2023-05-16 12:33
  • 张丽娟
  • 张丽娟 - 教授-中国海洋大学-医药学院-个人资料




张丽娟, 女,1962年4月生,博士,教授,博导。现任中国海洋大学筑峰第一层次教授、泰山学者海外特聘专家。\r
1984年在中国科学院化学所开始从事多糖的生物学与结构研究,1987年2月赴美继续从事多糖研究直至2010年11月回国。张丽娟博士曾为美国国家卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)访问学者 (1987-1990);美国阿拉巴马州州立大学生物化学系(Department of Biochemistry, University of Alabama at Birmingham)生物化学博士生(1990-1995);美国麻省理工学院生物系(Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)博士后(1995-2002);美国哈佛大学医学院(Department of Molecular Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard University Medical School)研究员(1997-2002)。2002年-2010年在美国华盛顿大学病理和免疫学系(Department of Pathology and Immunology, Washington University in St. Louis)领导“张丽娟肝素类多糖生物化学实验室”。\r
张丽娟博士主要从事糖生物学—癌症的早期诊断与防治方面的研究。在肝素类多糖的生物合成,对血凝系统的调控,对免疫系统的调控、对FGF等信号系统的调控研究方面取得了系列创新性研究成果。先后在Nature Biotechnology, Nature Methods等SCI收录的国际权威学术期刊发表学术论文50余篇;总体引用率超过1500回。2010年应世界最大的出版商(Elsevier)邀请主编出版了代表肝素类多糖研究领域最新成果的专著;并先后获得美国国立卫生研究院资助的一级项目等科技奖励4项。2011年获中国国家自然科学基金一项。




Wu L., Zhang, L., Yabe, T., Beeler, D. L., Love, A., and Rosenberg, R. D. (2003) The Involvement of Heparan Sulfate in FGF1/HS/FGFR1 Signaling Complex. J Biol Chem. 278(19):17121-29. PMID: 12604602(SCI, 5.498)\r
Griffith, C. L., Klutts, J. S., Zhang, L., Levery, S. B. & Doering, T. L. (2004) UDP-glucose dehydrogenase plays multiple roles in the biology of the pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus Neoformans. J Biol Chem 279, 51669-76. PMID: 15383535 (SCI, 5.498)\r
Broekelmann T.J., Kozel B.A., Ishibashi, H., Werneck C.C., Keeley F.W., Zhang L., and Mecham R.P. (2005) Tropoelastin Interacts with Cell-Surface Glycosaminoglycans Via Its COOH-Terminal Domain. J Biol Chem 280: 40939-40947. PMID: 16192266 (SCI, 5.498) \r
Chen J., Avci F.Y., Munoz E.M., McDowell L.M., Chen M., Pedersen L.C., Zhang L., Linhardt R.J., and Liu J. (2005) Enzymatic Redesigning of Biologically Active Heparan Sulfate. J Biol Chem 280: 42817-42825. PMID: 16260789 (SCI, 5.498)\r
Studelska D.R., Giljum, K., McDowell L.M., and Zhang L. (2006) Quantification of Glycosaminoglycans by Reversed-Phase HPLC Separation of Fluorescent Isoindole Derivatives. Glycobiology 16: 65-72. PMID: 16166601 (SCI, 4.268)\r
McDowell L.M., Frazier B.A., Studelska D.R., GIljum K., Chen J., Liu J., Yu K., Ornitz D.M., and Zhang L. (2006) Inhibition or Activation of Apert Syndrome FGFR2 (S252W) Signaling by Specific Glycosamininoglycans. J Biol Chem. 281:6924-30. PMID: 16373332 (SCI, 5.498)\r
Halldorsdottir A.M., Zhang L. & Tollefsen D.M. (2006) N-Acetylgalactosamine 4, 6-O-sulfate residues mediate binding and activation of heparin cofactor II by porcine mucosal dermatan sulfate. Glycobiology, 16, 693. PMID: 16624894 (SCI, 4.268)\r
Avirutnan P., Zhang L., PunyadeeN., ManuyakornA., PuttikhuntC., KasinrerkW., Malasit P., Atkinson J.P., & Diamond M.S. (2007) Secreted Non-Structural Protein NS1 of Dengue Virus Attaches to the Surface of Cells via Interactions with Heparan Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate E. PLOS Pathogens11(3):e183. PMID: 18052531 (SCI, 9.675)\r
Lawrence R., Lu H., Rosenberg R.D., Esko J.D., & Zhang L. (2008) Disaccharide Structure Code for the easy representation of constituent oligosaccharides from glycosaminoglycans. Nature Method 5(4):291-2. PMID: 18376390 (SCI, 27.887)\r
Kemper C., Mitchell L.M., Zhang L. and Hourcade D.E. The Complement Protein Properdin is a Pattern-recognition Molecule that Mediates Uptake of Apoptotic T Cells. (2008) PNAS(SCI, 9.771) 105(26):9023-8. PMID:18579773\r
Liszewski, M.K., Bertram, P., Leung, M.K., Hauhart, R., Zhang, L., and Atkinson, J.P. Smallpox inhibitor of complement enzymes (SPICE): Regulation of Complement Activation on Cells and Mechanism of Its Cellular Attachment. (2008) J Immunol181(6):1499-207. PMID: 18768877(SCI, 5.909)\r
de Agostini A.I., Dong J., Arrighi C., Ramus M., Dentand-Quadri, Thalmann S., Ventura P., Ibecheole V., Monge F., Fischer A., HajMohammadi S., Shworak N.W., Zhang L., Zhang Z., Linhardt R.J. (2008) Human Follicular Fluid Heparan Sulfate Contains Abundant 3-O-sulfated Chains with Anticoagulant Activity. J Biol Chem 283(42):28115-24. PMID: 18669628 (SCI, 5.498)\r
