刘屹岷 研究员,女,1965年12月31日生,1986年毕业于南京气象学院,1999年获中国科学院大气物理研究所博士学位。先后在中国气象科学研究院、国家气候中心工作, 现为中科院大气物理所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室固定成员。曾访问香港城市大学和英国Reading大学研究领域
1. Liu Y.M., D.R. Jiang and M.Y. Yang, 1991, A global coupled ocean-atmosphere model of shallow water wave and its numerical experiments. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 5: 435-441.. Y.M. Liu, G.X. Wu · H. Liu · P. Liu, 2001, Condensation heating of the Asian summer monsoon and the subtropical anticyclone in the Eastern Hemisphere. Climate Dynamics, 17(4):327-338.6. Liu Y. M., J. C. L. Chan, J. Y. Mao and G. X. Wu, 2002: The Role of Bay of Bengal Convection in the Onset of the 1998 South China Sea Summer Monsoon. Mon. Wea. Rev., 130: 2731-2744.. Wu G.X. and Y. M. Liu, 2003: Summertime quadruplet heating pattern in the subtropics and the associated atmospheric circulation. Geophy. Res. Lett, 30,1201-1204.10. Liu Y.M., G.X. Wu, and R. C. Ren, 2004: Relation between the Subtropical Anticyclone and Diabatic Heating, J. Climate, 17,682-698.11. Liu Yimin and Wu Guoxiong, 2004: Progress in the study on the formation of the summertime subtropical anticyclone. Adv. in Atmos. Sci. , Vol.21, No.3, 322-342标签:
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