Barry Sanders
2023-05-16 13:02
  • Barry Sanders
  • Barry Sanders - -中国科学技术大学-合肥微尺度物质科学国家研究中心-个人资料




2017- Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
2016- Imperial College Doctor of Science
2013- Director, Institute for Quantum Science and Technology, University of Calgary
2013- AITF iCORE Strategic Chair in Quantum Information Science, Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary
2008-2013 iCORE Chair of Quantum Science and Technology, Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary
2004-2012 Director, Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary
2003-2008 iCORE Professor of Quantum Information Science Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary
2003-2008 Adjunct Professor, Physics, Macquarie University
2001-2003 Professor, Physics, Macquarie University
1997-2003 Head of Department, Physics, Macquarie University
1997-2001 Associate Professor, Physics, Macquarie University
1988 Diploma of Imperial College
1987 Doctor of Philosophy (Physics with P. L. Knight) Imperial College
1985 Diploma of Imperial College (Mathematical Physics with T. W. B. Kibble) University of Calgary
1984 Bachelor of Science (Honours Physics) University of Calgary


Quantum information
quantum optics
quantum control""


1 A. Munir & BCS, “Creating deterministic collisions between two orbiting bodies”, PRA 102:043113 (13pp) 21 Oct 2020
2 S. Asgarnezhad-Zorgabad & BCS, “Nonlinear frequency conversions via weak surface polaritonic wave breaking in a hybrid plasmonic waveguide”, OL 45:5432–5435 24 Sep 2020
3 M. Noori, S. S. Vedaie, I. Singh, D. Crawford, J. S. Oberoi, BCS & E. Zahedinejad, “Analog-quantum feature mapping for machine-learning applications”, PRAp 14:034034 (10pp) 14 Sep 2020
4 R. Chatterjee, K. Joarder, S. Chatterjee, BCS & U. Sinha, “qkdSim: An experimenter's simulation toolkit for QKD with imperfections: performance analysis with a demonstration of the B92 protocol using heralded photon”, PRAp 14:024036 (64pp) 13 Aug 2020
5 Y. Xiao, Y. Xiang, Q. He & BCS, “Quasi-fine-grained uncertainty relations”, NJP 22:073063 (15pp) 30 Jul 2020
6 H. Liang, Y. Su, X. Xiao, Y. Che, BCS & X. Wang, “Criticality in two-mode interferometers”, PRA 102:013722 (6pp) 22 Jul 2020
7 M. Jafarzadeh, Y.-D. Wu, Y. R. Sanders & BCS, “Randomized benchmarking for qudit Clifford gates”, NJP 22:063014 (9pp) 17 Jun 2020
8 M. Saffman, I. I. Beterov, A. Dalal, E. Páez & BCS, “Symmetric controlled-Z gates with adiabatic pulses”, PRA 101:062309 (10pp) 3 Jun 2020
9 A. Khalique, H. de Guise & BCS, “Interferometrically estimating a quadratic form for any immanant of a matrix and its permutations”, PRA 101:052314 (9pp) 7 May 2020
10 D. P. Lake, M. Mitchell, BCS & P. E. Barclay, “Two-colour interferometry and switching through optomechanical dark mode excitation”, Nature Communications 11:2208 (7pp) 5 May 2020
11 S. Asgarnezhad-Zorgabadi, R. Sadighi-Bonabi, B. Kibler, S. K. Özdemier & BCS, “Surface-polaritonic phase singularities and multimode polaritonic frequency combs via dark rogue-wave excitation in hybrid plasmonic waveguide”, NJP 22:033008 (22pp) 6 Mar 2020
12 W. K. Tham, H. Ferretti, K. Bonsma-Fisher, BCS, A. Brodutch, A. M. Steinberg & S. Jeffery, “Experimental demonstration of quantum fully homomorphic encryption with application in a two-party secure protocol”, PRX 10:011038 (17pp) 18 Feb 2020
