2023-05-16 13:04
  • 曹洋
  • 曹洋 - 副教授-中国科学技术大学-先进技术研究院-个人资料




2013.12-2014.12,纽约州立大学布法罗分校 访问学者
2010.01--2010.09,MSRA 访问学者
2006.09-2015.06,中国科技大学自动化系 助理教授
2015.06至今 中国科技大学自动化系副教授


1. 国家重大研发计划项目子课题:面向自主移动的机器人智能发育验证技术 2018.10-2020.11 35万;
2. 国家重大研发计划项目子课题:近海大气污染物立体遥感定量表征技术2018.10-2020.11 60万;
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于对抗学习策略的模糊辨识性特征计算方法研究2019.01-2022.12 64万;
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:具有3D空间辨识力的视觉显著计算模型研究 2015.01-2018.12 83万;
5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:基于单眼线索的自然场景深度重建 2009.01-2011.12 20万
6. 校重要方向培育基金:水下关键目标识别技术研究 2018.01-2020.12 90万
7. 华为公司合作计划项目:脑启发的模型研究与应用 2019.08-202107. 180万
8. 微软亚洲研究院合作计划项目:Flying Sensor Network 2010.01-2010.12 35万"


1. Wei Zhai, Yang Cao*, Jing Zhang, Zhengjun Zha. Deep Multiple-Attribute-Perceived Network for Real-world Texture Recognition. International Conferences on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019.
2. Yang Wang, Yang Cao*, Jing Zhang, Zhengjun Zha. Progressive Retinex: Mutually Reinforced Illumination-Noise Perception Network for Low Light Image Enhancement. ACM Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2019.
3. Kai Zhu, Wei Zhai, Zheng-Jun Zha, Yang Cao*. One-Shot Texture Retrieval with Global Context Metric. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2019.
4. Jing Yuan, Yang Cao*, Yu Kang. 3D Layout encoding network for spatial-aware 3D saliency modelling. IET Computer Vision. 2019.
5. Shilian Wu, Wei Zhai, Yang Cao*. PixTextGAN: structure aware text image synthesis for license plate recognition. IET Image Processing. 2019.
6. Xue Zhao, Yang Cao*, Yu Kang. Object affordance detection with relationship-aware network. Neural Computing and Applications (NCAA).2019
7. Jing Zhang, Yang Cao*, Yang Wang, Chenglin Wen and Chang Wen Chen, Fully Point-wise Convolutional Neural Network for Modeling Statistical Regularities in Natural Images, ACM Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2018.
8. Yu Kang, Shaofeng Chen, Xuefeng Wang, Yang Cao*. Deep Convolutional Identifier for Dynamic Modelling and Adaptive Control of Unmanned Helicopter. IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning System (TNNLS), 2018.
9. Wei Zhai, Jiang Zhu, Yang Cao*, and Zengfu Wang: A Generative Adversarial Network Based Framework for Unsupervised Visual Surface Inspection. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2018.
10. Jiang Zhu, Wei Zhai, Yang Cao* and Zheng-Jun Zha. “Co-occurrent Structural Edge Detection for Color-Guided Depth Map Super-resolution”. International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM), 2018.
11. Meng Wei, Yu Kang, Weiguo Song and Yang Cao*. Crowd Distribution Estimation with Multi-scale Recursive Convolutional Neural Network. International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM), 2018.
12. Yang Wang, Jing Zhang, Yang Cao*, et al. “A deep CNN method for underwater image enhancement”. IEEE Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2017.
13. Jiang Zhu, Jing Zhang, Yang Cao*, et al. “Image guided depth enhancement via deep fusion and local linear regularization”. IEEE Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2017.
14. Jing Zhang, Yang Cao*, Chang Wen Chen, “Fast haze removal for nighttime image using maximum reflectance prior”. Accepted by IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR), 2017.
15. Cao Yang*, Kang Kai, Zhang Jing and Zengfu Wang, Fast Response Aggregation For Depth Estimation Using Light Field Camera, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2016.
16. Cao Yang*, Kang Kai, Zhang Shijie, Zhang Jing, and Wang Zengfu. Automatic tag saliency ranking for stereo images. Neurocomputing. doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2014.09.097 2015.
