2023-05-15 20:09
  • 蒋先军
  • 蒋先军 - 教授 博士生导师-西南大学-资源环境学院-个人资料




蒋先军,博士、教授,博士研究生导师,美国加州大学Davis分校高级研究学者、Florida大学访问教授、台湾“中央研究院”博士后。教育部“新世纪优秀人才计划”入选者,国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家,科技部国际科技合作计划项目评审专家,中国博士后基金评审专家,教育部优秀学位论文评审专家,农业部“西南耕地保育重点实验室”学术委员会委员,重庆市学术技术带头人。担任国际期刊“Soil Ecology Letters”、“Eurasian Journal of Forest Science”以及“农业资源与环境学报”编委;担任多个国际期刊包括“Soil Biology & Biochemistry”,“Geoderma”,“Soil & Tillage Research”,“Chemosphere”,“Catena”,以及“土壤学报”、“生态学报”等学术刊物审稿人。2001年在中国科学院南京土壤所获博士学位。2003-2004年赴台湾“中央研究院”从事博士后研究,2009年1-4月赴英国Wales联盟学院,并应邀前往英国洛桑试验站、苏格兰作物研究所进行学术交流,2010-2011年、2016-2017年赴美国Florida大学担任高级研究学者,访问教授;2015-2016年赴美国加州大学Davis分校担任高级研究学者。主要从事土壤学的科研与教学工作。




1.Jiang X. *, Xin X., Li S., Zhou J., Zhu T., Müller C., Cai Z., Wright A. L. 2015. Effects of Fe oxide on N transformations in subtropical acid soils. Scientific Reports 5: 8615 (IF=5.228, JCR 1区)
2.Huang X, Zhao J, Su J, Jia Z, Shi X, Wright A L, Barker X, Jiang X*. 2018. Neutrophilic bacteria are responsible for autotrophic ammonia oxidation in an acidic forest soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 119:83-89(IF=4.875, JCR 1区)
3.Wang Z, Meng Y, Zhu-Barker X, He X, Horwath W, Luo H, Zhao Y, Jiang X*. 2018. Responses of nitrification and ammonia oxidizers to a range of background and adjusted pH in purple soils. Geoderma 334:9-14(IF=4.036, JCR 1区)
4.Jiang X. *, Hou X., Zhou X., Xin X., A. L. Wright, Jia Z.. 2015. pH regulates key players of nitrification in paddy soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 81: 9-16(IF=4.875, JCR 1区)
5.Jiang X*., Liu Q, Liu W, Jia Z, Wright A L, Cao Z. 2013. Soil N mineralization, nitrification and dynamic changes in abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea along a 2000 year chronosequence of rice cultivation. Plant & Soil 365, 59-68. (IF=2.969, JCR 1区)
6.Xin X., Wright A. L., He Z., Jiang X. *. 2017. Manganese oxide affects nitrification and N2O emissions in a subtropical paddy soil with variable water regimes. European Journal of Soil Science, 68: 749-757. (IF=3.475,JCR 1区)
7.Huang X., Zhu-Barker X., Horwath W. R., S. J. Faeflen, H. Luo, Xin X., Jiang X.*. 2016. Effect of iron oxide on nitrification in two agricultural soils with different pH. Biogeosciences 13: 5609-5617. (IF=3.700, JCR 1区)
8.Huang X., H. Li, S. Li, Jiang X.. 2016. Role of cationic polarization in humus–increased soil aggregate stability. European Journal of Soil Science 67, 341−350. (IF=3.475, JCR 1区)
9.Liu, X., Li, H., Du, W., Tian, R., Li, R. and Jiang X. 2013. Hofmeister effects on cation exchange equilibrium: quantification of ion exchange selectivity. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 6245-6251. (IF=4.509, JCR 1区)
10.Li S., Jiang X. *, Wang X., Wright A. L.. 2015. No-till effects on soil nitrification and the dynamic changes in nitrifying microorganisms in a subtropical rice-based ecosystem: A long-term field study. Soil & Tillage Research 150: 132-138. (IF=3.401, JCR 1区)
11.Xin X., Jiang X. *, Su J., Yan X., N J.i, Faeflen S. J., X. Huang, Wright A. L. 2016. Manganese oxide affects nitrification and ammonia oxidizers in subtropical and temperate acid forest soils. Catena 137, 24-30. (IF=2.612, JCR 2区)
12.Xin X., Jiang X*. Liu Q., Liu W., and Wright A.L. 2014. Distribution of nitrifiers and nitrification associated with different sizes of aggregates along a 2000 year chronosequence of rice cultivation. Catena 119, 71-77. (IF=2.612, JCR 2区)
13.Liu X., G. Yang, H. Li, R. Tian, R. Li, Jiang X.. 2014 Observation of significant steric, valence and polarization effects and their interplay: A modified theory for electric double layers. RSC Advances 4(3):1189 (IF=3.289, JCR 2区)
14.Jiang X*, Shi X and Wright A.L. 2013. Seasonal variability of microbial biomass associated with aggregates and variable tillage: a long-term field study in a subtropical rice-based ecosystem. European Journal of Soil Biology 56, 84-88. (IF=1.952, JCR 3区)
15.Faeflen S.J., Jiang X. *, Li S., Xin X., Wright A.L. 2016. Autotrophic and heterotrophic nitrification in a highly acidic subtropical pine forest soil. Pedosphere 26: 904-910. (IF=1.535, JCR 3区)