13 X. Zhan, K. Wang, L. Xiao, Z. Bian, Y. Zhang, BCS, C. Zhang & P. Xue, “Experimental quantum cloning in a pseudo-unitary system”, PRA 101:010302(R) (7pp) 17 Jan 2020
14 M. Habibidavijani & BCS, “Continuous-variable ramp quantum secret sharing”, NJP 21:113023 (24pp) 12 Nov 2019
15 S. Sadana, BCS & U. Sinha, “Double-slit interferometry as a lossy beam splitter”, NJP 21:113022 (20pp) 12 Nov 2019
16 A. Karigowda, Adwaith K V, Pradosh K. Nayak, S. Sudha, BCS, F. Bretenaker & A. Narayan, Phase-sensitive amplification of an optical field using microwaves, OEx 27:32111–32121 28 Oct 2019
17 J. Wu, W.-W. Zhang & BCS, “Topological quantum walks: theory and experiments”, Frontiers of Physics 14:61301 (6pp) 8 Aug 2019
18 Y. Wu & BCS, “Efficient verification of bosonic channels via benchmarking”, NJP 21:073026 (21pp) 17 Jul 2019
19 S. Sadana, D. Ghosh, K. Joarder, A. Naga Lakshmi, BCS & U. Sinha, “Near-100% two-photon-like coincidence-visibility dip with classical light and the role of complementarity”, PRA 100:01383919 (10pp) 19 Jul 2019
20 P. Palittapongarnpim & BCS, “Robustness of quantum-enhanced adaptive phase estimation”, PRA 100:012106 (17pp) 8 Jul 2019
21 N. Shukla, N. Khan & BCS, “Quantum tetrachotomous states: superposition of four coherent states on a line in phase space”, PRA 99:063813 (14pp) 10 Jun 2019.
22 K. Wang, X. Qiu, L. Xiao, X. Zhan, Z. Bian, BCS, W. Yi & P. Xue, “Observation of emergent momentum-time skyrmions in parity-time-symmetric non-unitary quench dynamics”, Nature Communications 10:2293 (8pp) 23 May 2019.
23 S. Asgharnezhad-Zorgabad, P. Berini & BCS, “Polaritonic frequency-comb generation and breather propagation in a negative-index metamaterial with a cold four-level atomic medium”, PRA 99:051802(R) (5pp) 10 May 2019.
24 V. V. Konotop, BCS & D. Zezyulin, “Spectral singularities of a potential created by two coupled microring resonators”, OL 44:2024–2027 9 Apr 2019.
25 K. Wei, N. Tischler, S.-R. Zhao, Y.-H. Li, J. M. Arrazola, Y. Liu, W. Zhang, H. Li, L. You, Z. Wang, Y.-A Chen, BCS, Q. Zhang, G. J. Pryde, F. Xu & J.-W. Pan, “Experimental quantum switching for exponentially superior quantum communication complexity”, PRL 122:120504 (6pp) 28 Mar 2018.
26 L. Xiao, X. Qiu, K. Wang, Z. Bian, X. Zhan, H. Obuse, BCS, Y. Wei & P. Xue, “Higher winding number in a non-unitary photonic quantum walk”, PRA 98:063847 (10pp) 28 Dec 2018.
27 W. Sun, C.-R. Yi, B.-Z. Wang, W.-W. Zhang, BCS, X.-T. Xu, Z.-Y. Wang, J. Schmiedmayer, Y. Deng, X.-J. Liu, S. Chen & J.-W. Pan, “Uncover topology by quantum quench dynamics”, PRL 121:250403 (5pp) 18 Dec 2018.
28 R. Spiteri, M. Schmidt, J. Ghosh, E. Zahedinejad & BCS, “Quantum control for high-fidelity multi-qubit gates”, NJP 20:113009 (8pp) 6 Nov 2018.
29 H. de Guise, L. Maccone, B. C. Sanders & N. Shukla, “State-independent uncertainty relations”, PRA 98:042121 (8pp) 22 Oct 2018.
30 C. Chen, X. Ding, J. Qin, Y. He, Y.-H. Luo, M.-C. Chen, C. Liu, X.-L. Wang, W.-J. Zhang, H. Li, L.-X. You, Z. Wang, D.-W. Wang, BCS, C.-Y. Lu & J.-W. Pan, “Observation of topologically protected edge states in a photonic two-dimensional quantum walk”, PRL 121:100502 (6pp) 6 Sep 2018.
