2023-05-15 21:37
  • 李志军
  • 李志军 - 教授 硕导-湘潭大学-自动化与电子信息学院-个人资料







Lizhijun, Zengyicheng. Realization of current-mode SC-CNN-based Chua’s circuit,International Electronics and Communications [J].2017,71:21-29.\r
李志军,向林波等. 一种通用的记忆器件及在串联谐振电路中应用,电子与信息学报,2017.\r
Chang D, Li, Z. J. A novel digital programmable multi-scroll chaotic system and its application in FPGA-based audio secure communication [J].International Electronics and Communications 2018,88:20-29.\r
Zhang X, Li, Z. J, Chang D. Dynamics, circuit implementation and synchronization of a new threedimensional fractional-order chaotic system[J].International Electronics and Communications 2017,82:435-445.\r
Li, Z. J, Zeng Y. C, Ma M.L. A Novel Floating Memristor Emulator with Minimal Components[J].Active and Passive Electronic Components, 2017, 1-12\r
Zhang S, Zeng Y. C, Li, Z. J. Generating one to four-wing hidden attractors in a novel 4D no-equilibrium chaotic system with extreme multistability[J]. Chaos, 2018,28, 013113 \r
Zhou, C. Y. , Li, Z. J. ,Xie, F., Ma, M.L, Zhang, Y.:Bursting oscillations in Sprott B system with multi-frequency slow excitations: two novel “Hopf/Hopf”-hysteresis-induced bursting and complex AMB rhythms. Nonlinear Dyn, 2019, 10.1007/s11071-019-05164-6(通信作者)\r
Wen, Z.H, Li, Z. J. , Li, X.:Bursting oscillations and bifurcation mechanism in memristor-based Shimizu–Morioka system with two time scales, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2019, 128 :58–70(通信作者)\r
Zhou, C. Y. , Li, Z. J. , Zeng, Y. C., Zhang, S.: A novel 3D fractional-order chaotic system with multifarious coexisting Attractors. Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos, 2019, 29(1):1950004(通信作者)\r
Zhou, C. Y., Li, Z. J., Xie, F.: Coexisting attractors, crisis route to chaos in a novel 4D fractional-order system and variable-order circuit implementation. Eur. Phys. J. Plus., 2019, 134(73):1-17(通信作者)\r
Zhang, X., Li, Z. J.: Hidden extreme multistability in a novel 4D fractional-order chaotic system, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2019,111:14-27(通信作者)\r
Li, Z. J., Zhou, C. Y., Wang, M. J.: Symmetrical coexisting attractors and extreme multistability induced by memristor operating configurations in SC-CNN. Int. J. Electron. Commun., 2019, 100:127-137\r
Li, X., Li, Z. J..: Hidden extreme multistability generated from a fractional-order chaotic system. Indian J Phys. 2019(通信作者)\r
Fang, S.Y., Li, Z. J..: Hidden extreme multistability in a novel no-equilibrium fractional-order chaotic system and it synchronization control. Brazilian Journal of physics. 2019. (通信作者)\r
胡串,李志军.:负参数空间分数阶Chua系统的动力学行为及实验验证. 物理学报,2017,66(23):230502\r
Wen, Z.H, Li, Z. J. , Li, X.:Transient mixed mode oscillations in memristive chaotic system via tiny perturbation. Electronic Letter. 2019. (通信作者)\r
李志军,方思远,周成义.:多频激励忆阻型Shimizu-Morioka系统的簇发振荡及机理分析. 电子与信息学报. 2020\r
Li, X., Li, Z. J.:One-to-four-wing hyperchaotic fractional-order system and its circuit realizatio. Circuit World. 2020 (通信作者)\r
Li Zhijun, Zhou Haiyan, Wang Mengjiao, Ma Minglin.: Coexisting firing patterns and phase synchronization in locally-active memristor coupled neurons with HR and FHN models. Nonlinear Dynamics,DOI:10.1007/s11071-021-06315-4\r
Li Zhijun, Fang Siyuan, Ma Minglin, Wang Mengjiao.: Bursting oscillations and experimental verification in a parametrically driven Rucklidge system. Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos., Accepted.\r
Li Ying, Li Zhijun, Ma Minglin. et al. Generation of grid multi-wing chaotic attractors and its application in video secure communication system. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020, 79: 29161–29177

