2023-05-16 10:54
  • 刘富初
  • 刘富初 - 博士 博士后 副教授-中国地质大学(武汉)-机械与电子信息学院-个人资料




作为技术骨干先后参与了6项国家自然科学基金和多项大型企业合作项目研究,目前已在Composite Structures、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Materials Chemistry and Physics和Journal of Manufacturing Processes等本领域高水平期刊发表论文30余篇(SCI论文20余篇),申请发明专利15件(已授权11件),参编专著2部;获得中国机械工程学会铸造专业“福士科”杯优秀论文金奖(2016年和2017年)、华中科技大学优秀毕业研究生(2016年)和博士研究生国家奖学金(2014年)等奖励。担任Additive Manufacturing、Ceramic International、Materials and Design和International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology等国际学术期刊的审稿人。
地址:中国地质大学(武汉)机械与电子信息学院 教二楼317室

2020.5- 中国地质大学(武汉),机械与电子信息学院,副教授
2018.12-2019.11 英国Brunel Unversity London, Brunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Technology (BCAST) , 访问学者
2016.7-2020.5 华中科技大学,环境科学与工程学院,博士后
2012.9-2016.6 华中科技大学,材料加工工程,工学博士
2010.9-2013.3 华中科技大学,材料加工工程,工学硕士
2006.9-2010.6 华中科技大学,材料成型及控制工程,工学学士

(1)国家自然科学基金面上项目, No. 51971099,多主元高熵合金凝固过程溶质交互作用诱导CET转变和晶粒细化的机理研究,2020.01-2023.12,60万,在研,排名第2,参与
(4)国家自然科学基金青年项目,No. 51204073,液态置氢条件下 TiAl 基合金与铸型的界面反应机制研究,2013.1-2015.12,25万,已结题,参与
(6)企业横向项目,2019.03-2019.11,IUK supported GESTAMP project, ARCH-Hybrid structure, GBP 275,000,参与
(7)企业横向项目,2018.12-2019.03 ,Jaguar Land Rover supported project, Development of a high strength aluminium alloy for automotive applications, GBP 390,000,参与

[1] 樊自田, 刘富初, 蔡基利, 胡芬, 唐世艳, 索进平. 一种快速挤出制备陶瓷微球的方法[P]. 中国发明专利, ZL201710252125.7,授权时间:2019.11.22
[2] 樊自田, 涂梭, 刘富初, 龚小龙, 江再良. 低熔点合金铸造用高强度复合盐芯材料、盐芯及制备方法 [P]. 中国发明专利, ZL201611186722.6, 授权时间:2019.11.12
[3] 樊自田, 龚小龙, 刘富初,王黎迟,蒋文明,刘鑫旺,吴和保. 一种滚筒式旧砂湿法再生与脱水一体化设备及其使用方法[P].中国发明专利,ZL201710400641.X, 授权时间: 2019.02.01
[4] 樊自田, 王黎迟, 刘富初, 蒋文明,龚小龙. 一种超声波湿法再生水玻璃旧砂的方法[P].中国发明专利,ZL 201710238547.9, 授权时间: 2019.03.05
[5] 樊自田, 姜鹏, 刘富初, 刘鑫旺, 黄映, 李广, 孙锐. 铝合金或镁合金薄壁复杂铸件用水溶性砂芯的制备方法[P]. 中国发明专利, ZL201410648208.4, 授权时间: 2017.01.11
[6] 樊自田, 黄映, 刘富初, 刘鑫旺, 姜鹏, 李广, 孙锐, 廖超. 一种铝或镁合金铸件砂芯清理装置及其砂芯清理方法[P]. 中国发明专利, ZL201510027416.7, 授权时间: 2016.08.17
[7] 刘鑫旺, 孙锐, 刘富初, 樊自田. 一种高熵合金颗粒增强铝基复合材料及其制备方法[P]. 中国发明专利, ZL201510295477.1,授权时间: 2016.09.07
[8] 樊自田, 龙威, 刘富初, 李雪洁, 宗晓明.一种铸造旧砂湿法间歇式再生方法及其设备[P]. 中国发明专利, ZL 201210084186.4,授权时间: 2013.09.18
[9] 樊自田, 龚小龙, 王黎迟,刘富初,蒋文明. 一种水玻璃旧砂湿法再生的碱性污水回收方法[P].中国发明专利, ZL201710652097.8,授权时间:2019.06.18
[10] 樊自田, 王黎迟,刘富初,蒋文明,龚小龙,杨力. 一种从水玻璃旧砂湿法再生污水中回收水玻璃的方法[P]. 中国发明专利, ZL201811222679.3,授权时间: 2020.05.19
[11] 蒋文明, 李广宇, 樊自田, 江再良, 刘鑫旺, 刘富初. 一种消失模铸造液-液复合铝-镁双金属铸件的方法[P]. 中国发明专利, ZL201610486767.9, 授权时间: 2017.12.12
[1] 樊自田, 蒋文明,魏青松,宋波,黄安国,刘富初. 先进金属材料成形技术及理论[M]. 武汉:华中科技大学出版社, 2019.12
[2] 樊自田, 朱以松,董选普, 吴殿杰, 刘富初. 水玻璃砂工艺原理及应用技术(第二版)[M]. 北京:机械工业出版社, 2016.03