31 Y. Wu, A. Khalid & BCS, “Efficient code for relativistic quantum summoning”, NJP 20:063052 (18pp) 29 Jun 2018.
32 S. Asgarnezhad-Zorgabad, R. Sadighi-Bonabi & BCS, “Excitation and propagation of surface polaritonic rogue waves and breathers”, PRA 98:013825 (17pp) 22 Jun 2018.
33 J. Wu, H. de Guise & BCS, “Coincidence landscapes for polarized bosons”, PRA 98:013817 (11pp) 10 July 2018.
34 M. Ahmadi, H. B. Dang, G. Gour & BCS, “Quantification and manipulation of magic states”, PRA 97:062332 (8pp) 20 Jun 2018.
35 A. Khalid, D. Spivak, BCS & H. de Guise, “Permutational symmetries for coincidence rates in multi-mode multi-photonic interferometry”, PRA 97:068302 (18pp) 4 Jun 2018.
36 S. Xu, X. Sun, J. Wu, W.-W. Zhang, N. Arshed & BCS, “Quantum walk on a chimera graph”, NJP 20:053039 (13pp) 15 May 2018.
37 P. Palittapongarnpim & BCS, “Quantum information: Enter the machine”, Nature Physics 14:432–433 1 May 2018 [News & Views].
38 K. Wang, X. Wang, X. Zhan, Z. Bian, J. Li, BCS & P. Xue, “Entanglement-assisted quantum metrology in a noisy environment”, PRA 97:042112 (10pp) 19 Apr 2018.
39 Z. Shaterzadeh-Yazdi, BCS & G. DiLabio, “Ab-initio characterization of coupling strength for all types of dangling-bond pairs on the Hydrogen-terminated Si(100)-2x1 surface” The Journal of Chemical Physics 148:154701 (7pp) 16 Apr 2018 [Editor’s Pick & Cover].
40 D. Quan, L. Zhu, C. Pei & BCS “Fault-tolerant conversion between adjacent Reed-Muller quantum codes based on gauge fixing”, JPA 51(11):115305 (16pp) 19 Feb 2018.
41 N. Sang-Nourpour, B. Lavoie, R. Kheradmand, M. Rezaei & BCS “Characterization of surface-plasmon polaritons at lossy interfaces”, Journal of Optics 19:125004 (12pp) 20 Nov 2017.
42 W. Zhang, BCS, S. Apers, S. Goyal & D. L. Feder, “Detecting topological transitions in two dimensions by Hamiltonian evolution”, PRL 119:197401 (6pp) 6 Nov 2017.
43 X. Zhan, L. Xiao, Z. Bian, K. Wang, X. Qiu, BCS, W. Yi & P. Xue, “Detecting topological invariants in nonunitary discrete-time quantum walks”, PRL 119:130501 (6pp) 27 Sep 2017.
44 M. Ahmadi, Y.-D. Wu & BCS, “Relativistic (2,3)-threshold quantum secret sharing”, PRD 96:065018 (10pp) 25 Sep 2017.
45 L. Livadaru, P. Xue, Z. Shaterzadeh-Yazdi, G. A. DiLabio, J. Mutus, J. L. Pitters, BCS & R. A. Wolkow, “Corrigendum: Dangling-bond charge qubit on a silicon surface (New J. Phys. 12, 083018)”, NJP 19:119501 (2pp) 11 Sep 2017.
46 P. T. Fraser & BCS. “Loophole-free Bell tests and the falsification of local realism”, The Journal of Student Science and Technology 10:23–31 1 Jan 2017.
47 P. Palittapongarnpim, P. Wittek, E. Zahedinejad & BCS, “Learning in quantum control: high-dimensional global optimization for noisy quantum dynamics”, Neurocomputing 268:116–126 13 Dec 2017.
48 H.-L. Huang, Q. Zhao, X. Ma, C. Liu, Z.-E. Su, X.-L. Wang, L. Li, N.-L. Liu, BCS, C.-Y. Lu & J.-W. Pan, “Experimental blind quantum computing for a classical client”, PRL 119:050503 (5pp) 2 Aug 2017.