Studelska D.R., Mandik-Nayak L., Zhou, X., Pan, J., McDowell L.M., Lu H., Liapis, H., Allen P.M., Shih F., & Zhang L (2009). High Affinity Glycosaminoglycan and Autoantigen Interaction Explains Joint Specificity in a Mouse Model of Rheumatoid Arthritis. J Biol Chem(SCI, 5.498). 284(4):2354-62. PMID: 18948258\r
Dündar, M., Müller, T., Zhang, Q., Pan, J., Steinmann, B., Vodopiutz, J., Gruber, R., Tonoda, S., Krabichler, B., Utermann, G., Baenziger, J. U., Zhang, L. and Janecke, A. R. (2009) Loss of dermatan-4-sulfotransferase-1 function results in ‘adducted thumb-clubfoot syndrome’ (ATCS). Am J Hum Genet. 85(6): 873-82. PMID: 20004762 (SCI, 12.265)\r
Snyder-Warwick, A.A., Perlyn, C.A., Pan, J., Yu, K., Zhang, L., Ornitz, D.M.A gain-of-function FGFR2 Crouzon mutation: evidence of loss-of-function activity in the etiology of cleft palate. (2010) PNAS 107:2515-2520. PMID: 20133659(SCI, 9.771)\r
Pan, J., Qian, Y., Zhou, X., Pazandak, A., Frazier, S. B., Weiser, P., Lu, H. and Zhang, L. (2010) Oversulfated Chondroitin sulfate is not the Sole Contaminant in Heparin Nature Biotechnology 208:203-207. PMID: 20212477(SCI, 29.061)\r
Pan, J., Qi, Y., Zhou, X., Lu, H. and Zhang, L. (2010) Chemically Oversulfated Glycosaminoglycans Are Potent Modulators of Contact System Activation and Cell Signaling. J Biol Chem285(30):22966-22975. PMID: 20418371 (SCI, 5.498)\r
Zhang, L*., Lawrence, R., Frazier, B.A. & Esko, J.D. (2006) Methods in Enzymology, Volume 416, Chapter 13. Elservier Inc., San Diego. *Correspondence Author, reported new CHO cell mutants developed and characterized in Zhang lab. PMID: 17113868 (SCI, Book)\r
Zhang, L., Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) biosynthesis and GAG-binding proteins (2010) Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. Glycosaminoglycans in Development, Health, and Diseases, Zhang, L. Editor. Elsevier Inc., p. 2-17. PMID:20807638 (SCI, Book)\r
Zhang, L., Müller, T., Baenzige,r J.U., Janecke, A. (2010) Adducted thumb-clubfoot syndrome (ACTS) and loss of dermatan-4-sulfotransferase 1 (D4ST1) function. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. Glycosaminoglycans in Development, Health, and Diseases, Zhang, L., Editor. Elsevier Inc., p. 289-308. PMID:20807649 (SCI, Book)\r
Qian, Y., Pan, J., Zhou, X., Weiser, P., Lu, H., and Zhang, L. (2010)Molecular mechanism underlines heparin induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. Glycosaminoglycans in Development, Health, and Diseases, Zhang, L., Editor. Elsevier Inc., p. 395-421. PMID:20807654 (SCI, Book)\r
Zhou, X., Weiser, P., Pan, J., Qian, Y., Lu, H., and Zhang, L. (2010)Chondroitin Sulfate and Abnormal Contact System in Rheumatoid Arthritis.Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. Glycosaminoglycans in Development, Health, and Diseases, Zhang, L. Editor. Elsevier Inc., p. 423-442. PMID:20807655 (SCI, Book)\r
Weiser, P., Qian, Y., Pan, J., Zhou, X., Lu, H., Studelska, D.R., Shih, F.F., and Zhang, L. (2010) Activated Contact System and Abnormal Glycosaminoglycans in Lupus and other Auto- and Non-autoimmune Diseases. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. Glycosaminoglycans in Development, Health, and Diseases, Zhang, L. Editor. Elsevier Inc., p. 443-472. PMID:20807656 (SCI, Book)\r
Pan, J., Qian, Y., Weiser, P., Zhou, X., Lu, H., Studelska, D.R., and Zhang, L. (2010)Glycosaminoglycans and Activated Contact System in Cancer Patient Plasmas. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. Glycosaminoglycans in Development, Health, and Diseases, Zhang, L. Editor. Elsevier Inc., p. 473-496. PMID:20807657 (SCI, Book)\r
Kanekiyo, T., Zhang, J., Liu, Q., Liu, C.C., Zhang, L., Bu, G. Heparan Sulphate Proteoglycan and the Low-density Lipoprotein Receptor-related Protein 1 Constitute Major Pathways for Neuronal Amyloid-beta Uptake. J Neurosci. 31(5):1644-51. PMID: 289173 (SCI, 8.068)\r
Kaur, S., Kuznetsova, S.A., Pendrak, M.L., Sipes, J.M., Romeo, M.J., Li, Z., Zhang, L., Roberts DD. Identification of CD47 and Amyloid Precursor-like Protein-2 as the Major Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans on T Lymphocytes and this Isoform of CD47 as the Signaling Receptor for Thrombospondin-1. J Biol Chem 286(17):14991-5002. PMID: 21343308 (SCI, 5.498)

