2023-05-16 10:50
  • 洪建和
  • 洪建和 - 副教授-中国地质大学(武汉)-材料与化学学院-个人资料




获浙江大学材料学学士和硕士学位,武汉大学无机化学博士学位。2006年至今在 中国地质大学(武汉)材料与化学学院化学系任教,长期担任本科生物理化学、结构化学等课程的教学。其间获国家留学基金委资助,于2013年2月至2014年2月在美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校John B. Goodenough教授课题组访问,研究先进锂电池科学与技术。


与材料系何岗教授(博导)共同组建了新能源材料研究团队,主要从事以下方向的研究: 1. 新能源汽车用锂离子动力电池关键材料; 2. 储能用室温钠离子电池关键材料; 3. 矿物材料的深加工与综合利用。"锂离子电池材料、矿物材料、发光材料、铁电薄膜、高分子基复合材料\r
1. 新能源汽车用锂离子动力电池关键材料;\r
2. 储能用室温钠离子电池关键材料;\r
3. 矿物材料的深加工与综合利用。\r


1. 李中; 洪建和*; 何岗; 吕璐, 富锂正极材料 Li1.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13O2的 FePO4包覆研究. 无机材料学报 2015, 30 (02), 129-134.\r
2. 何岗; 彭超; 赵德森; 何明中; 洪建和; 栗海峰; 公衍生, 组合法制备Pb(Zr_xTi_(1-x))O_3铁电薄膜及性能研究. 材料科学与工艺 2014, (04), 25-29.\r
3. 何岗; 权晓洁; 张靖; 洪建和; 何明中, 磷酸铁前驱体形貌对磷酸铁锂电化学性能的影响. 人工晶体学报 2013, (12), 2548-2555.\r
4. Chen, Y. M.; Li, X. Y.; Park, K.; Song, J.; Hong, J. H.; Zhou, L. M.; Mai, Y. W.; Huang, H. T.; Goodenough, J. B., Hollow Carbon-Nanotube/Carbon-Nanofiber Hybrid Anodes for Li-Ion Batteries. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135 (44), 16280-16283.\r
5. 李中; 洪建和*; 何岗; 何明中, 磷酸铁锂振实密度的研究进展. 电子元件与材料 2012, 31 (09), 78-81.\r
6. 彭超; 何岗; 何明中; 洪建和; 栗海峰; 公衍生, 组合法制备Pb(Zr_xTi(1-x))O_3组分梯度薄膜. 武汉理工大学学报 2012, (01), 7-11.\r
7. 张靖; 孙新艳; 何岗; 洪建和; 何明中, 锰酸锂表面改性提高循环性能的研究进展. 材料导报 2012, (13), 20-25+61.\r
8. 吕璐; 洪建和*; 何岗; 何明中, 石墨烯在锂离子电池正极材料中应用的进展. 电池 2012, 42 (04), 225-228.\r
9. Hong, J.-H.; Wang, Y.-F.; He, G.; He, M.-Z., A new approach to LiFePO4/C synthesis: The use of complex carbon source without ball milling. Materials Chemistry and Physics 2012, 133 (1), 573–577.\r
10. Hong, J.-H.; Lv, L.; Wang, Y.-F.; He, M.-Z.; He, G. In SIZE CONTROL OF LiFePO4/C CATHODE MATERIAL BY SURFACE TREATED FePO4 WITH CITRIC ACID, The 13th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics, Sendai, Japan, Sendai, Japan, 2012.\r
11. 杨柳; 何岗; 洪建和; 何明中, LiFePO4/C复合材料制备过程中碳源及碳包覆方法的研究进展. 材料导报 2011, (19), 59-63.\r
12. Peng, C.; Zhao, D. S.; He, G.; He, M. Z.; Hong, J. H.; Li, H. F.; Gong, Y. S., CONVENIENT PREPARATION OF Pb(Zr-x Ti1-x)O-3 THIN FILMS BY A COMBINATORIAL SYNTHESIS PROCESS. Functional Materials Letters 2011, 4 (3), 231-235.\r
13. 赵德森; 洪建和; 高金飞; 何明中; 何岗, SnO-CaO-P2O5体系无铅封接玻璃的形成与性能优化研究. 无机材料学报 2010, (10), 1053-1057.\r
14. Hong, J.-H.; Zhao, D.-S.; Gao, J.-F.; He, M.-Z.; Li, H.-F.; He, G., Lead-free low-melting point sealing glass in SnO-CaO-P2O5 system. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2010, 356 (28-30), 1400-1403.\r
15. Hong, J.-H.; Wang, Y.-F.; He, G.; Wang, J.-X., Tuning visible emission by choosing excitation wavelength in Mg-doped ZnO/silica composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2010, 506 (1), 1-3.\r
16. Hong, J.-H.; Wang, Y.-F.; He, G.; Wang, J.-X., The effect of calcination temperature on the photoluminescence from sol-gel derived amorphous ZnO/silica composites. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2010, 356 (50-51), 2778-2780.\r
