1. Qiao Y, Liu J*, Zhao M, Zhang X-H. Sediment depth-dependent spatialvariations of bacterial communities in mud deposits of the eastern Chinamarginal seas. Front. Microbiol. 2018, 9: 1128 (IF2017: 4.019). 2. Liu Y, LiuJ*, Yao P, Ge T, Qiao Y, Zhao M, Zhang X-H. Distribution patterns ofammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria in sediments of the Eastern ChinaMarginal Seas. Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.syapm.2018.08.008(IF2017: 3.899). 3. Gao M#, Liu J#, Qiao Y, Zhao M, Zhang X-H*. Diversity andAbundance of the Denitrifying Microbiota in the Sediment of Eastern ChinaMarginal Seas and the Impact of Environmental Factors. Microb. Ecol. 2017:1-14 (IF2017: 3.614). 4. LiuJ, Wang Y, Yang X, Sun Zhong, Ren Q, Zhang Y, Liu J, Zhang X-H*.Roseibium sediminis sp. nov., isolated from surface sediment of the BohaiSea. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 2017, 67: 2862-2867 (IF2017: 1.932). 5. ShehzadA#, Liu J#,Yu M, Qismat S, Liu J, Zhang X-H*, Diversity, Community Composition andAbundance of Anammox Bacteria in Sediments of the North Marginal Seas ofChina. Microbes Environ. 2016, 31: 111-120 (IF2016: 2.909). 6. LiuJ, Liu X, Wang M, Qiao Y, Zheng Y, Zhang X-H*. Bacterial and archaealcommunities in sediments of the north Chinese marginal seas. Microb. Ecol.2015, 70, 105-117 (IF2015: 3.232). 7. LiuJ, Fu B, Yang H, Zhao M, He B, Zhang X-H*. Phylogenetic shifts ofbacterioplankton community composition along the Pearl Estuary: the potentialimpact of hypoxia and nutrients. Front. Microbiol. 2015, 6:64 (IF2015: 4.165). 8. Fu B#, Liu J#, Yang H, Hsu T, He B, Dai M, Kao S, Zhao M,Zhang X-H*. Shift of anammox bacterial community structure along the PearlEstuary and the impact of environmental factors. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans.2015, 120, 2869-2883 (IF2015: 3.318). 9. LiuJ, Yang H, Zhao M, Zhang X-H*. Spatial distribution patterns of benthicmicrobial communities along the Pearl Estuary, China. Syst. Appl. Microbiol.2014, 37, 578-589 (IF2014: 3.283). 10. Liu J,Yu S, Zhao M, He B, Zhang X-H*. Shifts in archaeaplankton community structurealong ecological gradients of Pearl Estuary. FEMS. Microbiol. Ecol. 2014, 90,424-435 (IF2014: 3.568).标签: 中国海洋大学 海洋生物多样性与进化研究所
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