1. Jing,Liandong., Liu, Xingli., Bai, Song., Wu, Chenxi., Ao, Hongyi., Liu, Jiantong. Effectsof sediment dredging on internal phosphorus: A comparative field study focusedon iron and phosphorus forms in sediments. Ecological Engineering,2015(82), 267-271.2. Jing,Liandong., Ao, Hongyi., Huang, Xiaolong., et al. Water environment characteristicsat Taige Canal-Taihu Lake: a comparative study focused on interaction between chlorophyll a and environmental variables. Polish Journalof Environmental Studies, 2015, 24(3), 1031-1039.3. Jing,Liandong., Wu, Chenxi., Liu, Jiantong., et al. The effects of sediment dredging onnitrogen cycling and implications to dredging projects. Ecological Engineering,2013(52), 167-174.4. Jing,Liandong.,Liu, Jiantong., Ao, Hongyi., et al. Nutrients distribution and waterquality of mesotrophic Dongqian lake: a study focused on phytoplankton,sediment and phosphorus. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2011(11a), 3014-3024.标签: 化学与环境保护工程学院 西南民族大学
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