2023-05-15 20:07
  • 张清邦
  • 张清邦 - 教授-西南财经大学-经济数学学院-个人资料




2002.9—2005.7 四川师范大学数学与软件科学学院 理学硕士 基础数学
2005.9—2008.8 北京工业大学应用数理学院 理学博士 概率论与数理统计
1992.7—2001.8 四川省南江县小河职业中学 中学一级教师
2001.9—2002.8 四川省 南江县中学 中学一级教师
2008.9—2011.12 西南财经大学经济数学学院 副教授
2012.1—至今 西南财经大学经济数学学院 教授




1. Q.-B. Zhang, Generalized implicit variational-like inclusion problems involving G - η-monotone mappings, Applied Mathematics Letters, 20( 2)(2007), 216–221. (SCI)
2. Q.-B. Zhang, C.Z. Chen, Strong convergence theorem for a family of Lipschitz pseudocontractive mappings in a Hilbert space. Math. Comput. Modelling 48 (2008), 480--485. (SCI)
3. Q.-B. Zhang, C.Z. Chen, M. J. Liu, Generalized saddle points theorems for set-valued mappings in locally generalized convex spaces. Nonlinear Anal. , 71 (2009), 212--218. (SCI)
4. Q.-B. Zhang, et al., Existence theorem and algorithm for a general implicit variational inequality in Banach space, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 215 (2009), 636--643. (SCI)
5. Q.-B. Zhang, X. P. Ding, C. Z. Chen, Resolvent operator technique for generalized implicit variational-like inclusion in Banach space, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 361 (2010), 283--292. (SCI)
6. Q.-B. Zhang, Projection algorithms for the system of generalized mixed variational inequalities in Banach spaces, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217 (2011), 7718–7724. (SCI)
7. Q.-B. Zhang, An algorithm for solving the general variational inclusion involving A-monotone operators, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 61 (2011), 1682-1686. (SCI)
8. Q.-B. Zhang, A modified proximal point algorithm with errors for approximating solution of the general variational inclusion, Operations Research Letters, 40(2012), 564-567. (SCI)
9. Q.-B. Zhang, X. X. Li, C. Z. Chen, Generalized minimax theorems for two set-valued mappings, J. Industr. Manag. Optim., 9(2013) , 1-12. (SCI)
10. Q.-B. Zhang, General two-function topological minimax theorems, Annals of Operations Research, 217(2014) 217, 591–598. (SCI)

