2023-05-16 10:45
  • 陈旭
  • 陈旭 - 教授 硕士生导师-中国地质大学(武汉)-地理与信息工程学院-个人资料




1984 年 5 月出生于湖北省通山县。 2006 年毕业于华中师范大学地理科学系,获理学学士学位; 2008 年毕业于东北师范大学地理系自然地理专业,获理学硕士学位,硕士论文题目:长白山哈泥沼泽七种苔藓种间关联与生态位研究,导师王升忠教授卜兆君教授; 2011 年 6 月毕业于中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所自然地理专业,获得理学博士学位,博士论文题目:近五百年巢湖生态环境演化及其机制研究,导师羊向东研究员。2013年3月至2014年2月英国诺丁汉大学地理系访问学者(博士后),合作项目:长江中下游湖泊古色素研究,导师Suzanne McGowan教授。 2011 年 7 月起在中国地质大学(武汉)地球科学学院地理系任教,2019年9月起调入地理与信息工程学院地理系。





[1] 2008.9 -- 2011.7
中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所 自然地理学 研究生 博士
[2] 2006.9 -- 2008.7
东北师范大学 自然地理学 研究生 硕士学位
[3] 2002.9 -- 2006.7
华中师范大学 地理科学 大学本科 学士
[1] 2020.1 -- 至今
中国地质大学(武汉) 地理与信息工程学院地理系 教授 在职
[2] 2014.1 -- 2019.9
中国地质大学(武汉) 地球科学学院地理系 副教授 在职
[3] 2013.2 -- 2014.2
Nottingham University School of Geography 访问学者(博士后)
[4] 2011.7 -- 2013.12
中国地质大学(武汉) 地球科学学院地理系 无 讲师 在职


1. 人类活动与气候变化影响下长江中游湖泊和亚高山湿地生态环境演化;
2. 藻类古生态学;""


52.Bai Xue, Piątek Jolanta, Wołowski Konrad, Bu Zhao-Jun, Chen Xu*. 2021. Chrysophyte stomatocysts and their associations with environmental variables in three peatlands in the subtropical monsoon climate zone of China. Ecological Indicators,121,107125.(*correspondence author)
51.Bai Xue, Piątek Jolanta, Wołowski Konrad, Bu Zhao-Jun, Chen Xu*. 2020. New stomatocysts discovered in Sphagnum peatlands, central China. Phytotaxa 477, 151-170.(*correspondence author)
50. 聂丽娟, 田文龙, 管锡东, 陈旭. 2020. 武汉市湖泊表层沉积物磷形态组成特征. 生态与农村环境学报 36, 1540-1548.
49. 羊向东,王荣,董旭辉,王倩,陈旭,徐敏,张科. 2020. 中国湖泊古生态研究进展. 湖泊科学,32(5):1380-1395.
48. Chen Xu, McGowan Suzanne, Peng Jia, Zheng Ting, Bai Xue, Zeng Linghan. (2020) Local and Regional Drivers of Environmental Changes in Two Subtropical Montane Ponds (Central China) Over the Last Two Centuries. Ecosystems, DOI: 10.1007/s10021-020-00535-2 (online first)
47. 羊向东,董旭辉,陈旭,王荣,王倩,林琪,徐敏. 2020. 长江经济带湖泊环境演变、保护、治理建议. 中国科学院院刊,35(8):977-987.
46. Chen Xu, McGowan Suzanne, Bu ZhaoJun, Yang XiangDong, Cao YanMin, Bai Xue, Zeng LingHan, Liang Jia, Qiao QiangLong (2020) Diatom-based water-table reconstruction in Sphagnum peatlands of northeastern China. Water Research 174, 115648.
45. Liang Jia, Huang Chunling, Stevenson Mark, Qiao Qianglong, Zeng Linghan, Chen Xu*. (2020) Changes in summer diatom composition and water quality in urban lakes within a metropolitan area in central China. International Review of Hydrobiology 105: 94-105. (*correspondence author)
44. Sun Kangkang, Chen Xu, Dong Xuhui, Yang Xiangdong. (2020) Spatiotemporal patterns of carbon sequestration in a large shallow lake, Chaohu Lake: evidence from multiple-core records. Limnologica, 125748.
43. Zhang Yuke, Ouyang Siqi, Nie Lijuan, Chen Xu*. (2020) Soil diatom communities and their relation to environmental factors in three types of soil from four cities in central-west China. European Journal of Soil Biology 98, 103175.(*correspondence author)
42. Zheng Ting, Cao Yanmin, Peng Jia, Bai Xue and Chen Xu*. (2020) Effects of climate warming and nitrogen deposition on subtropical montane ponds (central China) over the last two centuries: Evidence from subfossil chironomids. Environmental Pollution 262, 114256.(*correspondence author)
41. 郑婷, 曹艳敏, 彭佳, 陈旭. 2019. 亚高山湿地摇蚊亚化石记录的近两百年来环境演化——以重庆葱坪湿地为例. 湖泊科学 31(4), 1182-1190.
