2023-05-15 20:07
  • 郑海超
  • 郑海超 - 教授 博导-西南财经大学-经济信息工程学院-个人资料




2008-2011 南开大学商学院(管理科学与工程),博士
2009-2010 美国明尼苏达大学德鲁斯分校,联合培养博士生
2006-2008 南开大学商学院(管理科学与工程),硕士
2002-2006 河南大学计算机与信息工程学院(信息管理与信息系统),本科
2019.1-至今 西南财经大学经济信息工程学院,教授
2015.1-2018.12 西南财经大学经济信息工程学院,副教授
2011.9-2014.12 西南财经大学经济信息工程学院,讲师




Zheng, H., Xu, B., & Lin, Z. (forthcoming). Seller's Creditworthiness in the Online Service Market: A Study from the Control Perspective. Decision Support Systems.
Zheng, H., Qi, Z., Luo, X., & Li, L. (forthcoming). The value of backers’ word-of-mouth in crowdfunding projects filtering: an empirical investigation. Electronic Commerce Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10660-018-9322-y
Zhang, W., Xu, Y., & Zheng, H. (2019). The antecedents and consequences of crowdfunding investors’ citizenship behaviors, Online Information Review, 43(4), 584-599.
Zheng, H., Xu, B., Min Zhang, M., & Wang, T. (2018). Sponsor's Cocreation and Psychological Ownership in Reward-based Crowdfunding. Information Systems Journal, 28(6), 1213-1238.
Zheng, H., Xu, B., Hao, L., & Lin, Z. (2018). Reversed loss aversion in crowdsourcing contest. European Journal of Information Systems, 27(4), 434-448.
Wang, T., Liu, X.W., Kang, M.H., & Zheng, H. (2018). Exploring the Determinants of Fundraisers’ Voluntary Information Disclosure on Crowdfunding Platforms: A Risk-perception Perspective. Online Information Review, 42(3), 1-21.
Xu, Y., Boh, W. F., Luo, C., & Zheng, H. (2018). Leveraging industry standards to improve the environmental sustainability of a supply chain. Electronic Commerce Research & Applications, 27, 90-105.
Zheng, H., Xu, B., Wang, T., & Chen, D. (2017). Project implementation success in reward-based crowdfunding: An empirical study. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 21(3), 424-448.
Zheng, H., Xu, B., Wang, T., & Chen, D. (2017). An empirical study of sponsor satisfaction in crowdfunding. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 18(3), 269-285.
Wu, J., Li, H., Zheng, H., & Xu, Y. (2017). Signaling in joint venture capital: a social network perspective. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 117(10), 2340-2363.
Wu, J., Li, H., Lin, Z., & Zheng, H. (2017). Competition in wearable device market: the effect of network externality and product compatibility. Electron Commerce Research, (2017), 17: 335.
Wu, J., Li, H., Liu, L., & Zheng, H. (2017). Adoption of Big Data and Analytics in Mobile Healthcare Market: An Economic Perspective. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 22, 24–41.
Zheng, H., Hung, J.L., Qi, Z., & Xu, B. (2016). The role of trust management in reward-based crowdfunding. Online Information Review, 40(1), 97-118
Xu, B., Zheng, H.*, Xu, Y., & Wang, T. (2016). Configurational paths to sponsor satisfaction in crowdfunding. Journal of Business Research, 69(2), 915-927.
Kang, M.H., Gao, Y.W., Wang, T., & Zheng, H. (2016) Understanding the Determinants of Investment Intention on Crowdfunding Platform: A Trust-based Perspective, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 116(8), 1-22.
Li, X., Tang, Y., Yang, N., Ren, Y., Zheng, H.*, & Zhou, H. (2016). The value of information disclosure and lead investor in equity-based crowdfunding: an exploratory empirical study. Nankai Business Review International, 7(3), 301-321.
Xu, Y., Luo, C., Chen, D., & Zheng, H. (2015). What influences the market outcome of online P2P lending marketplace?: A cross-country analysis. Journal of Global Information Management, 23(3), 23-40.
Zheng, H., Hung, J. L., Lin, Z., & Wu, J. (2015). The value of guarantee in service e-commerce. Nankai Business Review International, 6(1), 82-102.
Zheng, H., Li, D., Wu, J., & Xu, Y. (2014). The role of multidimensional social capital in crowdfunding: A comparative study in China and US. Information & Management, 51(4), 488-496.
Zheng, H., Xie, Z., Hou, W., & Li, D. (2014). Antecedents of solution quality in crowdsourcing: The sponsor's perspective. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 15(3), 212-224.

