张弥曼,女, 1953年毕业于同济附中并考入北京地质学院。1960年毕业于苏联莫斯科大学地质系。回国后在中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所任职至今。1965年至1966年、1980年至1982年在瑞典国家自然历史博物馆进修并获斯德哥尔摩大学博士学位。1983年至1990年任中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所所长,1986年被聘为研究员。1991年当选为中国科学院院士。曾先后被聘为纽约美国自然史博物馆、芝加哥菲氏自然史博物馆客座研究员、英国伦敦大学医学院解剖系客座教授、北美古脊椎动物学杂志编委、英国古生物学杂志国外联络人及我国古脊椎动物学报编委及主编。
Chang MM and DS Miao. An overview of Mesozoic fishes in Asia. In: G Arratia and A Tintori (eds.), Mesozoic Fishes 3 – Systematics, Paleoenvironments and Biodiversity. 2004, pp.535-563.
Chang MM and JG Maisey. Redescription of †Ellimma branneri and †Diplomystus shengliensis, and relationships of some basal clupeomorphs. American Museum Novitates. 2003, no. 3404: 1-35.
Chang MM, DS Miao, YY Chen, JJ Zhou and PF Chen. Suckers (Fish, Catostomidae) from the Eocene of China account for the family's current disjunct distributions. Science in China, 2001, 31: 577-586.
Chang MM and YY Chen. Late Mesozoic and Tertiary ichthyofaunas from China and some puzzling patterns of distribution. Vert. PalAsiast (古脊椎动物学报). 2000, 38 (3): 161-175 (In English with Chinese summary).
Chang MM and L Grande. Redescription of Paraclupea chetungensis, an early clupeomorph from the Lower Cretaceous of southeastern China. 1997, Fieldiana.
Chang MM, YY Chen and HW Tong. A new Miocene xenocyprinin (Cyprinidae) from Heilongjiang province, Northeast China and succession of Late Cenozoic fish faunas of East Asia. Vertebr. PalAsiatica. 1996, 34(3): 165-183.
Chang MM. Diabolepis and its bearing on the relationships between porolepiforms and dipnoans. Bull. Mus natl. Hist. nat., Paris, 4, ser.17, 1995 Section c, n 1-4: 235-268.
Chang MM and MM Smith. Is Youngolepis a porolepiform? J. Vert. Paleont. 1992, 12(3), 294-312 (first author with M. Smith).
Chang MM. \
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