2023-05-16 10:58
  • 李飞
  • 李飞 - 讲师-中国地质大学(武汉)-材料与化学学院-个人资料








[1] Fei Li, Zhen Li, Fu Jiang Jin, Structural and luminescent properties of ZnO nanorods prepared from aqueous solution, Materials Letters, 2007, 61(8-9): 1876~1880.\r
(IF: 2.307, Cited: 17)\r
[2] Fei Li, Liang Hu, Zhen Li, Xintang Huang, Influence of temperature on the morphology and luminescence of ZnO micro and nanostructures prepared by CTAB-assisted hydrothermal method, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2008, 465(1-2): L14~L19.\r
(IF: 2.289, Cited: 19)\r
[3] Fei Li, Zhen Li, Fujiang Jin, Fabrication and characterization of ZnO micro and nanostructures prepared by thermal evaporation, Physica B, 2008, 403(4): 664~669.\r
(IF: 1.063, Cited: 17)\r
[4] Fei Li, Wentuan Bi, Luoyuan Liu, Zhen Li, Xintang Huang, Preparation and characterization of ZnO nanospindles and ZnO@ZnS core–shell microspindles, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2009, 334(1-3): 160~164. (IF: 2.236, Cited: 7)\r
[5] Fei Li, Xintang Huang, Tao Kong, Xueqin Liu, Qinghua Qin, Zhen Li, Synthesis and characterization of PbS crystals via a solvothermal route, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 485(1-2): 554~560. (IF: 2.289, Cited: 6)\r
[6] Fei Li, Xintang Huang, Yin Jiang, Luoyuan Liu, Zhen Li, Synthesis and characterization of ZnO/SiO2 core/shell nanocomposites and hollow SiO2 nanostructures, Materials Research Bulletin, 2009, 44(2): 437~441. (IF: 2.105, Cited: 16)\r
[7] Fei Li, Yin Jiang, Liang Hu, Luoyuan Liu, Zhen Li, Xintang Huang, Structural and luminescent properties of ZnO nanorods and ZnO/ZnS nanocomposites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 474(1-2): 531~535. (IF: 2.289, Cited: 22)\r
[8] Fei Li, Wentuan Bi, Tao Kong, Chuanjin Wang, Zhen Li, Xintang Huang, Effect of sulfur sources on the crystal structure, morphology and luminescence of CdS nanocrystals prepared by a solvothermal method, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 479(1-2): 707~710. (IF: 2.289, Cited: 17)\r
[9] Fei Li, Tao Kong, Wentuan Bi, Dachang Li, Zhen Li, Xintang Huang, Synthesis and optical properties of CuS nanoplate-based architectures by a solvothermal method, Applied Surface Science, 2009, 255(12): 6285~6289. (IF: 2.103, Cited: 19)\r
[10] Fei Li, Wentuan Bi, Tao Kong, Qinghua Qin, Optical, photocatalytic properties of novel CuS nanoplate-based architectures synthesised by a solvothermal route, Crystal Research and Technology, 2009, 44(7), 729~735. (IF: 0.946, Cited: 15)\r
[11] Fei Li, Xueqin Liu, Tao Kong, Zhen Li, Xintang Huang, Conversion from ZnO nanospindles into ZnO/ZnS core/shell composites and ZnS microspindles, Crystal Research and Technology, 2009, 44(4), 402~408. (IF: 0.946, Cited: 8)\r
[12] Fei Li, Xueqin Liu, Qinghua Qin, Jianfang Wu, Zhen Li, Xintang Huang, Sonochemical synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanorod/Ag nanoparticle composites, Crystal Research and Technology, 2009, 44(11): 1249~1254. (IF: 0.946, Cited: 7)\r
[13] Fei Li, Jianfang Wu, Qinghua Qin, Zhen Li, Xintang Huang, A facile method to prepare monodispersed ZnO-Ag core-shell microspheres, Superlattices and Microstructures, 2010, 47(2): 232~240. (IF: 1.487, Cited: 3)\r
[14] Fei Li, Jianfang Wu, Qinghua Qin, Zhen Li, Xintang Huang, Facile synthesis of γ-MnOOH micro/nanorods and their conversion to β-MnO2, Mn3O4, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 492(1-2): 339~346. (IF: 2.289, Cited: 13)\r
[15] Fei Li, Jianfang Wu, Qinghua Qin, Zhen Li, Xintang Huang, Controllable synthesis, optical and photocatalytic properties of CuS nanomaterials with hierarchical structures, Powder Technology, 2010, 198(2): 267~274. (IF: 2.08, Cited: 14)\r
[16] Fei Li, Qinghua Qin, Jianfang Wu, Zhen Li, Shape controllable preparation and characterization of hierarchical PbS submicron cubes via a solvothermal method, Journal of Materials Sciences, 2010, 45(2): 348~353. (IF: 2.015, Cited: 4)\r
[17] Fei Li, Yuliang Yuan, Junyong Luo, Qinhua Qin, Jianfang Wu, Zhen Li, Xintang Huang, Synthesis and characterization of ZnO-Ag core-shell nanocomposites with uniform thin silver layers, Applied Surface Science, 2010, 256(20), 6076~6082. (IF: 2.103, Cited: 11)\r
[18] Fei Li, Xueqin Liu, Yuliang Yuan, Jianfang Wu, Zhen Li, Controllable synthesis, characterization and optical properties of Ag@AgCl coaxial core-shell nanocables, Crystal Research and Technology, 2010, 45(11): 1189~1193.\r
[19] Fei Li, Xueqin Liu, Qiang Zhang, Tao Kong, Fabrication and photocatalytic property of CuO nanosheets via a facile solution route, Crystal Research and Technology, 2012, 47(11): 1140~1147.\r
[20] Xueqin Liu, Zhen Li, Qiang Zhang, Fei Li, Tao Kong, CuO nanowires prepared via a facile solution route and their photocatalytic property. Materials Letters, 2012, 72: 49~52..\r
[21] Yongqian Wang, Dawei Meng, Xueqin Liu, Fei Li, Facile synthesis and characterization of hierarchical CuO nanoarchitectures by a simple solution route, Crystal Research and Technology, 2009, 44(12): 1277~1283.\r
[22] Xueqin Liu, Zhen Li, Fei Li, Qiang Zhang, Facile synthesis of Cu31S16 and their photocatalytic property. Applied Surface Science, 2012, 258(16): 6064~6068.\r
[23] Xueqin Liu, Zhen Li, Qiang Zhang, Fei Li, Tao Kong, Preparation of CuO/C core-shell nanowires and its application in lithium ion batteries. Materials Letters, 2012, 80: 37~39.\r
[24] Xueqin Liu, Zhen Li, Fei Li, Qinghua Qin, Controllable synthesis and characterization of Ag@AgBr core–shell nanowires, Materials Research Bulletin, 2012, 47(5):1285~1288.\r
[25] Xueqin Liu, Zhen Li, Qiang Zhang, Fei Li, Controllable synthesis and enhanced photocatalytic properties of Cu2O/Cu31S16 composites, Materials Research Bulletin, 2012, 47(9):2631-2637.