40. Chen Xu, Qiao Qianglong, McGowan Suzanne, Zeng Linghan, Stevenson Mark, Xu Lei, Huang Chunling, Liang Jia and Cao Yanmin. 2019. Determination of geochronology and sedimentation rates of shallow lakes in the middle Yangtze reaches using 210Pb, 137Cs and spheroidal carbonaceous particles. CATENA 174, 546-556.
39. Bai Xue, Bu Zhaojun, Chen Xu*. 2018. Morphology of Chrysophycean stomatocysts in three peatlands in central China. Mires and Peat 21(19): 1-16. (*correspondence author)
38. 季婧,曾令晗,卞昊昆,陈旭. 近50年以来的东洞庭湖沉积物中氮磷硅元素变化与区域环境演变. 第四纪研究,2018,38(4): 1017-1023.
37. Chen Xu, McGowan Suzanne, Xiao Xiayun, Stevenson Mark, Yang Xiangdong, Li Yanling, Zhang Enlou. 2018. Direct and indirect effects of Holocene climate variations on catchment and lake processes of a treeline lake, SW China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 502:119-129
36. 乔强龙,梁佳,曾令晗,陈旭*. 2018. 长江中下游湖泊沉积物碳球粒及其元素组成. 环境科学与技术,41(5): 126-132
35. 黄春玲,曹艳敏*,陈旭. 2018. 武汉市沙湖摇蚊亚化石记录的湖泊生态环境变化. 水生生物学报,42(1):162-170.
34. 彭佳,黄春玲,陈旭*. 2018. 沉积物记录的亚高山湖泊环境变化-以鄂东南云中湖为例.地理研究,37(1): 220-230.
33. Zeng Linghan, McGowan Suzanne, Cao Yanmin,Chen Xu*. 2018. Effects of dam construction and increasing pollutants on the ecohydrological evolution of a shallow freshwater lake in the Yangtze floodplain. Science of the Total Environment 621:219-227 (*correspondence author)
32. Cao Yanmin, Chen Xu*, Bu Zhaojun, Zeng Linghan. 2017. Spatial Variations in the Surface Water Chemistry of Subtropical Peatlands (Central China) Linked to Anthropogenic Pressures. Water 9(7) (*correspondence author)
31. Chen Xu, McGowan Suzanne, Zeng Linghan, Xu Lei, Yang Xiangdong. 2017. Changes in carbon and nitrogen cycling in a floodplain lake over recent decades linked to littoral expansion, declining riverine influx, and eutrophication. Hydrological Processes 31(17):3110-3121
30. Chen Xu, Stevenson Mark, Zeng Linghan, Qiao Qianglong. 2017. Diatom distribution in an alpine basin (central China) in relation to environmental factors and substrata. Diatom Research 32(3):251-262 doi:10.1080/0269249X.2017.1371082.
29. 黄春玲,乔强龙,曹艳敏,陈旭. 北半球湖泊营养状态的地理格局及其社会经济制约因素. 地理与地理信息科学,2017,33(1):82:-88
28. 徐俏,曾令晗,陈旭. 鄂东南云中湖近50a沉积物微量元素记录. 生态与农村环境学报,2017,33(2):114-119
27. 秦波,郑敏,陈旭,羊向东. 武汉市树生苔藓硅藻组成及其生态分布. 生态学杂志,2016,35(11):2983-2990
26. Chen Xu, Bu Zhaojun, Stevenson Mark, Cao Yanmin, Zeng Linghan, Qin Bo. Variations in diatom communities at genus and species levels in peatlands (central China) linked to microhabitats and environmental factors. Science of the Total Environment 2016; 568: 137-146.
25. Chen Xu, McGowan Suzanne, Xu Lei, Zeng Linghan, Yang Xiangdong. Effects of hydrological regulation and anthropogenic pollutants on Dongting Lake in the Yangtze floodplain. Ecohydrology,2016, 9(2): 315-325
24. Zeng Linghan,Ning Dongliang,Xu Lei, Mao Xin, Chen Xu*. Sedimentary Evidence of Environmental Degradation in Sanliqi Lake, Daye City (A Typical Mining City, Central China). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology,2015,95(3): 317-324.(*correspondence author)
23. 曾令晗,宁栋梁,毛欣,陈旭. 近60年大冶市三里七湖重金属污染沉积记录.地球环境学报,2014,5(4):252-260.
22. 徐 蕾,李长安,陈 旭,羊向东. 巢湖东部沉积硅藻组合记录的水环境变化.环境科学研究, 2014,27(8):842-847.
21. Chen Xu, Li Yanling, Metcalfe Sarah, Xiao Xiayun, Yang Xiangdong, Zhang Enlou. Diatom response to Asian monsoon variability during the Late Glacial to Holocene in a small treeline lake,SW China. The Holocene, 2014,24:1369-1377.
