2023-05-16 11:18
  • 朱斌
  • 朱斌 - 教授-中国地质大学(武汉)-材料与化学学院-个人资料




1996以来主持瑞典国家国际合作基金委(STINT Fellow),瑞典国家创新局,瑞典国家能源局,瑞典国家研究理事会和欧盟先进材料和燃料电池以及欧盟-中国研究网络www.nanocofc.com多次在瑞典国家组织的国际专家评审评为国际领先的研究地位。在新型燃料电池和绿色能源研究的进展和突破多次在其主页报道,并进入2014年, 2015, 2016和2017年中国高被引学者榜单(Elsevier能源类)前列。在材料和能源等国际顶级期刊发表论文300多篇,引用近5800次以上,H-因子41, 引领国际燃料电池研究发展的新方向。创立了半导体离子材料和半导体离子学以及在新一代能源领域的应用:发明了单部件无电解质燃料电池,半导体离子燃料电池,提出燃料-电能转化的电化学物理技术路线。近五年共发表SCI论文44篇,以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文37篇(其中T1论文23篇,影响因子大于10论文5篇,5—10之间的论文12篇)。


研究方向主要包括纳米复合和能源材料/技术, 燃料电池及多联产系统, 新一代能源技术和可再生能源等。""


[1] Fan L., Wang C. and Zhu B*. Low temperature ceramic fuel cells using all nano composite materials. Nano Energy, 2012, 1, 631. \r
[2] B. Zhu*, Lund P., R. Raza, J. Patakangas, Q.-A. Huang, L. Fan and M. Singh. A new energy conversion technology based on nano-redox and nano-device processes. Nano Energy, 2013, 2, 1179.\r
[3] B. Zhu*, et al. Schottky junction effect on high performance fuel cells based on nanocomposite materials, Adv. Energy Mater., 2015, 1401895.\r
[4] Zhu B*, Huang YZ., Fan LD., Ma Y., Wang BY., Xia C., Afzal M., Zhang B., Dong W., Wang H., Lund PD. Novel fuel cell with nanocomposite functional layer designed by perovskite solar cell principle, Nano Energy, 2016, 19, 156–164.\r
[5] Y. Wu, C. Xia, W.Zhang, X.g Yang, Z. Y. Bao, J. J. Li, Bin Zhu*. Natural hematite for next generation solid oxide fuel cells, Adv. Func. Mat., 2016,26, 938.\r
[1] Fan L., Wang C., Osamudiamen O., Raza R., Singh M. and Zhu B*. Mixed ion and electron conductive composites for single component fuel cells: I. Effects of composition and pellet thickness. J. Power Sources, 2012, 217, 164.\r
[2] R. Raza, H. Qin, L. Fan, K. Takeda, M. Mizuhata, B. Zhu*. Electrochemical study on co-doped ceria–carbonate composite electrolyte. J. Power Sources, 2012, 201, 121-127.\r
[3] L. Fan, B. Zhu*, M. Chen, C. Wang, R. Raza, H. Qin, X. Wang, X. Wang and Ying Ma. High performance transition metal oxide composite cathode for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells. J. Power Sources, 2012, 203, 65-71.\r
[4] L. Fan, C. Wang, M. Chen, B. Zhu*. Recent development of ceria-based (nano)composite materials for low temperature ceramic fuel cells and electrolyte-free fuel cells, J. Power Sources, 2013, 234, 154-174.\r
[5] Bin Zhu*, Fang LD, Lund P. Breakthrough fuel cell technology using ceria-based multi-functional nanocomposites. Appl. Energy, 2013, 106, 163-175.\r
[6] Fan L., Ma Y., Wang X., Singh M. and Zhu Bin*. Understanding of electrochemical mechanism of the core-shell Ceria-LiZnO nanocomposite in a low temperature solid oxide fuel cell. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 5399-5407.\r
[7] Bin Zhu*, et.al. LiNiFe-based layered structure oxide and composite for advanced single layer fuel cells, J. Power Sources, 2016, 316, 37.\r
[8] Wang, GJ, Wu XY, Cai, YX, B Zhu*. Design, fabrication and characterization of a double layer solid oxide fuel cell (DLFC). J. Power Sources, 2016, 332, 8-15.\r
[9] A. Muhammad, S. Mohsin, Wang, BY, Bin Zhu*. Fabrication of novel electrolyte-layer free fuel cell with semi-ionic conductor (Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-delta-Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9) and Schottky barrier. J. Power Sources, 2016, 328,136-142.\r
[10] Hu, HQ, Lin, QZ, Zhu ZG, Bin Zhu*. Effects of composition on the electrochemical property and cell performance of single layer fuel cell.J. Power Sources, 2015, 275, 476-482.\r
[11] Xia C, Cai Y X, Ma Y, Wang B Y, Zhang W, Karlsson M, Wu Y, Zhu B*. Natural mineral-based solid oxide fuel cell with heterogeneous nanocomposite derived from hematite and rare-earth minerals. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8, 20748-20755.\r
[12] Baoyuan Wang, Bin Zhu*, et. al. Preparation and characterization of Sm and Ca co-doped ceria–La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3 semiconductor–ionic composites for electrolyte-layer-free fuel cells. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 15426.