49 L. Xiao, X. Zhan, Z. H. Bian, K. K. Wang, X. Zhang, X. P. Wang, J. Li, K. Mochizuki, D. Kim, N. Kawakami, W. Yi, H. Obuse, BCS & P. Xue, “Observation of topological edge states in parity-time-symmetric quantum walks”, Nature Physics 13:1117–1123 31 Jul 2017.
50 M. Ghosh, A. Karigowda, A. Jayaraman, F. Bretenaker, BCS & A. Narayan, “Demonstration of a high-contrast optical switching in an atomic Delta system”, JPB 50(16):165502 (8pp) 31 Jul 2017.
51 S. M. Barnett, A. Beige, A. Ekert, B. M. Garraway, C. H. Keitel, V. Kendon, M. Lein, G. J. Milburn, H. M. Moya-Cessa, M. Murao, J. K. Pachos, G. M. Palma, E. Paspalakis, S. J. D. Phoenix, B. Piraux, M. B. Plenio, BCS, J. Twamley, A. Vidiella-Barranco & M. S. Kim, “Journeys from quantum optics to quantum technology”, Progress in Quantum Electronics 54:19–45 1 Aug 2017.
52 D. Wang, C. Liu, C. Xiao, J. Zhang, H. M. M. Alotaibi, BCS, L.-G. Wang & S.-Y. Zhu, “Strong coherent light amplification with double electromagnetically induced transparency coherences”, Scientific Reports 7:5796 (8pp) 19 Jul 2017.
53 W.-W. Zhang, S. K. Goyal, C. Simon & BCS, “Decomposition of split-step quantum walks for simulating Majorana modes and edge states”, PRA 95(5):052351 (7pp) 30 May 2017.
54 H. Lu, C. Liu, D.-S. Wang, L.-K. Chen, Z.-D. Li, X.-C. Yao, L. Li, N.-L. Liu, C.-Z. Peng, BCS, Y.-A. Chen & J.-W. Pan, “Experimental quantum channel simulation”, PRA 95(4):042310 (8pp) 10 Apr 2017.
55 T. Hill, BCS & H. Deng, “Cooperative light scattering in any dimension”, PRA 95(8):033832 (5pp) 24 Mar 2017.
56 M. Y. Niu, BCS, F. N. C. Wong & J. H. Shapiro, “Unity-efficiency parametric down-conversion via amplitude amplification”, PRL 118(12):123601 (6pp) 24 Mar 2017.
57 M. Beig-Mohammadi, N. Sang-Nourpour, BCS, B. Lavoie & R. Kheradmand, “Hybrid modes tunability in metamaterial nano-waveguides”, OEng 56(2):027105 (9pp) 15 Feb 2017
58 A. Khalique & BCS, “Long-distance quantum key distribution using concatenated entanglement swapping with practical resources”, OEng 56(1):016114 (7pp) 25 Jan 2017.
59 H. Alotaibi & BCS, “Enhanced nonlinear susceptibility via double-double electromagnetically induced transparency”, PRA 94(5):053832 (11pp) 16 Nov 2016.
60 E. Zahedinejad, J. Ghosh & BCS, “Designing high-fidelity single-shot three-qubit gates: A machine-learning approach”, PRA 6(5):054005 (18pp) 21 Oct 2016.
61 W-W. Zhang, S. K. Goyal, F. Gao & BCS, “Creating cat states in one-dimensional quantum walks using delocalized initial states”, NJP 18(9):093025 (14pp) 14 Sep 2016.
62 P. Hayden, S. Nezami, G. Salton & BCS, “Spacetime replication of continuous variable quantum information”, NJP 18(8):083043 (30pp) 24 Aug 2016.
63 E. Martín-Martínez & BCS, “Precise space–time positioning for entanglement harvesting”, NJP 18(4):043031 (10pp) 20 Apr 2016.
64 M. Adcock, P. Høyer & BCS, “Quantum Computation with Coherent Spin States and the Close Hadamard Problem”, Quantum Information Processing 15(4):1361–1386 1 Apr 2016.
