2023-05-16 12:08
  • 李延团
  • 李延团 - 教授-中国海洋大学-医药学院-个人资料




李延团,男,毕业于四川大学,获博士学位,教授,博导。获得“全国五一劳动奖章”、“山东省优秀青年知识分子”、“山东省高校十大优秀教师”和“青岛市拔尖人才”等荣誉。长期从事药物合成化学领域的研究工作。先后主持和合作承担“国家973项目”、“国家863项目”、国家自然科学基金和省部级等研究课题10余项;围绕所承担的研究课题,近年来,在靶向生物大分子药物、新型拓扑异构酶抑制剂、海洋多糖基高分子偶联药物、医药中间体的合成以及海洋活性产物的结构修饰与优化等方面取得了一些重要研究进展,以通讯作者在《Eur. J. Med. Chem.》、《J. Inorg. Biochem.》和《Cryst. Growth Des.》等国际学术刊物上发表SCI收录论文200余篇。研究成果先后获省、部级科技奖和教育教学成果奖等10余项。


1. 基于生物靶分子的抗肿瘤药物的设计与合成研究; 2. 多晶型药物的筛选与优化; 3. 海洋多糖基高分子偶联药物的设计与合成研究; 4. 新型靶酶抑制剂的设计与合成研究; 5. 医药中间体的合成研究; 6. 海洋活性产物的结构修饰与优化。


1. Yan-Tuan Li, Zhi-Qiang Liu,Zhi-Yong Wu, One-dimensional copper(II) coordination polymers bridged both by µ-trans-oxamidates and phenyl- dicarboxylates: Synthesis, crystal structure, J. Inorg. Biochem., 2008, 102, 1790. 2. Yu-Lan Song, Yan-Tuan Li(通讯作者), Zhi-Yong Wu, Synthesis, crystal structure, anti bacterial assay and DNA binding activity of new binuclear Cu(II) complexes with bridging oxamidate, J. Inorg. Biochem., 2008, 102, 1691. 3. Man Jiang, Yan-Tuan Li(通讯作者), Zhi-Yong Wu, Zhi-Qiang Liu, Cui-Wei Yan, Synthesis, crystal structure, cytotoxic activities and DNA-binding properties of new binuclear copper(II) complexes bridged by N,N'-bis(hydroxylethylaminoethyl)- oxamide, J. Inorg. Biochem., 2009, 103(5), 833-844. 4. Xiao-Wen Li, Yong-Jun Zheng, Yan-Tuan Li(通讯作者), Zhi-Yong Wu, Cui-Wei Yan, Synthesis and structure of new bicopper(II) complexes bridged by N-(2-aminopropyl)-N’-(2-oxidophenyl)oxamide: The effects of terminal ligands on structures, anticancer activities and DNA-binding properties, Eur. J. Med. Chem., 2011,46, 3851–3857. 5. Yan-Tuan Li, Wei Sun, Yong-Jun Zheng, Zhi-Yong Wu, Cui-Wei Yan, Synthesis, structure and cyclic voltammetry studies of a 2D sheet-like μ3-hydroxyl- and μ2-, μ4-oxamidato-bridged copper(II) complex, J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym., 2011, 21, 182–188. 6. Yan-Tuan Li, Wei Sun, Zhi-Yong Wu, Yong-Jun Zheng, Cui-Wei Yan, Synthesis, structure and voltammetric studies of copper(II) polymer with DNA interaction: The first 1-D coordination polymer alternately bridged by oxalate and oxamidate ligands, J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym., 2010, 20, 586–591. 7. Zhi-Qiang Liu, Yan-Tuan Li(通讯作者), Zhi-Yong Wu, Shu-Fang Zhang, [Cu4(H2O)4(dmapox)2(btc)]n×10nH2O: The first two-dimensional polymeric copper(II) complex with bridging m-trans-oxamidate and μ4-1,2,4,5-benzentetra- carboxylato ligands: Synthesis, crystal structure and DNA binding studies, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2009, 362, 71–77. 8. Zhi-Qiang Liu, Yan-Tuan Li(通讯作者), Zhi-Yong Wu, Yu-Lan Song, A two- dimen- sional copper(II) polymer with bridging μ-trans-oxamidate and μ2-picrate ligands: synthesis, crystal structure and DNA binding studies, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2008, 361, 226-232. 9. Zhi-Qiang Liu, Man Jiang, Yan-Tuan Li(通讯作者), Zhi-Yong Wu, Jian-Xing Yang, One-dimensional copper(II) polymer with bridging µ-trans-oxamidate and thiocyanate ligands: Synthesis, crystal structure and DNA binding studies, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2009, 362, 1253-1259. 10. Yan-Tuan Li, Zhi-Qiang Liu, Zhi-Yong Wu, Man Jiang, Xiao-Wen Li, Synthesis, crystal structure, and DNA-binding studies of a one-dimensional copper(II) polymer bridged both by oxamidate and thiocyanato ligands, Struct. Chem., 2008, 19, 819–826.

