2023-05-15 21:41
  • 王梦蛟
  • 王梦蛟 - 副教授 硕导-湘潭大学-自动化与电子信息学院-个人资料




王梦蛟,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,毕业于华南理工大学电子与信息学院,获工学博士学位,2019.9-2020.9澳大利亚西澳大学电气、电子与计算机工程学院访问学者,中国电子学会电路与系统分会混沌与非线性电路专委会委员。主要从事信号噪声抑制和特征提取及其应用、非线性系统动力学分析与电路实现及其应用、微弱信号检测等相关领域研究。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项、湖南省自然科学基金青年项目1项、湖南省教育厅科研项目2项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目3项。在《IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Ⅱ-Express Briefs》、《Chaos》、《Chaos Solitons & Fractals》、《Circuits Systems and Signal Processing》、《 Measurement Science and Technology》、《物理学报》和《电子与信息学报》等国内外学术期刊上发表SCI/EI检索论文20余篇,申请专利5项,登记软件著作权5项。获湖南省自然科学奖三等奖1项,湘潭市自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖1项。所指导的硕士生多次获研究生国家奖学金、湖南省优秀毕业生、伟人之托奖学金等奖励。




Wang M, Li J, Zhang X, et al. A Novel Non-Autonomous Chaotic System with Infinite 2-D Lattice of Attractors and Bursting Oscillations[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2021, 68(3): 1023-1027.(SCI)\r
Wang M, Chen Y, Yu S S, et al. A novel patch-matching 2D denoising method for fault diagnosis of roller bearings[J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2020, 31(11): 115018.(SCI)\r
王梦蛟, 邓勇, 李志军, 曾以成. 基于双曲正切忆阻器的Duffing系统中簇发、共存分析及其DSP实现[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2020, 42(4): 818-826.(EI)\r
Wang M, Li J, Yu S S, et al. A novel 3D non-autonomous system with parametrically excited abundant dynamics and bursting oscillations[J]. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2020, 30(4): 043125.(SCI)\r
Wang M, Liao X, Deng Y, et al. Dynamics, synchronization and circuit implementation of a simple fractional-order chaotic system with hidden attractors[J]. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2020, 130: 109406.(SCI)\r
Wang M, Deng Y, Liao X, et al. Dynamics and circuit implementation of a four-wing memristive chaotic system with attractor rotation[J]. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2019, 111: 149-159.(SCI)\r
Wang M J, Liao X H, Deng Y, et al. Bursting, Dynamics, and Circuit Implementation of a New Fractional-Order Chaotic System With Coexisting Hidden Attractors[J]. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 14(7): 071002.(SCI)\r
Wang M, Zhou Z, Li Z, et al. An adaptive denoising algorithm for chaotic signals based on improved empirical mode decomposition[J]. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2019, 38(6): 2471-2488.(SCI)\r
王梦蛟, 周泽权, 李志军, 等. 混沌信号自适应协同滤波去噪[J]. 物理学报, 2018, 67(6): 60501-060501.(SCI)\r
Wang M, Yu W, Feng J. An adaptive denoising algorithm for chaotic signals based on complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition[J]. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 2017, 11(4): 564-575.(EI)\r
Wang M, Wu Z, Chen Y, et al. Denoising of chaotic signals based on ensemble empirical mode decomposition[C]//2014 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC). IEEE, 2014: 14-17.(EI)\r
王梦蛟,曾以成,徐茂林,一类自治混沌系统的动力学分析与电路实现, 计算物理,2010,27(6):927-932(EI)

