毛明志,博士,副教授,硕士生导师, 2003年武汉大学概率统计专业硕士毕业,2009年上海交通大学应用数学专业博士毕业,毕业论文是复杂网络理论及其极限行为。目前主讲的课程主要是《工科数学分析》,《拓扑学》,《随机过程》,《应用泛函分析》等。主持了一部横向项目和四部校级项目(包括教学项目),参与了多部国家自然科学基金,现发表了科研论文十余篇,并有多篇被三大检索收录,研究领域
1 Lyapounov exponents and law of large numbers for random walk in random environment with holding times, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 29B(5) (2009), 1024-1035(SCI)2 Asymptotic behavior for random walk in random environment with holding times,Acta Mathematica Scientia, 30B(5) (2010), 1701-1708(SCI)3 The quenched law of the iterated logarithm for one-dimensional random walks in a random environment, Statistics and Probability letters, 83 (2013), 52-60(SCI)4 The asymptotic behaviors for least square estimation of multi-casting autoregressive processes, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 129 (2014), 110-124(SCI)5 Moderate deviations for quantile regression processes. Comm. Statist.-Theory and Methods. 48(12) 2019, 2879-2892. (SCI)6 The law of iterated logarithm for the estimations of diffusion-type processes. Advances in Difference Equations, 33(2020), 1-15. (SCI)7 The Moderate Deviation Principle for Minimizers of Convex Processes. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. (2020) 490,(online) (SCI)标签: 中国地质大学(武汉) 数学与物理学院
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