教育经历[1]. 2010.11- 2014.10 香港理工大学 | 光学工程 | 博士研究生毕业 | 博士 工作经历[1]. 2013.11- 2015.4 香港理工大学 | 电气工程学院 | 副研究员近期论文
金娃,Temperature insensitive structural polarization converters in highly birefringent microfibers.Mater. Sci. Eng. C.2017 金娃,刘学静,靳伟.In-line photonic microcells based on the elliptical microfibers for refractive index sensors applications.AOPC 2017: Optoelectronics and Micro/Nano-Optics.2017 金娃,毕卫红,付兴虎,付广伟.Periodical rocking long period gratings in PANDA fibers for high temperature and refractive index sensing.Optoelectronics Letters.2017 毕卫红,付广伟,付兴虎,张保军,刘强,金娃.Create a good learning environment and motivate active learning enthusiasm.Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.2017 金娃,毕卫红,付广伟.Numerical and experimental analysis of long period gratings in wavelength scale elliptical microfibers.CHINESE PHYSICS B.2017 付兴虎,张江鹏,王思文,付广伟,刘强,金娃,毕卫红.A refractive index sensor based on taper Michelson interferometer in multimode fiber.Proceedings of SPIE.2016 相关热点
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