65 K.-P. Marzlin, A. Panwar, M. S. G. Razul & BCS, “Propagation of radiation pulses through gas–plasma mixtures”, JPB 49(7):075501 (13pp) 17 Mar 2016
66 J. Ghosh & BCS, “Quantum simulation of macro and micro quantum phase transition from paramagnetism to frustrated magnetism with a superconducting circuit”, NJP 18(3):033015 (8pp) 7 Mar 2016.
67 I. Dhand, Abdullah Khalid, He Lu & BCS, “Accurate and precise characterization of linear optical interferometers”, Journal of Optics 18(3):035204 (20pp) 29 Feb 2016.
68 X. Zhan, X. Zhang, J. Li, BCS & P. Xue, “Realization of the contextuality-nonlocality tradeoff with a qubit-qutrit photon pair”, PRL 116(9):090401 (4pp) 29 Feb 2016. (Editors' Suggestion).
69 E. Bae, G. Gour, S. Lee, J. Park, BCS, “Stability theorem of depolarizing channels for the minimal output quantum Rényi entropies”, JPA 49(11):115304 (13pp) 2 Feb 2016.
70 Y. R. Sanders, J. J. Wallman & BCS, “Bounding quantum gate error rate based on reported average fidelity”, NJP 18(1):012002 (13pp) 12 Dec. 2015.
71 I. Dhand, BCS & H. de Guise, “Algorithms for SU(n) boson realizations and D-functions”, JMP 56(11):111705 (20pp) 13 Nov 2015.
72 A. Khalique & BCS, “Practical long-distance quantum key distribution through concatenated entanglement swapping with parametric down-conversion sources”, JOSAB 32(11):2382–2390 1 Nov 2015.
73 M. Tillmann, S.-H. Tan, S. E. Stoeckl, BCS, H. de Guise, R. Heilmann, S. Nolte, A. Szameit & P. Walther, “Generalized Multiphoton Quantum Interference”, PRX 5(4):041015 (23pp) 27 Oct 2015.
74 P. Xue, R. Zhang, Z. H. Bian, X. Zhan, H. Qin & BCS, “Edge state in a two-dimensional quantum walk on a disordered lattice”, PRA 92(4):042316 (7pp) 14 Oct 2015.
75 G. K. Brennen, P. Rohde, BCS & S. Singh, “Multi-scale quantum simulation of quantum field theory using wavelets”, PRA 92:032315 (11pp) 15 Sep 2015.
76 V. Gheorghiu, M. de Oliveira & BCS, “Nonzero classical discord”, PRL 115:030403 (5pp) 14 Jul 2015.
77 Z. H. Bian, J. Li, H. Qin, X. Zhan, R. Zhang, BCS & P. Xue, “Realization of single-qubit positive operator-valued measurement via a one-dimensional photonic quantum walk”, PRL 114:203602 (5pp) 22 May 2015.
78 E. Zahedinejad, J. Ghosh & BCS, “High-Fidelity Single-Shot Toffoli Gate via Quantum Control”, PRL 114:200502 (5pp) 20 May 2015.
79 H. M. M. Alotaibi & BCS, “Slowing the probe field in the second window of double-double electromagnetically induced transparency”, PRA 91:043817 (18pp) 10 Apr 2015.
80 P. Xue, R. Zhang, H. Qin, X. Zhan, Z. H. Bian, J. Li & BCS, “Experimental quantum-walk revival with a time-dependent coin”, PRL 114:140502 (5pp) 6 Apr 2015.
81 D.-S. Wang & BCS, “Quantum circuit for accurate simulation of qudit channels”, NJP 17:043004 (16pp) 2 Apr 2015.
82 H. de Guise, Si-Hui Tan, I. P. Poulin & BCS. “Erratum: Coincidence landscapes for three-channel linear optical networks”, PRA 89:063819 (1p) 1 Dec 2014.
83 M. Manjappa, S. S. Undurti, A. Karigowda, A. Narayanan & BCS, “Effects of temperature and ground-state coherence decay on enhancement and amplification in a ∆ atomic system”, PRA 90:043859 (6pp) 30 Oct 2014.
84 BCS & C. C. Gerry, “Connection between the NOON State and a superposition of SU(2) Coherent States”, PRA 90, 045804 (3pp) 27 Oct 2014.
85 E. Zahedinejad, S. Schirmer & BCS, \