17. Hong, J.-H.; Song, L.; Zhou, X.-W.; Diakite, K.; Zhang, K.-L., Non-isothermal Decomposition Mechanism and Kinetics of LiClO4 in Nitrogen. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities 2010, 26 (2), 300-303.\r
18. 张梅芳; 洪建和; 袁良杰; 张友祥; 张克立, FePO4·4H2O的脱水动力学研究. 无机化学学报 2009, 25 (6), 1022-1025.\r
19. Wang, J.-X.; Meng, D.-W.; Wu, X.-L.; Hong, J.-H.; An, D.-Z.; Zhen, K.-J., Catalytic properties of Mg-modified Ni-based hexaaluminate catalysts for CO2 reforming of methane to synthesis gas. Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters 2009, 96 (1), 65-73.\r
20. Cong, C. J.; Hong, J. H.; Zhang, K. L., Effect of atmosphere on the magnetic properties of the Co-doped ZnO magnetic semiconductors. Materials Chemistry and Physics 2009, 113 (1), 435-440.\r
21. Hong, J.-H.; Zhang, Z.-G.; Cong, C.-J.; Zhang, K.-L., Energy transfer from Bi3+ sensitizing the luminescence of Eu3+ in clusters embedded into sol-gel silica glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2007, 353 (24-25), 2431-2435.\r
22. Hong, J. H.; Cong, C. J.; Zhang, Z. G.; Zhang, K. L., A new photoluminescence emission peak of ZnO-SiO2 nanocomposites and its energy transfer to Eu3+ ions. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 2007, 68 (7), 1359-1363.\r
23. 从长杰; 易同寅; 洪建和; 陶海波; 张克立, CoC2O4·2H2O在空气中的热分解动力学研究. 无机化学学报 2006, 22 (2), 379-383.\r
24. Hong, J. H.; Yi, T. Y.; Min, J.; Cong, C. J.; Zhang, K. L., Preparation, thermal decomposition and lifetime of Eu(III)-phenanthroline complex doped xerogel. Thermochimica Acta 2006, 440 (1), 31-35.\r
25. Hong, J. H.; Min, J.; Guo, G. H.; Zhang, K. L., Preparation, thermal decomposition and lifetime of europium tris(dibenzoylmethanato)phenanthroline complex doped xerogel. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2006, 86 (2), 347-350.\r
26. Hong, J. H.; Guo, G. H.; Zhang, K. L., Kinetics and mechanism of non-isothermal dehydration of nickel acetate tetrahydrate in air. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 2006, 77 (2), 111-115.\r
27. Diakite, K.; Hong, J. H.; Zhan, D.; Zhang, K. L., Kinetics of the thermal decomposition of magnesium salicylate powder in air. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities 2006, 22 (5), 617-620.\r
28. Cong, C. J.; Yi, T. Y.; Hong, J. H.; Tao, H. B.; Zhang, K. L., Kinetics for thermal decomposition of CoC2O4 center dot 2H(2)O in air. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2006, 22 (2), 379-383.\r
29. Cong, C. J.; Hong, J. H.; Luo, S. T.; Tao, H. B.; Zhang, K. L., Kinetics of thermal decomposition of Zn1-xMnxC2O4 center dot 2H(2)O. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 2006, 24 (4), 499-503.\r
30. Cong, C. J.; Hong, J. H.; Liu, Q. Y.; Liao, L.; Zhang, K. L., Synthesis, structure and ferromagnetic properties of Ni-doped ZnO nanoparticles. Solid State Communications 2006, 138 (10-11), 511-515.