17. Jing Zhang, Yang Cao*, Zhigang Zheng, Zengfu Wang, Changwen Chen. A Unified Scheme for Super-resolution and Depth Estimation from Asymmetric Stereoscopic Video, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2014.2367356, 2015.
18. Zhang Jing, Cao Yang*, Wang Zengfu, Changwen Chen. A new closed loop method of super-resolution for multi-view images, Machine Vision and Application, (2014)15:1685-1695, 2014.
19. Yang Cao*, Shijie Zhang, Jing Zhang, Changwen Chen, A Novel Segmentation-based Video Denoising Method with Noise Level Estimation. Information Science. 281(10):507-520, 2014.
20. Kai Kang , Yang Cao*, Jing Zhang, and Zengfu Wang. Salient object detection and classification for stereoscopic images. Multimedia Tools and Application. DOI: 10.1007/s11042-014-2142-8, 2014.
21. Jing Zhang, Yang Cao* and Zengfu Wang, A New Image Filtering Method: Nonlocal Image Guided Averaging, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 2460-2464, Florence, Italy, 2014.
22. Jing Zhang, Yang Cao*, Zengfu Wang, Nighttime Haze Removal Based on A New Imaging Model, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 4557 - 4561, Paris, Franc. 2014.
23. Shijie Zhang, Jing Zhang, Shuai Fang, Yang Cao*, Underwater Stereo Image Enhancement Using A New Physical Model, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ( ICIP), pp. 5422 - 5426, Paris, Franc. 2014.
24. Yu Liu, Shuping Liu, Yang Cao, Zengfu Wang*. A Practical Algorithm for Automatic Chessboard Corner Detection. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ( ICIP), pp. 3449 - 3453, Paris, Franc. 2014.
25. Shuai Fang, Chuanpei Zhou, Yang Cao*. Improving Color Constancy with Internet Photo Collections, Advances in Multimedia Information Processing-PCM, Volume 8879, pp 33-43 2014.
26. Yang Cao, Shuai Fang, Zengfu Wang*. Digital Multi-focusing from a Single Photograph Taken with an Uncalibrated Conventional Camera, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 22(9):3703-3714, 2013.
27. Shuai Fang*,Qiang Shi,Yang Cao,Adaptive removal of real noise from a single image,Journal of Electronic Imaging. 22(3):033014, 2013.
28. Jing Zhang, Yang Cao* and Zengfu Wang, A Simultaneous Method for 3D Video Super-resolution and High-quality Depth Estimation, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ( ICIP),pp. 1346-1350, Melbourne, Australia. 2013.
29. Yu Jun, Cao Yang, Wang zengfu. 2D/3D Model-based Facial Video Coding/Decoding at Ultra-low Bit-rate for Mobile Communication、International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Volume 7733, 2013, 12-23
30. Fang Shuai, Qin Tong, Cao Yang*. Depth recovery from a single defocused image based on depth locally consistency. The Fifth International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and Service. pp.56-61, Huangshan, China, 2013.
31. Zhang Jing, Cao Yang*, Wang zengfu. A new closed loop method of super-resolution for multi-view images、International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Volume 7733, 2013, 154-164
32. Zhang Shijie, Zhang Jing, Cao Yang*. A Novel Segmentation-based Video Denoising Method with Noise Level Estimation、International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Volume 7733, 2013, 272-282
33. Yang Cao, Shuai Fang, Feng Wang. Single Image Multi-focusing Based on Local Blur Estimation, International Conference on Image and Graphics(ICIG), Hefei, Anhui.2011: 168 – 175.
34. Yang Cao, Yan Xia, Zengfu Wang. A close-form iterative algorithm for depth inferring from a single image. European Conference on Computer Vision(ECCV), 2010, Vol 6315/2010, 729-742.
35. Shuai Fang, Jiqing Zhan, Yang Cao, Ruizhong Rao, Improved Single Image Dehazing Using Segmentation, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Hong Kang, Sep.2010:3589-3592.

