2023-05-15 20:11
  • 罗克明
  • 罗克明 - 教授 博士生导师-西南大学-生命科学学院-个人资料




罗克明(1974.8-),博士,教授,博士生导师。入选科技部“中青年科技创新领军人才”、中科院“百人计划”和教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。现任西南大学生命科学学院副院长,西南大学资源植物研究所所长,兼任中国林学会经济林分会常务理事、树木生理生化学会常务理事、中国生物化学与分子生物学学会农业分委员会理事、重庆市植物学副理事长&会秘书长、重庆市遗传学会常务理事&植物专业委员会副主任等。同时担任了New Phytologist、Plant Journal、Plant Physiology、Plant Biotechnology Journal、Tree Physiology等20多个重要学术期刊的审稿人。
1995.09–1999.07 西南师范大学生命科学学院 学士学位
1999.09–2004.07 西南农业大学与美国康涅狄格大学联合培养 博士学位
2001.12–2003.10 美国康涅狄格大学植物系 访问学者
2005.02–2007.02 西南大学生物技术中心 副研究员
2007.03–2008.05 美国密歇根理工大学生物技术中心 博士后
2008.07–至今 西南大学生命科学学院 教授、博士生导师




1,Fan D#, Wang XQ#, Tang XF, W DH, Ye X, Ren S, Luo KM*(2018)Histone H3K9 demethylase JMJ25 epigenetically regulates anthocyanin biosynthesis in poplar. Plant Journal, online (IF=5.775)
2,Shen Y, Li Y, Xu D, Yang C, Li C, Luo KM*(2018)Molecular cloning and characterization of a brassinosteriod biosynthesis-related gene PtoDWF4 from Populus tomentosa. Tree Physiology, online (IF=3.587)
3,He F, Xu CZ, Fu XK, Shen Y, Guo L, Leng M, Luo KM*(2018)The MicroRNA390/TRANS-ACTING SHORT INTERFERING RNA3 module mediates lateral root growth under salt stress via the auxin pathway. Plant Physiology, 177(2):775-791 ( IF=6.45)
4,Wang LJ, Ran LY, Hou YS, Tian QY, Li CF, Liu R, Fan D, Luo KM* (2017) The transcription factor MYB115 contributes to the regulation of proanthocyanidin biosynthesis and enhances fungal resistance in poplar. New Phytologist. 215(1):351-367 ( IF=7.36)
5,Xu C, Fu X, Liu R, Guo L, Ran L, Li C, Tian Q, Jiao B, Wang B, Luo KM* (2017) PtoMYB170 positively regulates lignin deposition during wood formation in poplar and confers drought tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis. Tree Physiology, 37: 1713-1726. (IF=3.587)
6,Jiang YZ, Guo Li, Ma XD, Zhao X, Jiao B, Li CF, Luo KM* (2017) The WRKY transcription factors PtrWRKY18 and PtrWRKY35 promote Melampsora resistance in Populus. Tree Physiology, 37:665-675 (IF=3.587)
7,Li NN, Meng HJ, Xing H, Liang L, Zhao X, Luo KM* (2017) Genome-wide analysis of MATE transporters and molecular characterization of aluminum resistance in Populus. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68:5669-5683. (IF=5.794)
8,Yang L, Zhao X, Ran L, Li C, Fan D, Luo KM* (2017) PtoMYB156 is involved in negative regulation of phenylpropanoid metabolism and secondary cell wall biosynthesis during wood formation in poplar. Scientific Reports, 24;7:41209 (IF=5.228)
9,Ma X, Ma J, Fan D, Li C, Jiang Y, Luo KM* (2016) Genome-wide identification of TCP family transcription factors from Populus euphratica and their involvement in leaf shape regulation. Scientific Reports, 8;6:32795 (IF=5.228)
10,Yang L, Zhao X, Yang F, Fan D, Jiang Y, Luo KM*. (2016) PtrWRKY19, a novel WRKY transcription factor, contributes to the regulation of pith secondary wall formation in Populus trichocarpa. Scientific Reports, 6:18643. (IF=5.228)
11,Li C, Wang X, Ran L, Tian Q, Fan D, Luo KM*(2015) PtoMYB92 is a transcriptional activator of the lignin biosynthetic pathway during secondary cell wall formation in Populus tomentosa. Plant Cell Physiology, 56:2436-46 (IF=5.156)
12,Karim A, Jiang Y, Guo L, Ling Z, Ye S, Duan Y, Li C, Luo KM*. (2015) Isolation and characterization of a subgroup IIa WRKY transcription factor PtrWRKY40 from Populus trichocarpa. Tree Physiology, 35:1129-39. (IF=3.587)
13,Fan D, Liu T, Li C, Jiao B, Li S, Hou Y, Luo KM*. (2015) Efficient CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeted mutagenesis in Populus in the first generation. Scientific Reports, 5:12217. (IF=5.578)
14,Ye SL, Jiang YZ, Duan YJ, Karim A, Fan D, Yang L, Zhao X, Yin J, Luo KM*. (2014) Constitutive expression of the poplar WRKY transcription factor PtoWRKY60 enhances resistance to Dothiorella gregaria Sacc. in transgenic plants. Tree Physiology,34:1118-29. (IF=3.655)
15,Jiang Y, Duan Y, Yin J, Ye S, Zhu J, Lu W, Fan D, Luo KM*(罗克明)(2014)Genome-wide identification and characterization of the Populus WRKY transcription factor family and analysis of their expression in response to biotic and abiotic stresses. Journal of Expermental Botany, 65:6629-6644. (IF=6.109)
16,Huang Y, Liu H, Jia ZC, Fang Q, Luo KM*. (2012) Combined expression of antimicrobial genes (Bbchit1 and LJAMP2) in transgenic poplar enhances resistance to fungal pathogens. Tree Physiology 32:1313-1320. (IF=3.405)
17,Yuan L, Wang LJ, Han ZJ, Jiang YZ, Zhao LL, Liu H, Yang L, Luo KM*. (2012) Molecular cloning and characterization of PtrLAR3, a gene encoding leucoanthocyanidin reductase from Populus trichocarpa and its constitutive expression enhances fungal resistance in transgenic plants. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63: 2513–2524.(IF=5.242)

