2023-05-15 20:05
  • 罗川
  • 罗川 - 副教授 硕导-西南财经大学-经济信息工程学院-个人资料




2010 香港城市大学 管理信息系统 博士
2009 中国科学技术大学 管理科学与工程 博士
2003 中国科学技术大学 科技英语 学士
2010年至今 西南财经大学经济信息工程学院教师
2013年至今 担任西南财经大学电子商务系主任
2012年 美洲信息系统会议(AMCIS)分会主席,美国
2013年 金融商务智能与风险管理国际研讨会暨电子支付与电子商务研讨会(FIRM-EPECC)程序委员会主席,四川成都
2014年 亚太信息系统会议(PACIS)博士生论坛主席,四川成都
2016年 亚太信息系统会议(PACIS)国际咨询委员会成员,中国台湾
2017年 亚太信息系统会议(PACIS)分会主席,马来西亚
2018年 亚太信息系统会议(PACIS)分会主席,日本




Impact of informational factors on online recommendation credibility: The moderating role of source credibility. Decision Support Systems, 56, 92-102. 2013.(SCI,影响因子3.222, JCR1区期刊)
The effects of individualism–collectivism cultural orientation on eWOM information. International Journal of Information Management, 34(4), 446-456. 2014. (SSCI,影响因子3.872, JCR1区期刊)
Examining the moderating role of sense of membership in online review evaluations. Information & Management, 52(3), 305-316. 2015. (SCI/SSCI,影响因子3.317,JCR1区期刊)
Information usefulness in online third party forums, Computers in Human Behavior, 85, 61-73. 2018 (SSCI,影响因子3.435, JCR1区期刊)
Credibility of Electronic Word-Of-Mouth: Informational and Normative Determinants of Online Consumer Recommendations. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 13(4), 9-38. 2009.(SCI/SSCI,影响因子 3.900,JCR1区期刊)
What Influences the Market Outcome of Online P2P Lending Marketplace?: A Cross-Country Analysis. Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), 23(3), 23-40. 2015 (SSCI,影响因子0.517, JCR3区期刊)
Leveraging industry standards to improve the environmental sustainability of a supply chain, 27, 90–105, 2018. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (SCI/SSCI,影响因子1.954,JCR2区期刊)
The Effects of Communication Patterns on the Success of Open Source Software Projects:: An Empirical Analysis from Social Network Perspectives. Journal of Global Information Management, 24(4):22-44. 2016. (SSCI,影响因子0.517, JCR3区期刊)
Improving supply chain performance through industry standards use and community socialization – a perspective of standards consortia, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 46 (8) :763-782. 2016. (SSCI,影响因子3.215, JCR2区期刊)
Managing Uncertainty: An Exploratory Study of Information Seeking Strategies of Online Consumers,International Conference on Information Systems, Phoenix, USA. 2009
The effects of the machine- and person-interactivity transaction information on uncertainty perception. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems. 480-484. 2009
The interactive effect of product attributes with the acquired information on online consumers’ uncertainty perception. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, India. 2009
The Effect of information aggregation and information consistency on consumers' perceptions of information overload. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Korea. 2013
Managing uncertainty on eWOM: A comparison study between commercial and third party websites. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, China. 2014
The influence of eWOM and editor information on information usefulness in virtual community. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, China. 2014
Understanding the drivers’ continuous intention of online car booking service. International Conference on Electronic Business, Xiamen, China, 2016
How do People Evaluate Electronic Word-Of-Mouth? Informational and Normative Based Determinants of Perceived Credibility of Online Consumer Recommendations in China. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. New Zealand, 2007 (唯一最佳论文奖)
Getting to Know Websites through Uncertainty Reduction Strategies: Which Strategies Are Used More, and Which Are Better? An Empirical Study of First-Time Visitors. International Conference on Wireless Communications, 3845-3848. 2007
Understanding WeChat User’s Intention to Use Various Functions: from Social Cognitive Perspective,Wuhan International Conference on E-Business,2018
Exploring Users’Intention to use QQ's Various Functions based on Social Cognitive Theory,Wuhan International Conference on E-Business,2018
Choice of Knowledge Source in Situations of Equivocality: Impact of Cultural Traits. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, India. 2009