20. Chen Xu, Li Changan, McGowan Suzanne, Yang Xiangdong. Diatom response to heavy metal pollution and nutrient enrichment in an urban lake: evidence from paleolimnology. Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology, 2014, 50(02):121-130.
19. Chen Xu, Qin Yangmin, Stevenson Mark, McGowan Suzanne. Diatom communities along pH and hydrological gradients in three montane mires, central China. Ecological Indicators, 2014,45(0):123-129.
18. Bu Zhaojun, Chen Xu , Rydin, Hakan, Wang Shengzhong, Ma Jinze, Zeng Jing. Performance of four mosses in a reciprocal transplant experiment: implications for peatland succession in NE China . Journal of Bryology, 2013, 35 (3) : 220-227.
17. 赵海燕, 陈旭 ,卜兆君,杨阔 . 泥炭地苔藓附生硅藻个体大小对水位变化的响应 . 生态学杂志, 2013 , 32 ( 11 ): 2992-2996.
16. 毛欣, 陈旭 ,李长安,张玉芬 . 大冶市城市湖泊表层水体中重金属的分布特征及其来源 . 安全与环境工程, 2013 , 20 ( 5 ): 33-37, 84.
15. Chen Xu , Mao Xin, Cao Yanmin, Yang Xiangdong. Use of siliceous algae as biological monitors of heavy metal pollution in three lakes in a mining city, southeast China . Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 2013, 42 (3) : 233-242.
14. Chen Xu , Yang Xiangdong, Dong Xuhui, Liu Enfeng. Environmental changes in Chaohu Lake (southeast, China ) since the mid 20th century: the interactive impacts of nutrients, hydrology and climate. Limnologica, 2013, 43 (1) : 10-17.
13. Chen Xu , Bu Zhaojun, Yang Xiangdong, Wang Shengzhong. Epiphytic diatoms and their relation to moisture and moss composition in two montane mires, Northeast China . Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 2012, 181 (3) : 197-206.
12. Chen Xu , Yang Xiangdong, Dong Xuhui, Liu Enfeng. Influence of environmental and spatial factors on the distribution of surface sediment diatoms in Chaohu Lake , southeast China . Acta Botanica Croatica, 2012, 71 (2) : 299-310.
11. Dong Xuhui, Anderson John, Yang Xiangdong, Chen Xu , Shen Ji. Carbon burial by shallow lakes on the Yangtze floodplain and its relevance to regional carbon sequestration. Global Change Biology, 2012, 18 (7) : 2205-2217.
10. Cao Yanmin, Zhang Enlou, Chen Xu , Anderson John, Shen Ji. Spatial distribution of subfossil Chironomidae in surface sediments of a large, shallow and hypertrophic lake (Taihu, SE China ) , Hydrobiologia, 2012, 691 (1) : 59-70.
9. Bu Zhaojun, Rydin H, Chen Xu . Direct and interspecific interaction-mediated effects of environmental changes on peatland bryophytes. Oecologia, 2011, 166: 555-563.
8. Chen Xu , Yang Xiangdong, Dong Xuhui, Liu Qian. Nutrient dynamics linked to hydrological condition and anthropogenic nutrient loading in Chaohu Lake (southeast China ) .Hydrobiologia, 2011, 661 (1) : 223-234.
7. 陈旭 , 羊向东 , 董旭辉 , 刘恩峰 . 近 50 年来环境变化对巢湖硅藻生态演替的影响 . 湖泊科学 , 2011, 23 (5) : 665-672.
6. 陈旭 , 羊向东 , 刘倩 , 刘恩峰 . 巢湖近代沉积硅藻种群变化与富营养化过程重建 . 湖泊科学 , 2010, 22 (4) : 607-615.
5. 陈旭 , 卜兆 君 , 王升忠 , 李鸿凯 , 赵红艳 . 长白山哈泥泥炭地七种苔藓植物生态位 . 应用生态学报 , 2009, 20 (3) : 574-578.
4. 陈旭 , 卜兆 君 , 王升忠 , 李鸿凯 , 赵红艳 . 长白山哈泥泥炭地两种生境苔藓与维管植物种间联结 . 草业学报 , 2009, 18 (2) : 108-114.
3. 卜兆君 , 陈旭 , 姜丽红 , 李鸿凯 , 赵红艳 . 苔藓植物相互作用的研究进展 . 应用生态学报 , 2009, 20 (2) : 460- 466.
2. 陈旭 , 卜兆 君 , 王升忠 , 李鸿凯 , 姜丽红 . 长白山哈泥泥炭地 7 种苔藓分布与环境关系研究 . 湿地科学 , 2008, 6 (2) : 310-315.
1. 李鸿凯 , 陈旭 , 王升忠 , 卜兆君 . 小匣三角嘴虫 (Trigonopyxis arcula) 壳体在哈尼泥炭地的发现及其环境意义 . 湿地科学 , 2008, 6 (1) : 75-79.

