2023-05-16 11:14
  • 周丹娜
  • 周丹娜 - 副教授-中国地质大学(武汉)-材料与化学学院-个人资料




Wuhan University,Environmental Chemistry,BS;\r
Wuhan University,Environmental Chemistry,MS。\r
教学工作(Teaching Experience):\r
目前主讲课程:大学化学 University Chemistry\r
曾主讲课程:无机及分析化学、电分析化学、色谱分析、专业英语、 生物化学、污染控制化学、工业水处理。




Danna Zhou*, Hui Zhang* and Long Chen. Sulfur-replaced Fenton systems: can sulfate radical substitute hydroxyl radical for advanced oxidation technologies? Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. Article first published online: 25 SEP 2014 | DOI: 10.1002/jctb.4525(SCI,影响因子:2.494)\r
Danna Zhou,*, Long Chen, Changbo Zhang, Yingtan Yu, Li Zhang, Feng Wu. A novel photochemical system of ferrous sulfite complex: Kinetics and mechanisms of rapid decolorization of Acid Orange 7 in aqueous solutions. Water Research, 2014, 57: 87-95 (SCI,影响因子:5.323)\r
Danna Zhou, Yao Wu, Xiaonan Feng, Yong Chen, Zongping Wang, Tao Tao, Dongbin Wei. Photodegradation of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) by Fe(III) complexes/H2O2 under simulated sunlight. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014, 21: 6228-6233 (SCI,影响因子:2.757)\r
Danna Zhou*, Wenyu Huang and Dandan Xu. Application of carboxylic acids in photo-Fenton-like systems for the removal of contaminants. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment. 2014, 18(9): 73-82\r
Yong Chen*, Qi Liang, Danna Zhou, Zongping Wang∗, Tao Tao, Yuegang Zuo. Photodegradation kinetics, products and mechanism of timolol under simulated sunlight. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2013, 252– 253: 220– 226 (SCI,影响因子:4.331)\r
Danna Zhou*, Liang Chen, Feng Wu, Jie Wang and Fan Yang, Debromination of hexabromocyclododecane in aqueous solutions by uv-c irradiation. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2012, 21(1): 2012107-111(SCI,影响因子:0.527)\r
Danna Zhou*, Wenyu Huang, Feng Wu, Chaoqun Han, Yin Chen. Photodegradation of chloromycetin in aqueous solutions: kinetics and influencing factors. Reac Kinet Mech Cat 2010, 100: 45–53(SCI,影响因子:0.983)\r
Danna Zhou*, Feng Wu, Nansheng Deng, Wu Xiang, Photooxidation of bisphenol A (BPA) in water in the presence of ferric and carboxylate salts, Water Research, 2004, 38: 4107-4116(SCI,影响因子:5.323)\r
Danna Zhou*, Feng Wu, Nansheng Deng, Fe(III)-oxalate complexes induced photooxidation of diethylstilbestrol in water. Chemosphere. 2004, 57: 283 -291. (SCI,影响因子:3.499)\r
Zhou Danna, Wu Feng and Deng Nansheng, Photochemical discoloration of aqueous dye solutions in UV/Fe(III) system: Inorganic anions' effects. Toxicol. Environ. Chem., 1999, 72: 105-111. (SCI,影响因子:0.723)

