汪志勇,汉族,湖南祁阳人,物理学教授,博士研究生导师,重庆市第三批学术技术带头人后备人选。曾就读于衡阳师范学院、南京师范大学和南京大学,分别获得理学学士、硕士和博士学位。历任重庆理工大学讲师、副教授、教授,美国加州大学河滨分校国家公派访问学者。曾获“重庆市留学人员回国创业创新支持计划”创新类资助,2018年通过特别评聘入职西南大学物理学院。长期从事统计物理、计算材料物理、软凝聚态物理领域的理论、数值计算及计算机模拟方面的研究工作,当前主要涉及软物质表面/界面物理、胶体/聚合物物理、微纳流体、纳米离子通道、能量转换与储存,新型纳米材料设计及物性探索等相关研究方向。已在各类SCI源刊累计发表30余篇学术论文,总引用频次包括Phys. Rev. X, Phys. Rev. Lett., Adv. Mater., ACS Nano, Chem. Rev.等期刊在内400余次。研究成果曾被美国物理联合会新闻(AIP News)滚动刊出,并被Science Daily、Physics News (PHYS.ORG)、Chem Europe、Innovation Report等多种科技新闻媒体全文转载报道。主要承担《计算物理》和《热力学与统计物理》的教学任务。研究领域
Z.-Y. Wang, T. Yang, and X. WangStructural analysis of confined monovalent salts: Combined effects of steric hindrance, surface charge representation, and dielectric responseElectrochimica Acta, 336, 135707 (2020)Q. Duan, J. Ji, X. Hong, Y. Fu, C. Wang, K. Zhou, X. Liu, H. Yang, and Z.-Y. WangDesign of hole-transport-material free CH3NH3PbI3/CsSnI3 all-perovskite heterojunction efficient solar cells by device simulationSolar Energy, 201, 555-560 (2020)Z.-Y. Wang, P. Zhang, and Z. MaOn the physics of both surface overcharging and charge reversal at heterophase interfacesPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20, 4118-4128 (2018)Z.-Y. Wang and J. WuIon association at discretely-charged dielectric interfaces: Giant charge inversionJournal of Chemical Physics (Featured Article: AIP News), 147, 024703 (2017)Z.-Y. Wang and Z. MaExamining the Contributions of Image-Charge Forces to Charge Reversal: Discrete Versus Continuum Modeling of Surface ChargesJournal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 12, 2880-2888 (2016)Z.-Y. WangCharge reversal at a planar boundary between two dielectricsPhysical Review E (Highlights in Kaleidoscope), 93, 012605 (2016)Z.-Y. WangImage-induced overcharging in the weakly charged surfacesJournal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, (2016), 043205Z.-Y. Wang, Z. Ma, and Y.-Q. MaSuppression and promotion of charge inversion in the presence of multivalent coionsPhysical Review E (Rapid Communications), 92, 060303(R) (2015)Q. Liang, Q.-Y. Wu, and Z.-Y. WangEffect of hydrophobic mismatch on domain formation and peptide sorting in the multicomponent lipid bilayers in the presence of immobilized peptidesJournal of Chemical Physics (Outside Front Cover), 141, 074702 (2014)Y.-P. Xie, Z.-Y. Wang, and Z. F. HouThe phase stability and elastic properties of MgZn2 and Mg4Zn7 in Mg-Zn alloysScripta Materialia, 68, 495-498 (2013)Z.-Y. Wang and Y.-Q. MaComputational evidence of two driving mechanisms for overcharging in an electric double layer near the point of zero chargePhysical Review E (Brief Reports), 85, 062501 (2012)Z.-Y. Wang, Y.-P. Xie, Q. Liang, Z. Ma, and J. WeiLooking deeper into the structure of mixed electric double layers near the point of zero chargeJournal of Chemical Physics, 137, 174707; 249902(E) (2012)Z.-Y. Wang and Y.-Q. MaA molecular simulation study on the role of ionic size and dielectric images in near-surface ion distribution far from the strong-coupling limitJournal of Chemical Physics, 136, 234701 (2012)X.-W. Wang, D.-Y. Zhang, S.-Q. Tang, L.-J. Xie, Z.-Y. Wang, and L.-M. KuangPhotonic two-qubit parity gate with tiny cross-Kerr nonlinearityPhysical Review A, 85, 052326 (2012)Z.-Y. Wang and Y.-Q. MaImpact of Headgroup Charges, Ionic Sizes, and Dielectric Images on Charge Inversion: A Monte Carlo Simulation StudyJournal of Physical Chemistry B, 114, 13386-13392 (2010)Z.-Y. Wang and Y.-Q. MaInsights from Monte Carlo simulations on charge inversion of planar electric double layers in mixtures of asymmetric electrolytesJournal of Chemical Physics, 133, 064704 (2010)Z.-Y. Wang and Y.-Q. MaMonte Carlo determination of mixed electrolytes next to a planar dielectric interface with different surface charge distributionsJournal of Chemical Physics, 131, 244715 (2009) 相关热点
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