis behavior of nitrocellulose. Fuel. 2020; 264: 116853.
[4] Zeng Q, Duan Q*, Li P, Zhu H, Sun D, Sun J*. An experimental study of the effect of 2.5% methane addition on self-ignition and flame propagation during high-pressure hydrogen release through a tube. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2019; 45(4): 3381-90.
[5] Duan Q, Xiao H, Gong L, Li P, Zeng Q, Gao W, Sun J*. Experimental study of shock wave propagation and its influence on the spontaneous ignition during high-pressure hydrogen release through a tube. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2019; 44:22598-22607.
[6] Chai H, Duan Q*, Jiang L, Gong L*, Chen H, Sun J. Theoretical and experimental study on the effect of nitrogen content on the thermal characteristics of nitrocellulose under low heating rates. Cellulose. 2019; 26:763-776.
[7] Chai H, Duan Q*, Jiang L, Sun J*. Effect of inorganic additive flame retardant on fire hazard of polyurethane exterior insulation material. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2019; 135: 2857-2868.
[8] Gong L, Duan Q*, Liu J, Li M, Jin K, Sun J*. Effect of burst disk parameters on the release of high-pressure hydrogen. Fuel. 2019; 235: 485-494.
[9] Gong L, Duan Q*, Liu J, Li M, Jin K, Sun J*. Experimental investigation on effects of CO2 additions on spontaneous ignition of high-pressure hydrogen during its sudden release into a tube. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2019; 44: 7041-7048.
[10] Gong L, Duan Q*, Sun J*, Molkov V. Similitude analysis and critical conditions for spontaneous ignition of hydrogen release into the atmosphere through a tube. Fuel. 2019; 245: 413-419.
[11] Li P, Duan Q*, Gong L, Jin K, Chen J, Sun J*. Effects of obstacles inside the tube on the shock wave propagation and spontaneous ignition of high-pressure hydrogen. Fuel. 2019; 236: 1586-1594.
[12] Li P, Duan Q*, Zeng Q, Jin K, Chen J, Sun J*. Experimental study of spontaneous ignition induced by sudden hydrogen release through tubes with different shaped cross-sections. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2019; 44: 23821-23831.
[13] Duan Q, Xiao H, Gong L, Jin K, Gao W, Chai H, Sun J*. Experimental study on spontaneous ignition and subsequent flame development caused by high-pressure hydrogen release: Coupled effects of tube dimensions and burst pressure. Fire Safety Journal. 2018; 97: 44-53.
[14] Gong L, Duan Q*, Liu J, Li M, Li P, Jin K, Sun J*. Spontaneous ignition of high-pressure hydrogen during its sudden release into hydrogen/air mixtures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2018; 43: 23558-23567.
[15] Duan Q, Zhang F, Xiong T, Wang Q, Xiao H, Wang Q, Xiao H, Gao W, Gong L, Jin K, Sun J*. Experimental study of spontaneous ignition and non-premixed turbulent combustion behavior following pressurized hydrogen release through a tube with local enlargement. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. 2017; 49: 814-821.
[16] Gong L, Duan Q*, Sun Q, Jin K, Sun J*. Effects of the geometry of downstream pipes with different angles on the shock ignition of high-pressure hydrogen during its sudden expansion. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2017; 42: 8382-8391.
[17] Duan Q, Xiao H, Gao W, Gong L, Wang Q, Sun J. Experimental study on spontaneous ignition and flame propagation of high-pressure hydrogen release via a tube into air. Fuel. 2016;181: 811-819.
[18] Duan Q, Xiao H, Gao W, Gong L, Sun J. Experimental investigation of spontaneous ignition and flame propagation at pressurized hydrogen release through tubes with varying cross-section. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2016; 320: 18-26.
[19] Duan, Q, Xiao, H, Gao, W, Shen, X, Wang, Q, Sun, J*, 2015, Experimental investigation on shock waves generated by pressurized gas release through a tube, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. 36: 39-44.
[20] Duan, Q, Xiao, H, Gao, W, Wang, Q., Shen, X., Jiang, L, Sun, J*, 2015, An experimental study on shock waves and spontaneous ignition produced by pressurized hydrogen release through a tube into atmosphere, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 40(25): 8281-8289.

