2023-05-16 12:55
  • 徐旭
  • 徐旭 - 教授-中国计量大学-计量测试工程学院-个人资料




1991.9-1995.7 浙江大学能源系  热能动力工程专业 本科 \r
1995.9-1998.3 浙江大学能源系  热能动力工程及自动化专业 硕士 \r
1998.3-2002.3 浙江大学机械与能源工程学院  动力工程及工程热物理专业 博士\r
2015.2-   IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY 机械系访问学者\r
2002.4-  中国计量学院  教师\r




[1]Yu-fei WANG, Xu XU*, Tian TIAN, Li-wu FAN, Wen-long WANG, Zi-tao YU.]Laminar mixed convection heat transfer of SiC-EG nanofluids in a triangular enclosure with a rotating inner cylinder: simulations based on the measured thermal conductivity and viscosity. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 16 (6), 478-490 (2015). (SCI)  ISSN: 1673-565X\r
[2]楼彬,徐旭,王文龙,王宇飞,范利武,俞自涛.水基碳纳米管纳米流体在矩形腔内的自然对流传热.浙江大学学报工学版 Vol. 48 (12): 2196-2201 ISSN 1008-97X.2014(EI)\r
[3]姚晓莉,易思阳,范利武,徐旭,俞自涛,葛坚.不同孔隙率下含湿加气混凝土的有效导热系数.浙江大学学报工学版 Vol. 49 (6): 2196-2201 ISSN 1008-97X 2015(EI)\r
[4]王文龙,徐旭,王宇飞,范利武,俞自涛.圆环腔内纳米流体自然对流的数值研究.《中国计量学院学报》, 2013, 24(1)\r
[5]楼彬,徐旭,王文龙,王宇飞.封闭腔内MWCNT纳米流体自然对流传热的数值模拟.《中国计量学院学报》, 2014, 25(1):57-62\r
[6]王宇飞,徐旭,王文龙,范利武,俞自涛.封闭腔内Al2O3-EG纳米流体自然对流传热特性的数值研究.《能源工程》, 2014, 01期(01):1-6\r
[7]徐旭 姚晓莉 田付有 黄连锋. 一种一维热湿传递特性参数测量试验台,201420309871.7,2014/11/05 实用新型\r
[8]徐旭 楼彬 俞自涛.基于PID控制的封闭腔内的自然对流传热装置, 201420309925.X,2014/11/05 实用新型\r
[9]俞自涛、易思阳、范利武、徐旭、金虹庆,一种水蒸气扩散系数非稳态测量装置,,CN201520340010.X,2015/9/9, 实用新型\r
[10]Li-Wu Fan, Xiao-Li Yao, Xiao Wang, Yu-Yue Wu, Xue-Ling Liu, Xu Xu, Zi-Tao Yu, Non-isothermal crystallization of aqueous nanofluids with high aspect-ratio carbon nano-additives for cold thermal energy storage, Applied Energy, 138, 193-201 (2015).\r
[11]Hai Lu, Zitao Yu, Kari Alanne, Liang Zhang, Liwu Fan, Xu Xu, Ivo Martinac, Transition path towards hybrid systems in China: obtaining net-zero exergy district using a multi-objective optimization method, Energy and Buildings, 85, 524-535 (2014).\r
[12]Jiang LU, Li-wu FAN, Yi ZENG, Yu-qi XIAO, Xu XU, Zi-tao YU, The effect of the inclination angle on the transient performance of a phase change material-based heat sink under pulsed heat loads, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 15 (10), 789-797 (2014).\r
[13]Hai Lu, Zitao Yu, Kari Alanne, Xu Xu, Liwu Fan, Han Yu, Liang Zhang, Ivo Martinac, Parametric analysis of energy quality management for district in China using multi-objective optimization approach, Energy Conversion and Management, 87, 636-646 (2014).\r
[14]Xin Fang, Qing Ding, Li-Wu Fan, Zi-Tao Yu, Xu Xu, Guan-Hua Cheng, Ya-Cai Hu, Ke-Fa Cen, Thermal conductivity enhancement of ethylene glycol-based suspensions in the presence of silver nanoparticles of various shapes, Journal of Heat Transfer, Transactions of the ASME, 136 (3), 034501 (2014).\r
[15]Li-Wu Fan, Xin Fang, Xiao Wang, Yi Zeng, Yu-Qi Xiao, Zi-Tao Yu, Xu Xu, Ya-Cai Hu, Ke-Fa Cen, Effects of various carbon nanofillers on the thermal conductivity and energy storage properties of solid paraffin-based nanocomposite phase change materials, Applied Energy, 110, 163-172 (2013).\r
[16]Li-Wu Fan, Yu-Qi Xiao, Yi Zeng, Xin Fang, Xiao Wang, Xu Xu, Zi-Tao Yu, Rong-Hua Hong, Ya-Cai Hu, Ke-Fa Cen, Effects of melting temperature and the presence of internal fins on the performance of a phase change material (PCM)-based heat sink, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 70, 114-126 (2013).\r
[17]Zi-Tao Yu, Xin Fang, Li-Wu Fan, Xiao Wang, Yu-Qi Xiao, Yi Zeng, Xu Xu, Ya-Cai Hu, Ke-Fa Cen, Increased thermal conductivity of liquid paraffin-based suspensions in the presence of carbon nanoadditives of various sizes and shapes, Carbon, 53, 277-285 (2013).\r
[18]Xu Xu, Zi-Tao Yu*, Ya-Cai Hu, Li-Wu Fan*, Ke-Fa Cen, Transient natural convective heat transfer of a low-Prandtl-number fluid from a heated horizontal circular cylinder to its coaxial triangular enclosure, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55 (4) 995-1003 (2012).\r
[19]Xu Xu, Zitao Yu*, Yacai Hu, Liwu Fan*, Kefa Cen, A numerical study of laminar natural convective heat transfer around a horizontal cylinder inside a concentric air-filled triangular enclosure, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 53 (1-3) 345-355 (2010).

