2023-05-16 13:03
  • 常鹏
  • 常鹏 - -中国科学技术大学-先进技术研究院-个人资料




Tech Lead Manager 2019 – present, PingAn Silicon Valley Research Lab, Palo Alto, CA
Tech Lead 2017-2019,JD.COM Silicon Research Center Mountain View, CA
Founder and Chief Scientist 01/2008-2017 Princeton Vision
Member of Technical Staff 09/2002-11/2007, Sarnoff Corporation (Now part of SRI International) Princeton, NJ


- 智慧医疗:AI 乳腺钼靶诊断系统
- 智慧教育:AI教师助手
- 亚一无人仓视觉导引机械臂抓取项目
- 国家智能交通实验室视觉智能交通灯项目(安徽科力)
- 美国DARPA SBIR/STTR 智能防撞系统 (卡内基梅隆)
Sarnoff (SRI International)
- 基于立体视觉的车辆防撞系统
- 越野机器人视觉导航系统"


1. P. Chang and C. Mertz, Monte Carlo Sampling Based Imminent Collision
Detection Algorithm, IEEE International Conference on Transportation
Information and Safety, 2017 (Best Paper Award)
2. P. Chang, Monte Carlo Sampling Based Collision Detection Algorithm
Development and False Positive and False Negative Rate Analysis: A
Bayesian Approach, Final report to DARPA, 2012
3. H. Tang, P. Chang, E. Molina and Z. Zhu, Uncertainty preserving patch-based online modeling for 3D model acquisition and integration from passive motion imagery, Evolutionary and Bio-inspired Computation: Theory and Applications VI, SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing 2012
4. S. Wu, S. Decker, P. Chang, T. Camus and J. Eledath, Collision Sensing by
Stereo Vision and Radar Sensor Fusion, IEEE Trans. On Intelligent Transportation System, Vol. 10, Issue 4, Dec 2009
5. S. Wu, S. Decker, Peng Chang, T. Camus and J. Eledath, Collision sensing by stereo vision and RADAR fusion, IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, 2008
6. P. Chang, D. Hirvonen, T. Camus and B. Southall, Stereo-vision based object detection and classification for automotive applications and evaluations, IEEE Workshop on Machine Vision for Intelligent Vehicles, i n conjunction with CVPR, 2005
7. P. Chang, T. Camus and R. Mandelbaum, Stereo-based vision system for
automotive imminent collision, IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, 2004
8. P. Chang and M. Hebert, Robust tracking and structure from motion through sampling based uncertainty representation, proceedings of ICRA ' 02, May 2002
9. P. Chang, M. Han and Y. Gong, Highlight detection and classification of
baseball game video with Hidden Markov Models, Proceedings of the
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP '02), 2002
10. P. Chang and M. Hebert, Omni-directional structure from motion, Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, June, 2000
11. M. Hebert, R. MacLachlan and Peng Chang, Experiments with Driving Modes for Urban Robots, Proceedings of SPIE, 1999
12. P. Chang and J. Krumm, Object Recognition with Color Co-occurrence
Histogram, Proceedings of CVPR '99, 1999
13 P. Chang and M. Hebert, Omni-directional Visual Servoing for Human-Robot interaction, Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS '98), October, 1998

