2023-05-16 12:07
  • 吕伟刚
  • 吕伟刚 - 博士 讲师-中国海洋大学-基础教学中心-个人资料





分别于2003年、2006年、2012年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学计算机科学与技术专业并获得工学学士、硕士、博士学位,并于2010年在英国曼彻斯特大学公派联合培养18个月,师从国际著名学者H. Zhang教授。2012年7月博士毕业后,同年9月至中国海洋大学工作至今。多年来一直致力于生物系统建模、仿真与可视化、模式识别等方面的研究工作,积累了丰富的理论基础和实践经验,近年来在国内外高水平学术期刊及会议上发表SCI/EI文章20余篇,并获得国家发明专利1项。目前作为项目负责人主持中央高校青年教师科研专项基金1项,山东省一二五重点课题1项,作为主要成员参与国家自然基金5项、国家863课题1项。主要承担本科生数据库原理、人工智能导论以及研究生数据库系统概论等课程,担任Journal of Biological Systems、计算机应用等国内外优秀期刊审稿人。




[1] Weigang Lu, Jie Li, Fei Yang, et al. Effects of acute global ischemia on re-entrant arrhythmogenesis: a simulation study. Journal of Biological Systems. (accepted)
[2]吕伟刚,黎捷,杨飞等.全心缺血早期阶段室性心律失常仿真研究.生物化学与生物物理进展. (已录用)
[3] Fei Yang, Weigang Lu(通讯作者), Lei Zhang, et al. Visualization for non-linear enhanced volume data. Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing. (accepted)
[4] Jie Li, Weigang Lu(通讯作者). Improved fast marching method applied on purkinje fibers extraction. International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing. (accepted)
[5]罗存金,王宽全,袁永峰,吕伟刚, Henggui Zhang.面向短QT综合征的电生理建模与仿真研究进展.电子学报. (已录用)
[6] Cunjin Luo, Kuanquan Wang, Yongfeng Yuan, Weigang Lu, Henggui Zhang. Simulation of re-entrant wave dynamics in a 2-D sheet of human ventricle with KCNJ2-linked variant 3 short QT syndrome. Computers in Cardiology. (accepted)
[7] Jie Li, Weigang Lu, Kuanquan Wang. Construction of the canine purkinje system in the left ventricle. Jokull Journal. 2014, 64(2): 283-292.
[8] Fei Yang, Lei Zhang, Weigang Lu(通讯作者), et al. Multi-boundary cardiac data visualization based on multidimensional transfer function with ray distance. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering. 2014, 24(6): 3025-3032.
[9]黎捷,吕伟刚.心室浦肯野纤维网的平面线提取.智能计算机与应用. 2013, 4: 91-95.
[10] Weigang Lu, Kuanquan Wang, Fei Yang, et al. Modeling and simulation of pathophysiology and pharmacology in human ventricular cell and tissue. Journal of Convergence Information Technology. 2012, 7(13): 10-18.
[11] Weigang Lu, Kuanquan Wang, Fei Yang, et al. Electrophysiological mechanisms of induced spontaneous arrhythmias in healthy and ischemic heart at fast pacing rate.Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications.2012, 6(15): 427-434.
[12] Fei Yang, Kuanquan Wang, Weigang Lu, et al. An improved histogram based transfer function specification method for volume rendering. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology.2012, 6(15): 427-434.
[13]吕伟刚,王宽全,左旺孟等.基于精细解剖结构的左心室心肌缺血电生理仿真研究.哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2011, 43 (3): 58-61.
[14]吕伟刚,王宽全,左旺孟等.心肌缺血下人体心室电生理建模和心电图仿真.生物医学工程学杂志. 2011, 28 (6): 1200-1206.
[15] Lei Zhang, Changqing Gai, Kuanquan Wang, Weigang Lu, Wangmeng Zuo. GPU-based high performance wave propagation simulation of ischemia in anatomically detailed ventricle. Computers in Cardiology. 2011, 38: 469-472.
[16] Weigang Lu, Kuanquan Wang, Henggui Zhang, et al. Simulation of ECG under ischemic condition in human ventricular tissue. Computers in Cardiology. 2010, 37: 185-188.
[17] Jie Li, Kuanquan Wang, Wangmeng Zuo, Weigang Lu, Henggui Zhang. Construction of 3D realistic purkinje system: a locally linear embedding-based method. Journal of Biological Systems. 2010, 18: 133-147.
[18] Weigang Lu, Kuanquan Wang, Wangmeng Zuo, et al. Simulation of effects of ischemia in 3D human ventricle. Computers in Cardiology. 2009, 36: 477-480.
[19]黎捷,王宽全,袁永峰,左旺孟,吕伟刚.心肌细胞电生理建模进展.现代生物医学进展. 2009, 8: 1594-1597.
[20] Wangmeng Zuo, Weigang Lu, Kuanquan Wang, et al. Diagnosis of Cardiac Arrhythmia Using Kernel Difference Weighted KNN Classifier. Computers in Cardiology. 2008, 35: 253-256.
[21]吕伟刚.最佳oral presentation奖.国际计算心脏学会议. 2010.北爱尔兰,贝尔法斯特.
[22]吕伟刚.最佳poster presentation奖.国际计算心脏学会议. 2009.美国,盐湖城.
[23]王宽全,吕伟刚,左旺孟等.基于真实人体解剖数据的ECG仿真方法. 2010.中国. 201010120294.
担任Journal of Biological Systems、计算机应用等期刊审稿人

