2023-05-15 21:32
  • 曹春红
  • 曹春红 - 副教授-湘潭大学-自动化与电子信息学院-个人资料








Chunhong Cao, Wei Duan, Kai Hu, Fen Xiao, Compressive sensing MR imaging based on adaptive tight frame and reference image, IET Image Processing, December 2020 ,Volume 14, Issue 14, 2020 , p. 3508 – 3515, DOI: 10.1049/iet-ipr.2019.0834,\r
Chunhong Cao, Kuishuang Dai, Sixia Hong, Mansha Zhang, Anisotropic total variation model for removing oblique stripe noise in remote sensing image, Optik, Volume 227, 2021, 165254, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2020.165254. Available online 25 November 2020.\r
C. Cao, J.Yu, et al.,Hyperspectral Image Denoising via Subspace-based Nonlocal Low Rank and Sparse Factorization, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2019, 12(3): 973-988.\r
C. Cao, X. Gao, Stable recovery of compressed sensing signals via optimal dual frame based lq minimisation for 0 < q < = 1, IET Signal Processing,vol.13,no.3,pp.296-303, 2019\r
Cao, C., Deng, L., Duan, W. et al. Hyperspectral image classification via compact-dictionary-based sparse representation,Multimed Tools Appl. 2019,78(11):15011-15031\r
Cao C, Zhou C, Yu J, et al. A Novel Active Contour Model Using Oriented Smoothness and Infinite Laplacian for Medical Image Segmentation,International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Springer, Cham, 2018: 311-321.\r
C. Cao, X. Gao, Compressed sensing image restoration based on data-driven multi-scale tight frame,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,2017, 309: 622-629\r
Cao Chunhong, Duan Wei, Wang Minmin,Hu Kai,Inpainting of Multiple Blind Motion-Blurred Images Based on Multi-scale Tight Wavelet Frame,2017 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications,2017.12.13-2017.12.16\r
K. Hu, D. Cui, Y. Zhang, C. Cao, F. Xiao, G.-B. Huang, Classification of foreign object debris using integrated visual features and extreme learning machine, In: Yang J. et al. (eds) Computer Vision. CCCV 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 773, pp. 3-13, 2017, Springer, Singapore.\r
Chunhong Cao, Yuanhong Xu, Yuan Zhang,Research on Minimum-energy Interval Vector-valued Frame,2015 8th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, 2015.10,1111-1115.\r
C. Cao, X. Gao. Minimum-energy wavelet frame on the interval with arbitrary integer dilation factor.Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2011,235,1885-1896. \r
Gao Xieping, Cao Chunhong. Minimum-energy wavelet frame on the interval . Science in China Series F-Information Sciences, 2008,51(10),1547-1562.(通讯作者) \r
高协平,曹春红. 最小能量区间小波框架研究.中国科学F辑:信息科学,2009,39(4), 441-453.(通讯作者)\r
曹春红,高协平.区间小波框架的图像去噪方法研究,计算机工程与应用,2009, 45(14), 179-181. \r
K. Hu, B. Shen, Y. Zhang, C. Cao, F. Xiao, X. Gao*, Automatic segmentation of retinal layer boundaries in OCT images using multiscale convolutional neural network and graph search, Neurocomputing, 365: 302-313, 2019. \r
K. Hu, Q. Gan, Y. Zhang, S. Deng, F. Xiao, W. Huang, C. Cao*, X. Gao*, Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Multi-cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks and Conditional Random Field, IEEE Access, 7: 92615-92629, 2019. \r
K. Hu, X. Niu, S. Liu, Y. Zhang, C. Cao, F. Xiao, W. Yang, X. Gao*, Classification of melanoma based on feature similarity measurement for codebook learning in the bag-of-features model, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 51: 200-209, 2019.\r
K. Hu, S. Liu, Y. Zhang, C. Cao, F. Xiao, W. Huang, X. Gao*, Automatic Segmentation of Dermoscopy Images Using Saliency Combined with Adaptive Thresholding Based on Wavelet Transform, Multimedia Tools and Applications, accepted for publication.\r
K. Hu, Z. Zhang, X. Niu, Y. Zhang, C. Cao, F. Xiao, X. Gao*, Retinal vessel segmentation of color fundus images using multiscale convolutional neural network with an improved cross-entropy loss function, Neurocomputing, 309: 179-191, 2018.