[1] Liu Fuchu, Zhu Xiangzhen, Ji Shouxun*. Effects of Ni on the microstructure, hot tear and mechanical properties of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys under as-cast condition [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.153458 (Online, IF=4.7) T2
[2] Liu Fuchu*, Jiang Peng, Huang Ying, Jiang Wenming, Liu Xinwang, Fan Zitian*. A water-soluble magnesium sulfate bonded sand core material for manufacturing hollow composite castings [J]. Composite Structures, 2018, 201: 553-560. (IF=5.14) T2
[3] Liu Fuchu*, Tu Suo, Gong Xiaolong, Li Guanjin, Jiang Wenming, Liu Xinwang, Fan Zitian*. Comparative study on performance and microstructure of composite water-soluble salt core material for manufacturing hollow zinc alloy castings [J]. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2020.123257 (Online, IF=3.4) T2
[4] Jiang Peng#, Liu Fuchu# *(Co-first authors), Fan Zitian*, Jiang Wenming, Liu Xinwang. Performance of water-soluble composite sulfate sand core for magnesium alloy castings [J]. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 16(3): 494-502. (IF=3.7) T2
[5] Liu Fuchu*, Fan Zitian*, Liu Xinwang, He Jiaqing, Li Fengguang. Aqueous gel casting of water-soluble calcia-based ceramic core for investment casting using epoxy resin as a binder [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 86(5-8):1235-1242. (IF=2.6) T3
[6] Liu Fuchu*, Yang Li, Huang Ying, Jiang Peng, Li Guang, Jiang Wenming, Liu Xinwang, Fan Zitian*. Performance of resin bonded sand for magnesium alloy casting [J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2017, 30: 313-319. (IF=4.1) T3
[7] Liu Fuchu*, Fan Zitian*, Liu Xinwang, Huang Ying, Jiang Peng. Effect of surface coating strengthening on humidity resistance of sodium silicate bonded sand cured by microwave heating [J]. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2016, 31(12):1639-1642. (IF=3.1) T3
[8] Liu Fuchu, Fan Zitian*, Liu Xinwang, Wang Huafang, He Jiaqing. Research on humidity resistance of sodium silicate sand hardened by twice microwave heating process [J]. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2014, 29(2): 184-187. (IF=3.1) T3
[9] Tu Suo, Liu Fuchu*, Li Guanjin, Jiang Wenming, Liu Xinwang, Fan Zitian*. Fabrication and characterization of high-strength water-soluble composite salt core for zinc alloy die castings [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 95(1-4): 505-512. (IF=2.6) T3
[10] Gong Xiaolong, Liu Fuchu*, Hu Shengli, Jiang Wenming, Liu Xinwang, Fan Zitian*. Reclamation of clay-resin mixed waste sand by a hot waste alkali liquor soaking assisted with scrubbing method [J]. International Journal of Metalcasting, 2020, Doi: 10.1007/s40962-020-00488-1 (Online, IF=1.35) T4
[11] Liu Xinwang, Liu Fuchu, Du Hui, Zhang Zhaolong, Cai Qizhou, Fan Zitian. Effect of hydrogen on interfacial reaction between TiAl alloy melt and graphite mold [J]. Intermetallics, 2014, 53: 107-111. (IF=3.4) (研究生导师一作) T3
[12] Fan Zitian, Liu Fuchu, Long Wei, Li Guona. A new low-cost method of reclaiming mixed foundry waste sand based on wet-thermal composite reclamation [J]. China Foundry, 2014, 11(5): 402-407. (4区SCI, Q2, IF=0.9) (研究生导师一作) T4
[13] 刘富初,姜鹏,黄映,李广,何家庆,蒋文明,刘鑫旺,樊自田.复杂镁合金铸件的水溶性砂芯材料及高效清理技术研究[J]. 铸造,2016, 65(12):1178-1184. (福士科金奖论文)
[14] 刘富初, 樊自田, 汪华方. 微波加热硬化水玻璃砂表面涂层的抗湿性研究[J]. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 40(10): 49-52. (EI)
[15] 樊自田,刘富初,龚小龙,王黎迟. 铸造旧砂再生新方法、新进展及新期待[J]. 中国铸造装备与技术, 2018, 53(4): 5-10. (约稿论文)
[16] 樊自田,刘富初,龚小龙,王黎迟. 铸造旧砂再生新方法、新进展及新期待(续)[J]. 中国铸造装备与技术, 2018, 53(5): 5-10. (约稿论文)
[17] 刘富初, 李广,黄映,姜鹏,蒋文明,刘鑫旺,樊自田. 复杂细长砂芯的成形性和溃散性特征研究[J]. 现代铸铁,2019, 39(1): 35-41. (约稿论文)
[18] 蔡基利,吴和保,刘富初,樊自田. 微滴喷射快速成形Al2O3陶瓷微球的性能研究[J]. 材料工程,2018, 46(11): 84-89. (EI)
[19] Yang Li, Tang Shiyan, Li Guanjin, Liu Fuchu, Liu Xinwang, Jiang Wenming. Performance characteristics of collapsible CaO-SiO2 based ceramic core material via layered extrusion forming[J]. Ceramics International, 2019, 45(6):7681-7689. (IF=3.1) T2
[20] Tang Shiyan, Fan Zitian, Zhao Huoping, Yang Li, Liu Fuchu, Liu Xinwang. Layered extrusion forming-A simple and green method for additive manufacturing ceramic core [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 96(9-12):3809-3819. (IF=2.6) T3

