2023-05-15 20:37
  • 孟涛
  • 孟涛 - 教授 博导-西南交通大学-生命科学与工程学院-个人资料




2012.9-2013.9 美国哈佛大学 | 工程与应用科学学院 | 博士后(David A. Weitz 院士 课题组)\r
2005.9-2010.7 四川大学 | 化学工程 | 博士研究生毕业(褚良银 教授 课题组)\r
2000.9-2003.7 南京工业大学 | 生物化工 | 硕士研究生毕业(欧阳平凯 院士 课题组)\r
1995.9-1999.7 南京工业大学 | 材料科学与工程 | 大学本科毕业\r
生命科学与工程学院 | 西南交通大学 | 生物工程国家一流专业负责人,生物学硕士点负责人,学院教授委员会委员,生命科学与工程学位评定分委会委员


"""""[1] 微纳米尺度的生物反应分离\r
[2] 微流控芯片技术的生命分析\r
[3] 微纳米药物缓控释技术研究\r
[4] 微纳米农业和环境生物技术"


Tang Q., Deng N., Chen J., Sun H., Dong Y., Zeng Q., Yuan H., Binks B.*, Meng T.*. One-Step Fabrication of Coconut-Like Capsules via Competitive Reactions at an All-Aqueous Interface for Enzyme Immobilization. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (SCI, IF=10.383), 2023, 15, 8, 10621–10628. \r
Xie X., Li Q., Jia L., Yuan H., Guo T., Meng T.*. Multishell Colloidosome Platform with Sequential Gastrointestinal Resistance for On-Demand Probiotic Delivery. Advanced Healthcare Materials (SCI, IF=11.092), 2023, 2202954, 1–10. \r
Yuan H.#, Yi S.#, Jia L., Chen S., Guo T., Meng T.*. Biomimetic Multienzyme Nanocomplex for Efficient Cascade Reactions. Chemical Engineering Journal (SCI, IF=16.744), 2023, 454, 140276. \r
Yuan H.#, Li F.#, Jia L., Guo T., Kong T.*, Meng T.*. Bacteria-Inspired Aqueous-in-Aqueous Compartmentalization by In Situ Interfacial Biomineralization. Small Methods (SCI, IF=15.367), 2022, 2201309, 1–8. \r
Ze Q., Sun M., Xie X., Zhang Y., Hou H., Fang X., Guo T., Yuan H., Meng T.*. Lipase-Entrapped Colloidosomes with Tunable Positioning at the Oil-Water Interface for Pickering Emulsion-Enhanced Biocatalysis. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (SCI, IF=10.383), 2022, 14(49), 54781–54789. \r
Liu H., Wang Y., Yin W., Yuan H., Guo T., Meng T.*. Highly Efficient Water Harvesting of Bioinspired Spindle-Knotted Microfibers with Continuous Hollow Channels. Journal of Materials Chemistry A (SCI, IF=14.511), 2022, 10(13), 7130–7137. \r
Wang Y., Dong Y., Liu H., Yin W., Guo T., Yuan H.*, Meng T.*. Compartmentalized Aqueous-in-Aqueous Droplets for Flow Biocatalysis. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (SCI, IF=10.383), 2022, 14(4), 5009–5016. \r
Sun M., Yin W., Chen J., Wang W., Guo T., Meng T.*. Hollow Colloidosomes with an Enzyme Confined in a Porous Shell as Pickering Interfacial Biocatalysts for Efficient Bioconversions. Green Chemistry (SCI, IF=11.034), 2021, 23(2), 740–744. \r
Sun H., Zheng H., Tang Q., Dong Y., Qu F., Wang Y., Yang G., Meng T.*. Monodisperse Alginate Microcapsules with Spatially Confined Bioactive Molecules via Microfuid-Generated W/W/O Emulsions. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (SCI, IF=10.383), 2019, 11(40), 37313–37321.\r
Yang X., Wang Y., Bai R., Ma H. Wang W., Sun H., Dong Y., Qu F., Tang Q., Guo T., Binks B. P.*, Meng T.*. Pickering Emulsion-Enhanced Interfacial Biocatalysis: Tailored Alginate Microparticles Act as Particulate Emulsifier and Enzyme Carrier. Green Chemistry (SCI, IF=11.034), 2019, 21(9), 2229–2233.\r
Meng S.X., Xue L.H., Xie C.Y., Bai R.X., Yang X., Qiu Z.P., Guo T., Wang Y.L.*, Meng T.*. Enhanced Enzymatic Reaction by Aqueous Two-Phase Systems Using Parallellaminar Flow in a Double Y-Branched Microfluidic Device. Chemical Engineering Journal (SCI, IF=16.744), 2018, 335: 392–400.\r
Xie C.Y., Meng S.X., Xue L.H., Bai R.X., Yang X., Wang Y.L., Qiu Z.P., Binks B. P., Guo T.*, Meng T.*. Light and Magnetic Dual-Responsive Pickering Emulsion Micro-Reactors. Langmuir (SCI, IF=4.331), 2017, 33(49): 14139–14148.\r
Xue L.H., Xie C.Y., Meng S.X., Bai R.X., Yang X., Wang Y., Wang S, Binks B. P., Guo T., Meng T.*. Polymer–Protein Conjugate Particles with Biocatalytic Activity for Stabilization of Water-in-Water Emulsions. ACS Macro Letters (SCI, IF=7.015), 2017, 6(7): 679–683.\r
Bai R.X., Xu L.H., Dou R.K., Meng S.X., Xie C.Y., Zhang Q., Guo T., Meng T.*. Light-Triggered Release from Pickering Emulsions Stabilized by TiO2 Nanoparticles with Tailored Wettability. Langmuir (SCI, IF=4.331), 2016, 32(36): 9254–9264.\r
Zhang Q., Bai R.X., Guo T., Meng T.*. Switchable Pickering Emulsions Stabilized by Awakened TiO2 Nanoparticle Emulsifiers Using UV/Dark Actuation. ACS Applied Materials & Interface (SCI, IF=10.383), 2015, 7(33): 18240–18246.\r
Meng T., Xie R., Ju X.J., Cheng C. J., Wang S., Li P.F., Liang B., Chu L.Y.*. Nano-Structure Construction of Porous Membranes by Depositing Nanoparticles for Enhanced Surface Wettability. Journal of Membrane Science (SCI, IF=10.530), 2013, 427: 63–72.\r
Meng T., Xie R., Chen Y.C., Cheng C.J., Li P.F., Ju X.J., Chu L.Y.*. A Thermo-Responsive Affinity Membrane with Nano-Structured Pores and Grafted Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Surface Layer for Hydrophobic Adsorption. Journal of Membrane Science (SCI, IF=10.530), 2010, 349(1-2): 258–267.\r

