2023-05-15 20:07
  • 曾波
  • 曾波 - 教授 博士生导师-西南大学-生命科学学院-个人资料




1989.09-1993.06 西南师范大学生物系获学士学位
1993.09-1995.06 西南师范大学生命科学系获硕士学位
1995.09-1998.06 东北师范大学生命科学学院获博士学位
1997.03-2001.10 荷兰王国乌德勒支大学生物学院获博士学位
1998.07-2001.06 西南师范大学生命科学学院 副教授
2001.7-2003.06 西南师范大学生命科学学院 副教授、硕士生导师
2003.07-2004.3 西南师范大学生命科学学院 教授、硕士生导师
2004.04-2005.6 西南师范大学生命科学学院 教授、博士生导师
2005.07-至今 西南大学生命科学学院 教授、博士生导师


(1) 区域生态安全和生态健康;
(2) 大型水利工程的生态影响和生态后果;
(3) 大型水利工程影响区河流和河岸带生态系统长期演变与生态功能;
(4) 高强度水淹胁迫环境中植物的水淹耐受和生态适应;
(5) 河岸带退化生态系统修复;
(6) 水生态系统(河流)对水环境物理和化学变化的响应与适应。


1. Ayi Q, Zeng B*, Yang K, Lin F, Zhang X, van Bodegom PM and Cornelissen JHC. 2019. Similar Growth Performance but Contrasting Biomass Allocation of Root-Flooded Terrestrial Plant Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. in Response to Nutrient Versus Dissolved Oxygen Stress. Frontiers in Plant Science 10:111. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00111
2. Xiao T, Yu H, Song Y-B, Jiang Y-P, Zeng B*, Dong M. 2019. Nutrient enhancement of allelopathic effects of exotic invasive on native plant species. PLoS ONE 14(1): e0206165.
3. Mingzhi Liu, Yuanyuan Liu, Bo Zeng*, Hangang Niu, Songping Liu, Xiaojiao Pan, Jiaojiao Xie, Shaohua Shi, Feng Lin. 2019. Lowest elevation of plant growth and soil characteristics in natural drawdown areas in the Jiangjin section of the Yangtze River. Wetlands 39: 381–391
4. Xiao qi Ye, Jin liu Meng, Bo Zeng*, Ming Wu. 2018. Improved flooding tolerance and carbohydrate status of flood-tolerant plant Arundinella anomala at lower water temperature. Plos One 13(3): e0192608.
5. Xiao qi Ye, Bo Zeng, Jin liu Meng, Ming Wu, Xiaoping Zhang. 2018. Responses in shoot elongation, carbohydrate utilization and growth recovery of an invasive species to submergence at different water temperatures. Scientific Reports 8:306 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-18735-7
6. Shutong Lei, Bo Zeng*, Shaojun Xu, Xiaoping Zhang. 2017. Response of basal metabolic rate to complete submergence of riparian species Salix variegata in the Three Gorges reservoir region. Scientific Reports 7: 13885| DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-13467-0
7. Jianhui Liu, Feng Lin, Shaohua Shi, Qiaoli Ayi, Songping Liu, Bo Zeng*. 2017. Effects of water level regulation on the seed germination and production of annual plant Xanthium sibiricum in the waterlevel-fluctuating-zone of Three Gorges Reservoir. Scientific Reports 7: 5056 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-04599-4
8. Xiaolei Su, Christer Nilsson, Francesca Pilotto, Songping Liu, Shaohua Shi, Bo Zeng*. 2017. Soil erosion and deposition in the new shorelines of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Science of the Total Environment, 599–600: 1485–1492.
9. Qiaoli Ayi, Bo Zeng*, Jianhui Liu, Shaohua Shi, Hangang Niu, Feng Lin, Yeyi Zhang. 2016. Seed sojourn and fast viability loss constrain seedling production of a prominent riparian protection plant Salix variegata Franch. Scientific Reports 6, 37312; doi: 10.1038/srep37312 (2016).
10. Ye Xiaoqi, Meng Jinliu, Zeng Bo*, Wu Ming, Zhang Yeyi, Zhang Xiaoping. 2016. Submergence Causes Similar Carbohydrate Starvation but Faster Post-Stress Recovery than Darkness in Alternanthera philoxeroides Plants. PLoS ONE 11(10): e0165193.
11. Feng Lin, Jianhui Liu, Bo Zeng*, Xiaojiao Pan, Xiaolei Su. 2016. Submergence tolerance and germination dynamics of Roegneria nutans seeds in water-level fluctuation zones with different water rhythms in the Three Gorges Reservoir. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0151318. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151318
12. Qiaoli Ayi, Bo Zeng*, Jianhui Liu, Siqi Li, Peter M. van Bodegom, Johannes H.C. Cornelissen. 2016. Oxygen absorption by adventitious roots promotes the survival of completely submerged terrestrial plants. Annals of Botany, 118: 675-683.
13. Xiaolei Su, Bo Zeng*, Feng Lin, Pu Qiao, Qiaoli Ayi, Wenjun Huang. 2016. How does long-term complete submergence influence sex ratio and resource allocation of a dioecious shrub, Salix variegata Franch.? Ecological Engineering, 87: 218-223.
14. Zongfeng Li, Bo Zeng*, Tinggang Zhou, Guowei Li & Xiaobo Zhu. 2016. Risk determination method for accidental water basin contamination based on risk source coupling with sensitive targets. Environmental Technology, 37(5): 546-557.
15. Shutong Lei, Bo Zeng*, Zhi Yuan, Xiaolei Su. 2014. Changes in carbohydrate content and membrane stability of two ecotypes of Calamagrostis arundinacea growing at different elevations in the drawdown zone of the Three Gorges reservoir. PLoS ONE 9(3): e91394. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0091394
16. Xiaolei Su, Bo Zeng*, Wenjun Huang, Shenhong Yuan, Shaojun Xu, Shutong Lei. 2013. The effect of winter impoundment of the Three Gorges Dam: The degradation and convergence of pre-upland vegetation. Ecological Engineering, 61: 456– 459.
17. Xiaoqi Ye, Bo Zeng*. 2013. Survival and carbohydrate storage in two tolerant plant species exposed to prolonged flooding in the Three Gorges reservoir region. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 37 (3): 450-457.
18. 杨振冰,刘园园,何蕊廷,杨康,阿依巧丽,谢嗣光,康元昊,曾波*.2018. 三峡库区不同水文类型支流大型底栖动物对蓄水的响应.生态学报, 38(20): 7231-7241.
19. 杜珲,张小萍,曾波. 2016. 水体溶氧影响陆生植物喜旱莲子草和牛鞭草对完全水淹的耐受能力. 生态学报, 36 (23): 7562-7569.
20. 姚洁,曾波*,杜珲,潘晓娇,苏晓磊.2015. 三峡水库长期水淹条件下耐淹植物甜根子草的资源分配特征. 生态学报,35 (22): 7347-7354.