[1] Liu Fuchu. Performance of water-soluble sulfate bonded sand core cured by conventional and microwave heating process[C]. THERMEC2018, 2018-07-09, Paris, France.
[2] 刘富初. 3D打印砂型的精度与性能研究[C]. 2018年绿色铸造及3DP打印砂型技术研讨会, 苏州, 2018-03-15.
[3] Liu Fuchu. Study on the Performance and Curing process of the Water-soluble Sulfate Bonded Sand Core[C]. 第16届全国铸造活动周论文集,苏州,2017-11-16,2017年中国铸造活动周国际铸造技术论坛口头报告.
[4] 刘富初. 中日青少年科技交流计划,日本静冈,2017-06-20,口头报告.
[5] Liu Fuchu, Huang Ying, Jiang Peng, Li Guang, Liu Xinwang, Fan Zitian. Performance and its influencing factors of no-bake furan resin bonded sand for magnesium alloy casting [C]. Proceedings of the 2015 WFO International Forum on Moulding Materials and Casting Technologies, Changsha: WFO Moulding Materials Commission, 20-24,Poster.
[6] Liu Fuchu, Li Fengguang, Liu Xinwang, Fan Zitian. Effect of Particle Size Distribution on the Properties of Alumina-Based Cores for Magnesium Alloy Casting [C]. Proceedings of the 2015 WFO International Forum on Moulding Materials and Casting Technologies, Changsha: WFO Moulding Materials Commission, 68-70, Oral presentation.

