2023-05-16 12:48
  • 凌忠钱
  • 凌忠钱 - 副教授-中国计量大学-计量测试工程学院-个人资料




现为中国计量学院教师,职称副教授,主要从事煤的清洁高效燃烧方面的研究。近年来针对燃煤电站锅炉炉内流动、燃烧和NOx排放特性开展了大量研究工作,并在全国几十家电厂实施低NOx燃烧改造,包括低氮燃烧器改造及SNCR和SCR脱硝等,提高了锅炉的整体性能及降低了氮氧化物的排放,取得了很好的效果。所得研究结果以第一、通信作者发表20余篇论文,其中SCI收录论文8篇,论文主要发表在《Environmental Science & Technology》、《Applied Energy》、《Energy》、《Energy & Fuels》、《Fuel》等高水平国际学术期刊和国内权威学术期刊上;作为特约审稿人,被国际学术刊物《Energy & Fuels》、《Environmental Science & Technology》邀请审稿。




[1] Zhongqian Ling, Min Kuang*, Xianyang Zeng, Guangxue Zhang, Combustion flexibility of a large-scale down-fired furnace with respect to boiler load and staging conditions at partial loads[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(1): 725–734.\r
[2] Ling Zhongqian *, Zeng Xianyang, Ren Tao, Xu Hong, Establishing a low-NOx and high-burnout performance in a large-scale, deep-air-staging laboratory furnace fired by a heavy-oil swirl burner [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 79: 117–123.\r
[3] Ling Zhongqian, Ling Bo, Min Kuang. Comparison of airflow, coal combustion, NOx emissions, and slagging characteristics among three large-scale MBEL down-fired boilers manufactured at different times. [J]. Applied Energy,2017,187:689-705.\r
[4] Ling Zhongqian, Zhou Hao, Ren Tao. Effect of the flue gas recirculation supply location on the heavy oil combustion and NOx emission characteristics within a pilot furnace fired by a swirl burner[J]. Energy,2015,91:110-106. \r
5] Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Zhongqian Ling*, Xinjing Jing, Qunyi Zhu Effect of overfire air angle on flow characteristics within a small-scale model for a deep-air-staging down-fired furnace[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2014, 79(3): 367–376.\r
[6] Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Zhongqian Ling*, Xianyang Zeng. Improving flow and combustion performance of a large-scale down-fired furnace by shortening secondary-air port area[J]. Fuel, 2014, 121(1): 232–239.\r
[7] Ling Zhongqian, Li Guoneng, Chen Mian. Mixing characteristics of a transverse jet under different Reynolds number and velocity ratio[J]. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2011, 105: 359–363. \r
[8] Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Zhongqian Ling*, Xianyang Zeng. Evaluation of staged air and overfire air-staging conditions within a large-scale down-fired furnace[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014,67(1-2):97-105.\r
[9] Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Zhihua Wang, Xinjing Jing, Chunlong Liu, Qunyi Zhu, Zhongqian Ling, Combustion and NOx emission characteristics with respect to staged-air damper opening in a 600-MWe down-fired pulverized-coal furnace under deep-air-staging conditions[J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48(1): 837–844 \r
[10] 凌忠钱, 曾宪阳, 胡善涛, 周昊, 岑可法. 电站锅炉SCR烟气脱硝系统优化的数值模拟[J]. 动力工程学报, 34(1): 50–56, 2014.(一级)\r
[11] 凌忠钱, 周昊, 孔俊俊. 多孔介质燃烧波传播中的“超焓”特性研究[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 48(4):660-665, 2014.(EI收录)

